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Long Soulmate Poems

Long Soulmate Poems. Below are the most popular long Soulmate by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Soulmate poems by poem length and keyword.

You Never Listened
You Never Listened
by Michael R. Burch
You never listened,
though each night the rain
wove its patterns again
and trembled and glistened...
You were not watching,
though each night the stars
shone, brightening the tears
in her eyes palely fetching...

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Categories: baby, birth, children, extended metaphor, feelings, soulmate,
Form: Sonnet

For All That I Remembered
For All That I Remembered
by Michael R. Burch

For all that I remembered, I forgot
her name, her face, the reason that we loved ...
and yet I hold her close within my thought:
I feel the burnished weight...

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Categories: desire, dream, memory, remember, sad love, soulmate,
Form: Sonnet
Mirza Ghalib Translations
Near Sainthood
by Mirza Ghalib
translation by Kanu V. Prajapati and Michael R. Burch

On the subject of mystic philosophy, Ghalib,
your words might have seemed deeply profound
and we might have pronounced you a saint...
if only we hadn't found

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Categories: soulmate, spiritual, tamil, truth, urdu, women, words,
Form: Verse
I Have Labored Sore Translation
I Have Labored Sore
anonymous medieval lyric (circa the fifteenth century)
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

I have labored sore / and suffered death, 
so now I rest / and catch my breath.
But I shall come /...

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Categories: christian, death, earth, heaven, sorrow, sorry, soulmate,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member kiss -
your silken skin gleams opaline
bathed in Luna's soft wash of cornflower - like a
porcelain Madonna by Michelangelo
conjured to life by the magic
of moonlight

your eyes open just long enough to
affix mine, and affirm I'm in a...

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Categories: kiss, passion, romance, romantic, sensual, sexy, soulmate,
Form: Free verse

Rumi Translation: the Field
The Field
by Rumi 
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Far beyond sermons of right and wrong there's a sunlit field. 
I'll meet you there. 
When the soul lazes in such lush grass 
the world is too...

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Categories: earth, green, islamic, rights, soulmate, sound, words,
Form: Epigram
Premium Member A Kept Woman
delves deeply into my dream;

vibrations fondle anticipation
foreplay wakes wide-eyed 
swells of liquid libido quake the rendezvous edge -
a primordial being in his prime
a masculine ego quest for affaire d’amour;
her night-loving body 
c h a...

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Categories: soulmate, allegory, betrayal, fate, imagery, love, lust, sensual,
Form: Free verse
Oft In My Thought: Charles D'Orleans Translation
Oft in My Thought
by Charles D'Orleans
translation by Michael R. Burch

So often in my busy mind I sought,
Around the advent of the fledgling year,
For something pretty that I really ought
To give my lady dear;
But that sweet...

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Categories: soulmate, blessing, christian, faith, god, heartbreak, heaven, lost
Form: Roundel
Premium Member Memories In the Sand
If ever a moment in real life deserved a romantic, melancholy
backing track, it would have been that one ... we'd spent the
entire afternoon at Ferry Beach, sunning and playing frisbee, I
playing guitar, she practicing her...

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Categories: memory, missing you, passion, relationship, soulmate, time,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Of Winks and Wings - Part 2
"Oh, indeed she was, young man ... I mean Greg. It IS Greg, if I recall correctly?"
     "Yes. Or you can call me True Friend if you like." I turned to...

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Categories: autumn, life, lost love, nature, soulmate,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Walk On the Beach
I went again today ... to that place, the allurement overwhelming ... the one
we called "ours" so tritely, "mine" before you, "mine" again now, (tho' others
have doubtless staked claimed - ages before and since). I...

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Categories: heartbreak, lost love, ocean, passion, solitude, soulmate,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Words From the Heart - a Collaboration With Frederic Parker
These words of love I give to you, my dear
to have comfort in the stillness of time
and meld two souls to keep love's wishes near
when the length of the years and age will climb
I will...

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Categories: beauty, emotions, love, passion, romantic, sensual, soulmate,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
Premium Member Of Winks and Wings - Part 1
I have a little story to tell you ... it's absolutely true, of course, at least as far as I'm concerned, but you can take it as you wish - as a tale, a fact,...

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Categories: autumn, life, lost love, nature, soulmate,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Of Winks and Wings - Part 3
"You see this here spot on the bench, where it's all worn away?" Clarence asked.
     "Yeah, I've noticed that a few times, and wondered why they didn't paint it again." I...

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Categories: autumn, life, lost love, nature, soulmate,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Autumn Atonement
Face to the sky,
Breath of the Caribbean
Woven with earthy Autumn,
Saturates the alveoli of my lungs,
Pouring raw impulses into the neurons of
My pleasure centers, so triggering a myriad of
Memories ... the demurring requiem to summer tide...

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Categories: autumn, heartbreak, metaphor, october, solitude, soulmate, true
Form: Free verse
Premium Member With you, the twilight changes, wandering through the silent dreams
With you, the twilight changes, wandering through the silent dreams,
With you, destiny wanders, hopes and promised goals.
With trembling boats at the shores, love urges us to be
Hostages to the droplets of waves and kings over...

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© Dan Enache  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: soulmate, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Mirror
The Mirror

When I look in the mirror I don’t see me, I see who I used to be.  A little lost girl that was so abused and so misused, so ashamed of who she...

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Categories: soulmate, change, child abuse, endurance, family, growing up,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member The Call
The Call

For as long as I can remember, I have been phoning my mom. Even before leaving home when I was a teenager. Whenever I had good or bad news, it was just natural for...

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Categories: soulmate, angst, blessing, courage, death, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Last Rose For a Rebel - Part 1
SHE was my wife, once ...

long ago, so very long ago ...
we met on the showboat, up-river,
almost fifty years back now ...
I was a young officer for the Confederacy,
working for the Yanks after The Turn,


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Categories: history, sad love, soulmate, true love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Please don't leave me I love you
He reignited my creative passion when he reentered my life
His can sense to the core how I am feeling and asked me right away to be his wife

Though it's been 45 years we have known...

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Categories: loss, lost love, love, soulmate,
Form: Free verse
Love Unexpected
Life as we know can be overwhelming sometimes it may seem like your floating 
Just make sure you keep going even when you loose your way something can happen and change your day. Believe me...

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Categories: soulmate, love, , sweet love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Chapter 17-- Molly and Dolly and Polly: Damian
First week  of March  2025
Last  week of March
Melancholy Molly and her sister 
Dolly stopped by  for a chat with 
Eat  some pizza Polly 
(nick name due to her Appetite for...

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Categories: soulmate, character, confidence, growth, house, identity, imagery, romance,
Form: Prose
Premium Member He Is Like Thunder and Lighting He Excited Me
God! We  Behold that you are great and we know somehow your ways are pass finding out. anyhow!
Neither can the number of his years be searched  out anytime he made small drops of...

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Categories: soulmate, appreciation, care, character, education, image, nature, rain,
Form: Narrative
A friend—
not a good one, but a close one;
one that I couldn’t let go
If I could see you now, I don’t know what I would say…
there were always things I didn’t know

but I loved you...

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Categories: soulmate, abuse, best friend, betrayal, poetry, relationship, sister,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Another Day
Another day has come and gone without you by my side, another day without getting to look into your eyes
I know you said it’s better off this way, for us to continue to lead the...

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Categories: heartbroken, loneliness, longing, sad, sorrow, soulmate,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Shattered Sighs