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Potion Poems - Poems about Potion

Potion Poems - Examples of all types of poems about potion to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for potion.
Premium Member The Cauldron of Magic Potion
The cauldron of magic potion I dived into one time. It bubbled with such effervescence that I could not resist. It drew me into the potion – as do the waves of the sparkling ocean. With its most delicious taste my lips...Read the rest...
Categories: potion, love,
Form: Verse
Premium Member I Dived Into The Cauldron Of Magic Potion
I dived into the cauldron of magic potion And saw my prince charming’s clear reflection With bouquet of roses and a big box of chocolate All for me on this coming Valentine’s date. My heart was pounding in admiration...Read the rest...
Categories: potion, valentines day,
Form: Rhyme

I dived into the cauldron of magic potion
I dived into the cauldron of magic potion and transformed into the person who I was.ME ! The Me that was missing pieces that felt so deeply about things. The Me that had that innocence of a...Read the rest...
Categories: potion, adventure,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member I Dived Into The Cauldron Of Magic Potion
I dived into the cauldron of magic potion and... Poetry Contest Anoucheka Gangabissoon I dived into the cauldron of magic potion in hubby's best interest ... and, drum roll, mine also You see, well there's nothing to see And that's the...Read the rest...
Categories: potion, allusion, conflict, magic,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I dived into the cauldron of magic potion
I dived into the cauldron of magic potion And turned numb Watching helplessly as my body Transformed into glimmering stars All set to twinkle in broad daylight! Then I found myself in the air And heard a child wail out At how...Read the rest...
Categories: potion, magic,
Form: Free verse

Hero's Heart
In a castle, cold and grand, Where shadows danced and secrets spanned, A hero bold, with heart ablaze, Sought a potion, in shadowed maze. His wand, a whisper of ancient might, Gleamed in the gloom, a...Read the rest...
Categories: potion, hero, magic,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member concocting a youth potion
I shall do a dish and a dash and a ha ha ha making myself young, so fiddly fah lah lah so saying, the old witch gave a loud gaffaw her cauldron boiled and bubbled next to her...Read the rest...
Categories: potion, halloween,
Form: Rhyme
A potion to quiet the hungry voice
I’ve brewed so many potions still you are I’ve made elixirs from hydrogen to quiet you Nothing I do is a cure for my lonesome electron We all have a voice spinning around in our heads Are yours...Read the rest...
Categories: potion, childhood, evil, fate, god,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member potion number nine
spleen of newt tongue of blubba foul things toads eat for suppa a potion this fine will strengthen a spine swallow with bread and butta. ...Read the rest...
Categories: potion, adventure, autumn, drink, giggle,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member The Potion
First, you need to mix the potion. You must read the instructions very carefully You don’t want to be summoning up any old witch. So make sure it’s the October manual. Especially as we know what happened last year. How...Read the rest...
Categories: potion, halloween, hilarious, humor,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Potion
She changed her name Moved to a place by the sea Where solitude had many friends But only city girls know how to fly He woke up one morning To find her gone He was grateful Time was on his side She felt...Read the rest...
Categories: potion, abuse, betrayal, death,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Potato Skin Potion
Scraped, friendly freckled face falls to benchtop Starchy spud plays poker, blank slate envelope Lost costume spotted cape, super elixir escapade Layers on shiny raised scars, recovery escalates Sticking plaster, milky soak soothes, heat tempered Compost bound bandaid...Read the rest...
Categories: potion, absence,
Form: Couplet
Ring For Spring
So, you want that ring? For you, a potion in Spring, One dead spider, can of fizz, Boil with roses, no need to tizz, Cool and sip, O ruby lips, Bewitch that man, O shapely hips, This is the right cauldron,...Read the rest...
Categories: potion, beauty, halloween, hilarious, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Love Potion
I wake up once more, alone Cannot tell if it’s you or me who is atone This is a concern of mine Not everyone looking to be divine, can, at last, undergo bliss and be fine And, not everyone reading...Read the rest...
Categories: potion, analogy, appreciation, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Love Potion Vendor
A vendor of proven love potions never gives into emotions Told: I need a soul mate! He quips: Twelve ninety—eight! I also sell draft beer and lotions 2/2/22...Read the rest...
Categories: potion, humor,
Form: Limerick

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry