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Pheasant Poems - Poems about Pheasant

Pheasant Poems - Examples of all types of poems about pheasant to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for pheasant.

Premium Member A Frenchman's Hunt
In France, where a creek gently flows, A hunter ventures to a place he knows. With his wife ahead, beating the brush, She making the hidden pheasant flush. With muzzle raised, he's poised for flight, As she flushes a pheasant...Read the rest...
Categories: pheasant, adventure, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Pheasant Hunting
The sun has brung out a low spinescene against the brush housing thrush and pheasants My father moves as death, silhouetted A proper Shropshire lad I hang my neck In shame and solidarity. The brittleboned, the sky-minded, evicted from...Read the rest...
Categories: pheasant, bird, death,
Form: Sonnet

Pheasant Suppers
He reassured with a kiss ...Read the rest...
Categories: pheasant, beautiful, business, repetition, romantic
Form: Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Pheasant Suppers
He reassured with a kiss ...Read the rest...
Categories: pheasant, beautiful, business, repetition, romantic
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Lo- Ever Pleasant Golden Pheasant
Lo- Ever Pleasant GOLDEN PHEASANT “Oh, allure thine my heart Chinese pheasant, O rainbow pheasant ever pleasant Lo! Golden Pheasant” With golden crest such art, native to mountainous forests. In the dense forest you may rest. These too are also names...Read the rest...
Categories: pheasant, appreciation, beautiful, bird,
Form: Rhyme

Pheasant Wings
Autumn and the leaves are crisp in the swirling air. Pheasant wings everywhere Donal Mahoney...Read the rest...
Categories: pheasant, autumn,
Form: Haiku
A Pheasant In the Grass
I lie here in the prairie wind Covered by grass that has no end Just a pheasant seeking shelter From a world that's helter skelter 'Tis the season of guns and dogs And grown up men in camo togs I stay...Read the rest...
Categories: pheasant, animal,
Form: Couplet
Lone Pheasant
lone ring neck i remember when you were plentiful...Read the rest...
Categories: pheasant, animals, life, loss, nature,
Form: Haiku
The Pheasant
The weather was just how I liked it Looking like it would stay dry The breeze had the sharp tinge of winter Beneath a low overcast sky The thick blackthorn hedgerow behind me Bordered the tangled beech wood In front was...Read the rest...
Categories: pheasant, natureme, old, me, old,
Form: I do not know?
Pheasant Hunt
When I can barely see the sun, I put on my clothes and get out the shot gun. My bird dog is my shadow all full of excitement and love because he knows he'll soon be...Read the rest...
Categories: pheasant, petsdog, dog,
Form: Light Verse
Pheasant At Dawn (For Haiku You Contest Sponsored By: Rick Parise)
Golden-red pheasant Glistening the morning sun, Foraging delight....Read the rest...
Categories: pheasant, nature
Form: Haiku
Pheasant Wings
Pheasant Wings Autumn and the leaves, crisp in the swirling air, are pheasant wings once more Donal Mahoney...Read the rest...
Categories: pheasant, seasons
Form: Haiku
They Call Me Busta Pheasant (
I started my career As a person that removed wax from ears It was down in the Texas Panhandle I would use the wax to make candles But then no one wanted their ears cleaned The work was...Read the rest...
Categories: pheasant, funny, me, home, home,
Form: ABC
Pheasant In a Poppy Field
The ring-necked pheasant captured in flight on a coffee cup never gets anywhere. So it is with us. Continually the question -- the peaceful insanity of elevator music. Which poppy field are we off to? Will we shatter wings or soar like Icarus II, sensing wind and...Read the rest...
Categories: pheasant, animals, introspection, nature, philosophy,
Form: Blank verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things