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Snails Poems - Poems about Snails

Snails Poems - Examples of all types of poems about snails to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for snails.
Premium Member Strawberry Snails Forever
Strawberry Snails Forever There once was a strawberry pink snail. She was sweet from her nose to her tail. She crossed over the moss. Never stopping or cross. Eating bits growing out of the shale. By Josehf Lloyd Murchison...Read the rest...
Categories: snails, animal, art, fun, light,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Snails vs Poinsettia
a poinsettia a voracious snail duo sheer desolation...Read the rest...
Categories: snails, animal, nature,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Raindrops on bins, slugs and snails on conifers these are a few of my favourite things
Sometimes you see something beautiful Today it was raindrops on a bin All lined up, sharing a space with a web So on the way to school we looked Finding pretty raindrops Stunningly adorning cherry blossom Dreamlike on a skeletal hydrangea Dangling...Read the rest...
Categories: snails, beauty,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member snails
snail inside his shell during noisy lightning storm.... escargot ...Read the rest...
Categories: snails, funny, nature,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Snails
spirally coiled shell crawling across the sidewalk two tiny feelers ...Read the rest...
Categories: snails, animal, creation, cute, image,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Axe traffic, snails in Wales'
Its ludicrous in wales today, ideology holds the maddest Sway.' A twenty mile an hour plan, for every motoring Woman and Man.? And every bus? and taxi too? A lunacy A type of zoo.' Thats how i view...Read the rest...
Categories: snails, december, education, endurance, freedom,
Form: Rhyme
A Snails Pace
Just a bit of fun Slowly does it nan says No speeding dad says But that leaf looks delictable My god my slim is defectable, I'm salivating all over the place It'll take me forever at this pace, That's it I can't...Read the rest...
Categories: snails, animal, cheer up, child,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Snails Met In Secret
The snails met in secret For their parents were political Arguing about everything That never matters to anyone at the moment of death...Read the rest...
Categories: snails, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Light Verse
Snails Carry Home
Snails carry home on their back, Weighed by burden, joy they lack Never keep tensions in your head Always be carefree, happy instead Almighty God who created you Loves and takes care, it is true Birds nest of twigs, grass, leaves,...Read the rest...
Categories: snails, 1st grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Swimming Snails
Someone spotted sixty-seven silvery slimy slippery sluggish snails somehow silently swimming slightly side-ways successfully- Shenanigans...Read the rest...
Categories: snails, humor,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Snails
early morning and snails are crossing the sidewalk there are all sizes and i would guess age has something to do with size not all make it across, large and small young and old several mashed snails are on...Read the rest...
Categories: snails, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Baby Snails Nursery Rhyme
Baby snails had a garden race, old gnome would time their hasty chase, slow jo, low creep lined up at crease, both bragged they would win it with ease, the race started with wave of flag, three feet from big...Read the rest...
Categories: snails, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Crunch
Crunch Lettuce is sprouting In my organic garden Snails are in rapture...Read the rest...
Categories: snails, food, garden, insect, nature,
Form: Haiku
Better Then Snails
truly wanting to retire in Ecuador even as a child i wanted to visit the Galapagos but now to learn in turn how to do the tantric moves almost contorted for a hundred year coupling without struggling in Zen like happy tortured souls together in a giant tortoise mating...Read the rest...
Categories: snails, muse,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Snails
Snails don’t commit crimes. Leaving behind a clear trail, They’ll always be caught! ...Read the rest...
Categories: snails, earth, environment, garden, nature,
Form: Haiku

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