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Philip Poems - Poems about Philip

Philip Poems - Examples of all types of poems about philip to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for philip.
A day trip to Philip Island
19.01.2025 An amazing day trip to Phillip Island. Glad it turned out to be a beautiful day. The weather was fine, so as the blue sky. The low tides and the wind, Together they made gentle waves. Perfect for swimming...Read the rest...
Categories: philip, beautiful, blessing, january, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A First rate Man-of-War driven onto a reef of rocks, floundering in a gale by George Philip Reinagle
all time stopped ravenged* by what had gone before a chance given to take a breath ...Read the rest...
Categories: philip, art,
Form: Ekphrasis

Premium Member The George Inn
January years ago, confused far away I was with the cold. Landed in Bristol on a snowy airport, as snowed were the meadows and frosted my mind. A trip to say hello and goodbye to a...Read the rest...
Categories: philip, adventure, blessing, emotions, england,
Form: Haibun

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Philip Marlowe
He was alone and lonely. Sadness swept his eyes before he jabbed at me with his cynical sarcasm. He slowly lit his Camel. It was a simple act of murder and he was a scholar of sorts – a player...Read the rest...
Categories: philip, confidence, death, murder, mystery,
Form: Free verse
Philip K Dick 2-3-74
At sea Fish of gold gleams Old memories return Beam of sunset’s pink light sent from Valis...Read the rest...
Categories: philip, memory, psychological, remember, spiritual,
Form: Cinquain

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Goodbye, Prince Philip, husband of the Queen, age ninety-nine. Thank you, for giving up prince hood from Greek and Danish lines. Thank you, Royal Navyman, for setting prisoners free; thanks for wildlife protection and awards as D of...Read the rest...
Categories: philip, 11th grade, death,
Form: Epitaph
Premium Member Prince Philip
Prince Philip with his blest* sterling legacy keeps reigning midst his regal Queen’s history marked by God-granted tasks of royal duty championing Britain and its grand monarchy. *Ezekiel 46:16 Thus saith the Lord GOD; If the prince give...Read the rest...
Categories: philip, appreciation, blessing, character,
Form: Epitaph
Premium Member Philip the Inchworm
Philip is an inchworm, he has neither legs nor feet, He also has no arms or hands like others on his street. Phil isn’t good at football, and he can’t run round and round. His hand eye coordination’s...Read the rest...
Categories: philip, 2nd grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Rhyme
Prince Philip
He didn’t make 100 So there’ll be no birthday fest But the Windsor Castle Chapel Is where he will lie at rest. Prince Philip died at 99; The flags will fly half-mast, With ceremonies more subdued Than in pre-Covid past. The Queen...Read the rest...
Categories: philip, death,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Are We Not Brothers, Made From the Same Dirt, Tribute To Philip Freneau
Are We Not Brothers, Made From The Same Dirt, (Tribute to Philip Freneau and his poem, The Dying Indian) Are We Not Brothers, Made From The Same Dirt I welcome you- sweet dawn, soft break of day As your...Read the rest...
Categories: philip, appreciation, conflict, dedication, history,
Form: Rhyme
Abide: After Aubade By Philip Larkin
Abide by Michael R. Burch after Philip Larkin's "Aubade" It is hard to understand or accept mortality— such an alien concept: not to be. Perhaps unsettling enough to spawn religion, or to scare mutant fish out of a primordial sea boiling like...Read the rest...
Categories: philip, addiction, death, depression, drink,
Form: Sonnet
The piano music is quieter now He barely hears the tune His mother’s right beside him He wonders if she'll ever know He was just trying to help Trying to protect his father Trying so hard Just trying He chokes out one...Read the rest...
Categories: philip, america, anger, angst, conflict,
Form: I do not know?
Philip Petit
Phillip, dancer of the skies, Artist of heaven crosswise. The god of the twin towers Made obedient by a wire. Phillip, a winged man. Elegant and poetic, Charming and majestic. City birds above and city crowds below, Both couldn't fathom The celestial waltz above...Read the rest...
Categories: philip, america, angel, creation, fantasy,
Form: ABC
The Marching Band Played John Philip Sousa
The marching band played John Philip Sousa My daddy held my hand Lining the streets elbows to my head My daddy put me on his shoulders, where I could stand ~ The marching marines stopped in front of us And in...Read the rest...
Categories: philip, child, nostalgia, patriotic,
Form: I do not know?
Joan and Philip
You look me over as if you have never seen me. I am dressed in sackcloth, tied to the pole. I am St. Joan of Arc, my bones burning me from the inside. You are the inquisitor; you...Read the rest...
Categories: philip, imaginationme, me,
Form: Free verse

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