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Long Submucous Poems

Long Submucous Poems. Below are the most popular long Submucous by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Submucous poems by poem length and keyword.

Self Destructive Wickedness Arrested, Convicted, and Gaoled
Self destructive wickedness arrested, convicted, and gaoled...

with kidnapping little boy 
ordered to suffer
life sentence without parole.

The deadly scourge of  
one obsessive/compulsive disorder
nearly left me starving to death.

Anorexia nervosa absent bulimia 
nadir of onset 

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Categories: submucous, 2nd grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, absence,
Form: Free verse

Shame and Guilt Sabotaged Mine Healthy Growth
Shame and guilt sabotaged mine healthy growth...

and let yours truly not forget emasculation
that prickly emotional immobilization
whereby these lovely bones 
subject courtesy senescence 
upon cremation reduced to obliteration.

Inching closer to mortality
linkedin with concomitant
subtle deterioration of body...

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Categories: submucous, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 9th
Form: Free verse
Inferiority Complex As a Kid, Adolescent and Emerging Adult
Inferiority complex as a kid, adolescent and emerging adult

Yours truly (an amazingly,
gracefully, and markedly modest
passively aging baby boomer -
formerly introverted long haired
pencil necked geek),
prattling wordsmith doth behold
nostalgic memories regarding father
(Boyce Brandon Harris)
long ago lapsed decades


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Categories: submucous, 11th grade, 12th grade, 1st grade, 2nd
Form: Rhyme
Earth Day 2021 Thursday April 22

An inner conflict dust brew
within this scribe, who offers ye to chew
(like sweet treats metaphorically) thee do
tee incumbent, when Doomsday clock
counts down minutes few
according Al Gore rhythm
unstoppably ticking,
when life gets turned to global goo

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Categories: submucous, appreciation, april, care, earth day, future, gender,
Form: Rhyme
Aye Passively Plead Death To Please Release Me From Agonizing Clutches
(alternately titled: Typical daily mindset today – 
July 17th, 2020)

The following words
mostly unredacted, nevertheless finessed
for curbed poetic/prosaic appeal
lock, stock and barrel
codify, and edify (hoopfully not mortify)
any reader unbeknownst and/or familiar
with unsteady state of yours truly,

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Categories: submucous, absence, cheer up, death, fate, grief, hope,
Form: Free verse

Hypothetically, What If I a Born Again Atheist
Hypothetically, what if I (a born again atheist)...
tentatively took page from playbook of devout believers...

Allowing, enabling, and providing
cautious optimism to abound
thus easing grief instead
reason to rejoice found
once corpse cremated
or buried underground.

Whereby reincarnation will eventually...
mitigate grief...

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Categories: submucous, 12th grade, bereavement, cry, death, father, god,
Form: Free verse
I Samson wannabe feel aghast at latest turn of events regarding Gaza
I (Samson wannabe) feel aghast at latest turn of events regarding Gaza

Omnipresent grief and horror
abounds toward ceaseless killing fields
impossible mission for me
to summon forth fading magic powers
since Delilah imposter hashtagged,
(and subsequently outed) 
as a mortal...

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Categories: submucous, abuse, anger, angst, bereavement, conflict, crush, howl,
Form: Free verse
Earth Day 2020 Wednesday, April 22
Earth day 2020 – Wednesday, April 22

Bajillion banshees scream bloody murder methought
upon Biblical (lionized) forebears stalking heads
birthed courtesy accursed beasts hood besought
winds howl across the oblate spheroid
methinks courtesy Homo sapiens horror wrought.

Climate change/global warming siren...

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Categories: submucous, 12th grade, care, caregiving, environment, health, memorial
Form: Free verse
Bullied As a Kid
among the countless thugs
   that teased and taunted myself as a boy
who exhibited blatant characteristics
   of being painfully shy and coy
attempting to remain like a statue as a decoy
which tactic nada...

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Categories: submucous, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 9th
Form: Lyric
Casus Belli Conquers Accursed Submucous Cleft Palate
after pros and cons discussed
     with six grade speech pathologist, she weighed
in favor, to launch stealth offensive
     spring time surprise raid,
which faux analogous military show of force,

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Categories: submucous, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, abuse,
Form: Free verse
Mine Mortal Flesh Can Finally Escape
Mine mortal flesh can finally escape...

Though mentally, physically,
and spiritually healthy... meth
hood dolled logy 
hoop fully, ideally, joyfully...
unannounced twill be mine death
without forewarning thine

grand finale allocated breath
best surprise visit me
(without reason nor rhyme)
ye grim reaper, when...

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Categories: submucous, 11th grade, 12th grade, bereavement, blessing, creation,
Form: Free verse
Where art thou unknown spellcaster
Where art thou unknown spellcaster?

If in fact such a female and/or male exists
an insufferable existence clamors for surcease
against riptide of ineradicable anguish.

Living hand to mouth
for majority of mein kampf
(elle ex vee orbitz
roam'n around the nearest...

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Categories: submucous, 11th grade, 12th grade, absence, abuse, anger,
Form: Free verse
Thru An Opened Bedroom Albeit Screened Window
Thru an opened bedroom (albeit screened) window...

Accessible twenty four hours a day
seven days a week,
fifty two weeks a year.

Spring 2022 Curtain call at
Highland Manor Apartments unit b44
framing Mother Nature nook
ever changing scene unfolds
analogous to storybook.


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Categories: submucous, adventure, america, animal, appreciation, april, beauty, bird,
Form: Free verse
Shame and Guilt Sabotaged Mine Healthy Growth
Internalized emotions wrought
quotidian psychological oppression
retrospective reflection courtesy
20/20 hindsight reveals absolute zero
positive development of body, mind, and spirit
extreme agitation compromised

maturation, education, and socialization
every year since being
born free and clear of obvious defects
minus alien aberration, Russian collusion...,

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Categories: submucous, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 8th
Form: Epic
A Bonanza of Opportunities Went Up In Gun Smoke
As if in a decades long
     somnambulant trance
     for majority of years
     I finally awoke,
three score minus
     one orbitz...

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Categories: submucous, 11th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th
Form: Free verse
On Learning To Become a Guru
On learning to become a guru...

The following artfully crafted back in the day
(actually poetic endeavor presented below
written a few scant years ago) in response to
unexpected positive feedback received on
the most popular social media platform.

Unbeknownst to...

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Categories: submucous, adventure, age, appreciation, blessing, devotion, february, happiness,
Form: Free verse
Frangible Ego Abysmally Copes
Unrelenting blitzkrieg deadly
assault upon psyche
pounded defenseless
vulnerable mindscape accustomed
to shelter within aproned crease
mama proffered manna, especially

when untethered meek docile lad
subjected to blistering hellfire
infamous hoodlums wantonly unleashed
verbal bombardments lobbing poison
spear tipped invisible blackened barbs
manifold times more agonizing


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Categories: submucous, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 7th
Form: Bio
Inferiority Complex As a Kid and Adult
Inferiority Complex As A Kid And Adult!

I recall father, (now behold
at near ninety years old - maintains stronghold
on life, cuz born of sturdy mettle -
rumor claims bullion – ne'er did buckle nar fold
meaning bull +...

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Categories: submucous, 1st grade, 6th grade, age, boy, environment,
Form: Bio
Inferiority Complex As a Kid, Adolescent and Emerging Adult Part Two
timid, meek, and demure (effeminate) me,
essentially ruled the roost
regarding Harris household
sole son characterized vis a vis
presented passive resistant
outward nonestablishmentarian mold
worst case scenario
would witness Matthew Scott Harris
spending longevity old and feeble minded
at 324 Level Road

outliving parents,...

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Categories: submucous, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 1st
Form: Rhyme
On Learning To Become a Guru
On Learning To Become A Guru...

Unbeknownst to this unsuspecting witty mortal,
a reverberation attributed to butterfly effect
linkedin to hotmail twittering Facebook member,
who resides within Bhutan, his dignified volition
accorded me magnanimity titled sage without any

influential collusion from...

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Categories: submucous, allusion, analogy, angel, appreciation, encouraging, joy, pride,
Form: Free verse
January 13th, 2023
January 13th, 2023

After wishing upon a star
to garner a handsome windfall
as a positive fated birthday gift
lo and behold, these ears didn't deceive me,
cuz I discerned a partial telephone message
hinting at word winnings to good to...

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Categories: submucous, adventure, anger, anniversary, betrayal, birthday, corruption, fate,
Form: Free verse
Usda Dose of Jocularity Doth Not Compute
fatty deposit usurped
my washboard physique
I can no longer lay claim
as pencil necked geek
mute tinny utterances futile

to write and/or speak
as recourse to cope with
displeasing body morphology
tis good n plenti humor I seek
to offset feeling morose, and


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Categories: submucous, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 9th
Form: Bio
Metaphorically Tethered To Invisible Umbilical Cord
Peter Pan Syndrome the most
accurate way to summarize
psychological mindset of yours truly,
particularly as a boy with brown eyes,
who did NOT holistically acclimatize

himself with peers, which insecurity
latched deadbolt draw
bridge guaranteeing Harris
parasite to cannibalize
(figuratively), sans rip

pull sieve...

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Categories: submucous, 1st grade, 7th grade, abuse, cry, death,
Form: Bio
Anglophone Aficionado Exudes Infatuation With English Language Number 2
Ah, twas only by a fluke conversation,
whence a speech pathologist
informed my parents about
the Lancaster Cleft Palate clinic,
where oral an examination
revealed minor birth defect
identified as a submucous cleft palate,
which explained the severe pinched twang
somewhat mitigated by...

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Categories: submucous, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, anti
Form: Free verse

Book: Shattered Sighs