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Short Iambic Pentameter Poems

Short Iambic Pentameter Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short Iambic Pentameter poems by PoetrySoup poets. Search the short Iambic Pentameter poetry form by poem length and keyword.

The world debates while Earth degrades....

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© Aaron Crow  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: angst
Form: Iambic Pentameter

Vouch uncloak tomes.
Tooth topcoat retro.
Parry purport perks sourf....

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Categories: mystery
Form: Iambic Pentameter
What Really Happened To Shrek
Him hoping to make the princess his bride
The dragon blew fire at him and he died...

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Categories: fire,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Open Pretense
Life is graciously fair to all by birth
To live up to chances, know your true worth...

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Categories: 1st grade, adventure, art, class, destiny, devotion,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Premium Member Omg--Iambic Pentameter
How can I write one? Syllablistic seizures crouch in dark corners.

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Categories: iambic pentameter, humor, poetry,
Form: Senryu

My Tree and Me

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© Don Ford  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: nature, tree,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Premium Member Wnd Pushes the Leaves Haiku
wind pushes the leaves tumbling them against the door.... mouse scurries under

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Categories: nature
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Premium Member Winter Is Knocking-

and snow is falling softly this long night . . .

January 28, 2016

lambic Pentameter...

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Categories: snow,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Premium Member The Icy Wind

The cold, loud wind reminds me, that I'm warm . . .

January 30, 2016

Iambic Pentameter...

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Categories: wind,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
I read,
then chase the sun 
around the house 
to fuse the inspiration 
and the words I’ll use
to write a poem after dark....

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Categories: on writing and words,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Premium Member Undeniable
The pieces of my life  seen by the Lord
At judgment time in their full shame or pride
Pure evidence of faith in deed and word....

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Categories: faith,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
An Angel With Sins
An angel with my white divinity
Beautiful, holy femininity
Committed a sin and did not regret
She tore me apart and abandoned me...

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© Sil Ng  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: angel, sin,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Premium Member Long Is the Jeourney To Death
Long is the jeourney to death,
dragging feet that the ising dust 
engulf, a naive soul may ask
looking left," what's behind that? "...

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Categories: death,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Young Are Tried
And who makes false the truth, in time
be it aggressors so complied
with tyranny that life does youth
their motives, while the young are tried!...

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Categories: confusion, for teens,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Star Gazing
A bazillion stars twinkle in the night
sky; pinpoints on black velvet, perfect
jewels created by the universe
for us to gaze upon in wonderment....

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Categories: space
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Unspoken Love
The language of love,
spoken in sighs,
no voices are needed to say;
You know you're in love
when a shiver,
says more than mere words
can convey....

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Categories: imagination, life, love, passion,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Engineering Class
Now give me hope when books begin
to bite, when school begins to strangle me.
My worries wear on me and Satan's sin
does weave and warp Hosannah's peace....

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© Aaron Crow  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: angstme,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Ere the bite of Summer's first chill
tis the prelude to Autumn's breath
come next,depressed, is the Winter wind shrill
on to Spring's resurrection from death...

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Categories: seasons,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
The Poet
To look and search for the elegant word.
Seeking an emotion never expressed.
Expressing a thought that cuts like a sword.
Conveying a concept that is suppressed....

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Categories: passion
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Untunneled Vision
We were once the eye of the universe,
And thinking otherwise was just perverse.
Many times in the past, wrong we have been,
And history proves we shall be again......

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Categories: change, conflict, parody, time, universe, visionary, world,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Unwanted Responsibility
As leaves begin to drift around my house
to places they have not yet been, I won-
der what the neighbors think about the fall.
I don’t exactly plan to rake them up....

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Categories: allegory, autumn, community, imagery, introspection, nature, symbolism,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Premium Member Cleopatra Never Had It So Good
I had to pick a form that starts with “I”
'cause Isis has come home to live with me.
It's not so much for me to wonder why
as just accept the way things want to be....

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Categories: animals, life, love
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Beginning of your route,
May frighten you, and even good
Wish, shimmering at distance as a torch,
Attracted you for minute that is less
Than minute spent, examining...

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Categories: imagination, philosophy, time,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
The window seems to show outdoors so nice,
Forever keeping wilderness at bay.
The floating seeds assail the crystal pane,
They try and bring us back, but no, we stay!...

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© Aaron Crow  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: life, nature, satire,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Cracked Film
If I cannot dream in any other hue,
Then stretched upon my eyes sticks a blue film,
Therefore my cornea cracks and shatters
Because irises trick both the fake and true....

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Categories: introspection
Form: Iambic Pentameter

Book: Shattered Sighs