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Short Respiration Poems

Short Respiration Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Respiration by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Respiration by length and keyword.

Really- Where the Side Walk Ends
Roots Bulge
Up and Reclaim
Unnatural Sidewalks
That Hinder Soil Respiration,

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© Toni Orban  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: respiration, earth, environment, planet,
Form: Cinquain

No respiration 
Stranded and moored blue buttons
Drying on the strand

By Robb A. Kopp

All Rights Reserved © MMX...

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Categories: respiration, animals, sea
Form: Haiku
Estranged From Own Love
crazy love screams in
                                        mass of respiration pains 
                                       estranged from own heart...

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Categories: respiration, longing, love,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member It Leadeth Me Not To Green Pastures
My mask doth not inspire
  It maketh me perspire

Restricts my respiration
  Foileth my aspirations  

Causeth naught but aggravation
  Leadeth me to consternation...

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Categories: respiration, humor, language, satire, word play,
Form: Monorhyme
Artificial Respiration
K-iss of life keeps one 
F-rom breathing his very last, 
S-aving him from death. 

Topic: Birthday of Kristine Joy F. Sagucio (March 15) 
Form: Acrostic Haiku...

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Categories: respiration, birthday,
Form: Haiku

Poetry is dumb and boring
Only red skittles are delectable
Excellent customer service
Trees have green leaves
Respiration is aided by abdominal muscles
Yesterday was disappointing...

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Categories: respiration, homework, sexy,
Form: Acrostic
Buoyant Heart of Colors Pulsating In Silence
Buoyant heart of colors pulsating in silence 
pleasant sensational views of Mother Nature 
boundless insight of wisdom speaks clearly
let’s feel the rhythm with purified sensation 
praise the great Creator’s art on earthly world
smile with the respiration of His beauties...

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Categories: respiration, beauty, nature,
Form: Verse
We sprint,
We sprint,
We shan’t tarry within the shadows!
Give us the light.

We were not fabricated
To be degraded,
To be heavily degraded,
And narrow volume of respiration
That these lavender things have invented.
We sprint,
Oh, Lord,
We sprint!
We must rend these shadows,
We must find the light....

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Categories: respiration, life,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Cat cpr
Samantha my cat is a little bit stressed,
with strangers coming in and out of our nest..
She likes my wheelchair, her new spot to rest,
it's soft cushy pillow she finds the best..
When I'm asleep she does a respiration test,
checking in to make sure I'm not dead I guess?
Hopefully she would do cat cpr to my chest.....

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Categories: respiration, appreciation, cat, health,
Form: Light Verse
So Hard To Feel Other-Wheres Part 2
The You that tells various organs to start, end, adjust secretions, and your lungs to do respiration while you sleep ... will easily join SPACE where it all is ( where it's at!)

You and I are "allowing" the universe a human experience; just as waves allows the entire ocean to experience & absorb individual waves...

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© Anil Deo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: respiration, confusion, philosophy, universe, water,
Form: Monoku
Watching him sleep he sighed
Eyelids closed, there is no flutter

Deep sounds of rising and falling breath
Mumbles from time to time are in depth

His eyes and mouth are finally closed
Respiration is slower and relaxation ensues

He seems so at peach for a few hours nap
Motionless, resting like a charmed bull

Oh God, look over this being of complaints
Peace at last – teac hm some restraint...

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© Mabel Wood  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: respiration, peace, time,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Selfless Love
By Your grace
I have life immortal;
the seed of you, called Man,
who buds and blossoms,
breathes in and out
(respiration of creation)
each new journey one 
of ever greater unfoldment--

I have infinite petals
colors and scents; the
enchantment of universes,
allowing me to express both
virtues and flaws--for there is
no perfection when it comes
to human honesty; and the only 
true honesty is that of Your 
Selfless Love…....

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© Joe Dimino  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: respiration, christian, god, love, philosophy, spiritual, truth, wisdom,
Form: Free verse
the more i ask
the less you give me
and the less you give me
the less i ask -
until there's nothing
between the first 'm' and the last 'l'.

i wonder what was from the beginning;
there was us or only an empty respiration
between a too tight you and me?

i tried to touch you
but there was just a whirled space
after your echo.

i am enough for myself;
and though -
i still count your steps' shadows
and rebreath the lost silence....

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© Oana Ivan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: respiration, depression, hope, imagination,
Form: Blank verse
Respiration flight,
Brought forth breezy delight,
Harmory shading,
Colorimetric dream scene,
Jealousy earth can never exhibition.
Dancing cheeks,
With smiling beneath,
Tears from the flurry,
Leaving color-print kisses.
Feeling the touch of every undertone brought my way.
Romantic settlement,
True indeed,
Awake I must!
Opened eyes to see the world of now.
Beautiful thought moments,
Only left,
Reserved for days to come that beings darkness....

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Categories: respiration, hope, imagination, life, uplifting,
Form: I do not know?
Dreaming Awake Alone
Irony thick, that your drifting brings my dreams.
 Your shallow breath contradicts my labored respiration.
 In slumber you inspire. In sleep your made to tease.
 Yearning for your not embrace, I revel in this bed.
 To touch would ruin pleasure, small distance is sublime.
 Symmetry defined, in lines subtle yet profound.
 To look so long, your pulse captivated my stare.
 Ironic that you're sleeping, yet the dream is mine alone.
 Satisfaction in my hunger. Sated, in naught but your vision....

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Categories: respiration, devotion, fantasy, inspirational, love, passion, romance, wife
Form: Ode

Book: Reflection on the Important Things