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Veronica Poems - Poems about Veronica

Veronica Poems - Examples of all types of poems about veronica to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for veronica.

Premium Member Critterature: The Saga of Veronica Vole
This is the saga of Veronica Vole Who committed the perfect crime. She murdered three lovers, But not all at once, She did 'em in one at a time. The first was a lemur, A two-timing schemer, Who seduced all thirteen of...Read the rest...
Categories: veronica, animal, humor,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Cartwheels for Veronica
Archie did cartwheels for Veronica Jughead even played his harmonica ~ But Veronica’s Jewish Leaving two suitors bluish ~ Steinberg...Read the rest...
Categories: veronica, boyfriend, celebrity, chanukah, food,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Questions For Archie and Veronica
Why did Archie keep running after Veronica? Betty was the nice one. And she was blonde. Why was Reggie’s mouth always drawn into a sneer? Did they want him to look cruel? Why did they want Jughead to appear stupid? Oddly...Read the rest...
Categories: veronica, nostalgia,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Veronica and Jeremy
He woke up in the middle of the dream again. She was wearing the same blue-red suit. Her brunette hair was scooped up, off her neck. She was walking with a lively step, on heels. He was intrigued....Read the rest...
Categories: veronica, dream, love,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Archie and Veronica
Archie Andrews Lots of girls from whom to choose, But one young lady caught his eye For her he could be the lucky guy. Veronica Lodge Would never our Archie dodge She was always his girlfriend From the beginning to the end....Read the rest...
Categories: veronica, humorous, word play,
Form: Clerihew

Veronica Franco Translations
Veronica Franco translations Veronica Franco (1546-1591) was a Venetian courtesan who wrote literary-quality poetry and prose. Capitolo 19: A Courtesan's Love Lyric (I) by Veronica Franco loose translation by Michael R. Burch "I resolved to make a virtue of...Read the rest...
Categories: veronica, desire, french, joy, love,
Form: Free verse
Dear Veronica
How can something be amazing and terrifying at the same time? I have a wife and three kids no, wait that's my imagination running wild I have a girlfriend, my world of a month now but I've chased...Read the rest...
Categories: veronica, anxiety, beautiful, best friend,
Form: Free verse
I was sitting a the edge of the bar thinking of my new car. I saw her she asked me to dance I loved her at first glance. She told me her was Veronica. Veronica every day is Christmas and every day Hanukkah with...Read the rest...
Categories: veronica, angel, girlfriend, happy, love,
Form: Lyric
Very vivacious and vibrant Elegant and eloquent as ever Radiant as the spring sun Overall, amazing and odd in a good way I must say Never fails to amaze me...allow me to smile in sunlit glee Invigorating and intriguing...Read the rest...
Categories: veronica, beautiful,
Form: Acrostic
Veronica To Valerie
Veronica, Veronica Valerie, Valerie oh! blond hair and perky breasts tan legs and hot lips when oh when will you be mine not my girlfriend no you're not that kind but I have a use for you and though it's a shame after all...Read the rest...
Categories: veronica, adventure, beauty, celebration, emotions,
Form: Prose
Betty and Veronica
Central Park has grizzly bears (Don’t worry – in the zoo) Residing in the habitat The polar bear once knew. While visiting the park today I saw them in their lair; With one asleep and one stretched out, They didn’t seem to...Read the rest...
Categories: veronica, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Do You Remember Me, Veronica
Somewhere in the hills o'er yonder My hear beats louder than the thunder And day and night it roams and wonder Why did we begin to fall assunder. Sometimes when the moon is bright. I Press her to my lips...Read the rest...
Categories: veronica, loss, moon,
Form: Rhyme
Veronica You have a way that pulls on gram-as heart strings Bringing me so much joy and pleasure For it is you that makes gram-as heart sing Your gram-as little treasure You bring a smile in little things you say...Read the rest...
Categories: veronica, children, love, heart, sweet,
Form: Rhyme
Veronica Voss
You are old I am young You have love I have none. "Look. Look at those flocks of birds emigrating south! They’re escaping with regular wing beats, crying farewell." Tomorrow would be a good day to die Today...Read the rest...
Categories: veronica, art, death, nostalgia, passion,
Form: Ode

Book: Reflection on the Important Things