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Science Fiction Poems | Examples of Science Fiction Poetry

Science Fiction Poems - Examples of all types of science fiction poetry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous poem examples for science fiction.
Premium Member One For Mulder and Scully
Dazzling, synthetic lights emanate from polished silver, Penetrating my deep, chemically induced sleep. Blinking sensitive eyes, I raise my swirling head. I sit up and walk into a corridor of glass display cases. Rustic farm...Read the rest...
Categories: science fiction, mystery, psychological, scary, science,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Relativity
Albert Einstein In science he did shine With great perceptivity He gave us the theory of relativity Relativity was buzzin' With many theories, a dozen? He took it a bit far Some found...Read the rest...
Categories: people, science fiction,
Form: Clerihew
Premium Member Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Do androids dream of electric sheep,* do androids even dream? Its creators drempt of loneliness and created companionship, as if computer chips and coding could imbue understanding of human fragility, tragedy or empathy; What is love? If androids dream it's of...Read the rest...
Categories: loneliness, science fiction,
Form: Free verse
Baryon in Moknoccie
She told us stories. I remember the one were she said that her great grand father started a smokehouse business were he cured pork and sold beef and turkeys in the city and at resturants. She spoke of a recipe for cheery and almond wine:...Read the rest...
Categories: science fiction, creation, film, guitar, inspirational
Form: Bio
Premium Member Absolute Devastation
he woke in the bowels of destruction. unsure of where he was or what had happened. Had he slept through a world war? There was absolute devastation; an entire city was destroyed. Am I still in New York? He...Read the rest...
Categories: science fiction,
Form: Free verse

AI - Amy Ingram
Amy Ingram, who lives next door, like nobody, you've met before, always talks with a whirring sound, and walks an inch above the ground, all mechanical that's for sure. She reopened the hardware store, mending microwaves and mowers, AI hope for our...Read the rest...
Categories: science fiction, anger, discrimination, future, people,
Form: Rondeau
Premium Member The Giant Eyeball
Single cell organisms scatter the gigantic globe (Ten times the size of Earth, perhaps the size of Jupiter). We, mere humans don’t exist there. We couldn’t, gravity is too strong. Only amoeba like creatures could live...Read the rest...
Categories: 6th grade, science fiction,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Algorithm Almighty
Algorithm Almighty? By Mark D. Stucky Will AI’s promise outweigh its peril? Do we need more intelligence even if it is not our own? If AI someday emulates God or Devil, will it be too late for us when we find out? In...Read the rest...
Categories: science fiction, computer, internet, science, science
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Haikus Against AI
Haikus Against AI By Mark D. Stucky Computer AI, what once was only sci-fi, is now arising. You might kill us all, AI, but write good essays for my college class? Wish intelligence was less artificial and more real in our world. No machine needed for creating...Read the rest...
Categories: science fiction, computer, internet, science, science
Form: Haiku
Captain Nemo,
Captain Nemo, I; Captain Nemo from the silent darkness of the deep search for a rare lost treasure that vanished so very long ago. Keenly my periscope surveys the shores, scanning intently as through the dark of...Read the rest...
Categories: science fiction, cool, crazy, fantasy, imagery,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Otherworldly Anomaly
It’s a long journey from where I’m from. Light years away. And then some. Your TV transmissions kept me entertained. But the News worried me. Perhaps more than it should have. Upon my arrival I...Read the rest...
Categories: science fiction, self,
Form: Bio
Premium Member Super Powers
Categories: science fiction,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Metamorph
Euplastic creature ...Read the rest...
Categories: science fiction,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Future Shock
Reliving every moment since it started, the good, the bad, the downright pitiful mistakes made by yours truly, wiser with age through the journey of discovery. Sadly, the other bearing the brunt of it, no one is to blame if...Read the rest...
Categories: science fiction, city, dark, humanity, political,
Form: Free verse
Cogent and the Diligent Gentlemen
The emblem on the pendant was new to all of the professors they sorted every detail from end to end they sampled and examined until were lofted dumbfounded. a miracle: something that made all in attendance stop to notice. They looked one another in...Read the rest...
Categories: science fiction, culture, film, music, science
Form: Bio

Specific Types of Science Fiction Poems

Definition | What is Science Fiction in Poetry?

Poems Related to Science Fiction

science, sci fi, space odyssey, computer age, space travel,

Book: Shattered Sighs