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Philip Poems - Poems about Philip

Philip Poems - Examples of all types of poems about philip to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for philip.
Premium Member Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
... Do androids dream of electric sheep,* do androids even dream? Its creators drempt of loneliness and created companionship, as if computer chips and coding could imbue understanding of......Read the rest...
Categories: philip, loneliness, science fiction,
Form: Free verse

Silence reigns supreme in my reich
...Silence reigns supreme in my reich No don (except me) doth trumpet within the aborted barren reach of freedoms within expansive realm, I annexed courtesy manifest destiny, which peoples now in......Read the rest...
Categories: philip, absence, abuse, addiction, anger,
Form: Free verse
Pillar of Salt and Wisdom
...As Lot and his wife Left the city of Sodom Where gnosis flourished His wife heard Yaldabaoth’s wrath As the two lands burned Hearing the children crying Her heart made blood tears It ripped fr......Read the rest...
Categories: philip, inspirational, memorial, religious, sympathy,
Form: Choka
Jesus Carries The Good News
...A land of squeaky-clean beauty, green-carpet trails-reaches, Natural fountains, streams, rivers, seas, and freshwater lakes Chinnereth, land of the gentiles, and the way of beaches Pristine gem st......Read the rest...
Categories: philip, jesus,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member A First rate Man-of-War driven onto a reef of rocks, floundering in a gale by George Philip Reinagle
... all time stopped ravenged* by what had gone before a chance given to take a breath gravity suspended wet through to the skin too cold for fevered dreams ......Read the rest...
Categories: philip, art,
Form: Ekphrasis

Premium Member All Twelve Apostles: A Tyburn
...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PETER or SIMON the YOUNGER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ slower lower grower thrower Christ calls~"Have faith,"~slower~lower~rock Build church~confuse~grower~thrower~flock ......Read the rest...
Categories: philip, allusion, analogy, appreciation, baptism,
Form: Tyburn
Premium Member The George Inn
... January years ago, confused far away I was with the cold. Landed in Bristol on a snowy airport, as snowed were the meadows and frosted my mind. A trip to say hello and goodbye to a b......Read the rest...
Categories: philip, adventure, blessing, emotions, england,
Form: Haibun
Some History like history here you go, a list of their history in short 740. BC The Assyrians cursed them. 579. BC The Babylonians fell asleep and remained for about 60 years. 70. The Roma......Read the rest...
Categories: philip, history,
Form: Monoku
Me Against the World
...I'm a sad flower A beautiful mess A flawed human I guess But I'm doing my best To not ruin your expectations First it was Elepe and fun Then GAA and pun Now the fun and pun are gone There was......Read the rest...
Categories: philip, absence, depression, feelings, heartbroken,
Form: Free verse
Bread Scattered On the Hilltops
...One Bread Was scattered Deep in the hilltops And came in your hands as one soul So the church is gathered from each corner of the Earth From broken sticks and uplifted stones, reborn by th......Read the rest...
Categories: philip, allusion, analogy, mountains, nature,
Form: Fibonacci
Coronation for a King
...(Charles Philip Arthur George - b. 14 November 1948) I had a cousin called Charles, said Aunty Olive. Nice young man. That's him on our TV. That's not cousin: it's King, said Aunty Lucy. It'......Read the rest...
Categories: philip, age, celebrity, eulogy, london,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Obsolete
...Henry (call me Harry) took some cash for a new book We’ve just obtained a draft and so we’re gonna take a look It looks like a companion to his current book called ‘Spare’ In which the loathsome h......Read the rest...
Categories: philip, books, nonsense,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Clerihew Sydney
...Poet Philip Sydney whose poetic were quite free He wrote in quatrain stanzaics finding popularity did the trrick......Read the rest...
Categories: philip, people, poetry,
Form: Clerihew
Premium Member Most Beautiful Christmas Poem
...*Image of The Nativity by Pixabay. MOST BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS POEM (Pre The Epiphany) THE WORLD VERSION: Twelve Drummers Drumming. Eleven Pipers Piping. Ten Lords A-Leaping. ......Read the rest...
Categories: philip, birth, blessing, christmas, inspirational,
Form: List
Premium Member Colour Codes
... “Colour Codes” sky blue clouds hide truth, and you said, I know you. end story remains open; truth, rain ends sky blue with, or without you. (......Read the rest...
Categories: philip, muse,
Form: Free verse

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