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Preach Poems - Poems about Preach

Preach Poems - Examples of all types of poems about preach to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for preach.
Premium Member Without You
Without you My Lord, There is nothing I can do. Without you, My Lord, Nothing good or really true. Shrivelled grape without the vine-stem, Withered branch detached from tree, Severed leaf dried up and fading, No life-flow From you to me. Could I walk this whole...Read the rest...
Categories: preach, bible, god, gospel, jesus,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I preach to others to write and sing
I preach to others to write and sing, to soothe the pain that rises like fog over a mountain, I lend them my ears, baptizing my tattered sheet of paper in their crystal tears, their poetry and music whisper...Read the rest...
Categories: preach, fantasy,
Form: Free verse

Guess we're born to teach, To the choirs we preach, God's love we all reach....Read the rest...
Categories: preach, appreciation, beautiful, christian, faith,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Preacher
he sought them and taught them, leaving hearts excited by the need for love that believes in the life beyond the night, the life that is grace’s gift, the life – eternal life he was wise, shrewder than sin, stirring up their...Read the rest...
Categories: preach, baptism, blessing, christian, forgiveness,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Practice What You Preach
We teach our children the rights and wrongs The correct way to behave and be Manners, morals, fairness Kindness and honesty Be respectful to all of life’s creatures Do not hurt or mistreat No verbal, emotional, physical abuse From violence you retreat Lately,...Read the rest...
Categories: preach, children, hate, perspective, teacher,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Morning
Melting with the sun between the sea and the sand ...Read the rest...
Categories: preach, beach, birth, blessing, creation,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Oh, To Preach
Oh, to preach, to pontificate Seize the “bully” pulpit Bask in the reverberations Of your own voice Mock the sanctity of silence To expound on the simplicity Of the impossibly attainable Berate the questioners Expound on humility In stained glass superiority To infiltrate the openness Of...Read the rest...
Categories: preach, abuse, power, religion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Zealots Preach
Zealots preach and I grow ever leerier They deem bigots good and good folks inferior I best join their endeaver Or I'll sizzle forever There's nothing as disturbing or drearier 2/5/23...Read the rest...
Categories: preach, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Preach From Experience
You could tell me your differences, beat me down with distortions, in-between fundamentally certain of Either/Or Yes or No Stop or Go; and never "and" You also faithfully know sacred reasons for secularized natural seasons. You could whisper your silent discernments in-between Both/And nuanced curiously...Read the rest...
Categories: preach, culture, dark, earth, health,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Zealots Preach
Zealots preach and I grow leerier They deem bigots good and good folks inferior I best join their endeavor Or I'll sizzle forever There's nothing as disturbing or drearier 12/20/22...Read the rest...
Categories: preach, humor, religion,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Preach
preach, you pretty leaves, sentinels of Autumn scene. lift, before you land on mortal soil. in your past days little ones could reach you ...Read the rest...
Categories: preach, age, autumn,
Form: Free verse
Practice Not What We Preach
The masters of buzz words used to instill fear Clutching their pearls saying “liberals take what’s dear” Right wingers with their inescapable nexus Says its liberals insistent political correctness If the “Woke” amplified the so called cancel culture The...Read the rest...
Categories: preach, political, truth,
Form: Rhyme
World Peace
I We preach world peace, because it costs us little II If u can say "Welcome," or "Good Day" to those you dislike ... then peace has begun...Read the rest...
Categories: preach, anti bullying, peace, philosophy,
Form: Monoku
The King's Dead
-The King's Dead- Suddenly, I see. Chicken pox, is full of bandwagons. Not the biggest reach for a climb to mount Everest. It’s a bold statement with eternal boundaries. Headshot, then I freaked it. Mess my life up fam. Don’t appreciate...Read the rest...
Categories: preach, change, loneliness, smile, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
A Man Called To Preach
The fulfillment of the prophecy Was found in the islands of the sea...Read the rest...
Categories: preach, faith,
Form: Epigram

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