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Spinner Poems - Poems about Spinner

Spinner Poems - Examples of all types of poems about spinner to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for spinner.

My Garden Spinner
The first time it was missing parts And so it was returned. Today, with the replacement, well, The lesson had been learned. So I followed the directions And, with patience and a bit Of assistance from my husband, I assembled all...Read the rest...
Categories: spinner, happy,
Form: Rhyme
One-Liner Yarn- Spinner
Everything each of us gathers gratefully or greedily, is yielded to Earth eventually, every thing....Read the rest...
Categories: spinner, age, angst, appreciation,
Form: Alliteration

Premium Member The Stardust Spinner
On a planetoid in our galaxy lives a being of illumination; spinning stardust from her palms, in colored chromatic ecstasy. Like ribbons flowing from her hands that whip and whirl in lunar-play; she crafts rainbows in motion, electric neon swirling bands. Brilliant cascade...Read the rest...
Categories: spinner, fantasy, myth, poems, poetry,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Spinner Than Spun
Once upon a time as this paragraph beings, the first sentence leads to the end. My intentions intending these words that I'm sending to you as a friend I extend. If you have an ear that you...Read the rest...
Categories: spinner, 8th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Wind Spinner
A momentary pause then a gust of wind applause and the earth shifts, revolves and spins and lifts. A gentle breeze sped along the tops of trees as mother nature has a sneeze and the ground...Read the rest...
Categories: spinner, appreciation, nature,
Form: Quatrain

The Plate Spinner
Under the bright lights and up on the main stage A woman spins plates while the audience rage She has on a tight dress in its sequined glory We can watch her caper and listen to her story I...Read the rest...
Categories: spinner, strength, stress, woman, work,
Form: Couplet
Spinner Spinner, Spinner, What’s ...Read the rest...
Categories: spinner, age, art, beauty, childhood,
Form: Shape
Premium Member Web Spinner
Giant spider, climbing up the spout Downward it tripped right on my pillow... I croaked and rattled a loudest shout, And glue-stick couldn't rid its long toes. As thorax clung on the bedside wall Spinning a web, a bold fight...Read the rest...
Categories: spinner, fantasy, funny, hero,
Form: Quatrain
Tale Spinner
While weaving odd tales, she buries herself deeper into a mad world...Read the rest...
Categories: spinner, angst, life, people
Form: Senryu
Spinner Called Life
Someone once told me that life is like a coin, It has two sides. But in my own journeys I have found that it has many more. It’s similar to a spinner, As it has endless possibilities. We’re all spinning...Read the rest...
Categories: spinner, lifeworld, life, may,
Form: I do not know?
The Tale Spinner
His blockbuster of a book, just a huge, steaming heap of a gobbler's gobbledygook, praised to highest heavens by blabbering blurb-writers ...Read the rest...
Categories: spinner, art, on writing and
Form: Terza Rima

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry