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Rat Poems - Poems about Rat

Rat Poems - Examples of all types of poems about rat to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for rat.
Premium Member Rat trap
The ancient scriptures are both boon and bane on one hand holding out a ray of hope yet also becoming a thought form chain letting us not with light of truth elope. Each breath we take anchors us deeper...Read the rest...
Categories: rat, faith, irony, religion, spiritual,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
Premium Member Humans are genetically 90 percent like a rat
When you stop a sec to consider all the genes you share with this critter, it is so clear, right off the bat, why you always act like a rat. Don’t let this truth make you feel bitter....Read the rest...
Categories: rat, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Limerick

The Cat Introduces The Snake and The Rat
The snake and the Rat Saturday night Deep the light minds of the night flow In the pines of trees In tales of make believe The funk is in the trunk Given up on a pseudo memory Takes a...Read the rest...
Categories: rat, beauty, cat, identity, visionary,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Filthy Rat
• The filthy rat that was living in my walls • Had left the house before the rain fell • When it left, in its maw • It carried a rusty old bell...Read the rest...
Categories: rat, 11th grade, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Human Lab Rat
A dose of a placebo intended to deceive the symptoms and your feelings are just what you perceive. This game of med deception unwittingly you play no change in your condition that's just the price you pay. Sometime in the future they gather all...Read the rest...
Categories: rat, games, science,
Form: Rhyme

• Snivelling spineless rat! • Show yourself like a man • Pull up your big boy pants • And bring back my van!...Read the rest...
Categories: rat, 11th grade, anger, funny,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member BAT CAT RAT
RAT running in the yard : CAT chased, getting too tired, SAT to take rest at nook. FAT...Read the rest...
Categories: rat, animal,
Form: Rhyme
I followed a rat, I watched it burn. I followed a rat into the church, It saw a light but I watched it burn. I followed a rat, dressed in all white— The rat grew wings, but still,...Read the rest...
Categories: rat, analogy, angel, beauty, discrimination,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Shot Glass Of A Hood Rat Espinela
I’m a fan of that background sound, the world’s underlying rhythm; Life’s glass has a melodic rim amplified with every shot downed; To the sharps in the air I’m bound, it’s who I am I’m cool with that; The wallflower among...Read the rest...
Categories: rat, crazy, emotions, feelings, introspection,
Form: Other
Premium Member six foot rat snake inside my office
was skipping through my bathroom one day about to land in my office, when an inner voice yelled hey! Turn on the light first, which I had never done, but did it this time. Saw a six foot...Read the rest...
Categories: rat, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Life as a Rat
Life as a Rat Yes, every city is a labyrinthine cage woven from streets seen from celestial heights, but also – from the silken threads of your habits: The paths you follow, or avoid, the cafes where your presence lingers...Read the rest...
Categories: rat, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Rat Race
I ran the rat race Tried to keep a steady pace But fell on my face...Read the rest...
Categories: rat, work,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Choosing A Genuine Leader
Choosing a genuine leader Is a dauntingly difficult task To constitutionally ask Uninformed voters To vote their conscience. Such a practice defies science And natural common sense. That too many followers lack And where criminals hack The convoluted system With a simple leaf Of a fragile...Read the rest...
Categories: rat, america, betrayal, fire, halloween,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Rat Sightings Dropping
I’ve seen fewer rats in my alley this year quickly credited it to climate change But when I explained myself on local TV ...Read the rest...
Categories: rat, animal, giggle, satire, weather,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member RAT
What was that Running around, chased By my cat? With great haste And also fear, Away I raced. My kitty dear Thrashed a rat, her new souvenir!...Read the rest...
Categories: rat, animal,
Form: Other

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