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Long Romantic Poems

Long Romantic Poems. Below are the most popular long Romantic by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Romantic poems by poem length and keyword.

Poem Revised Memorial Day May 30th, 2022 At 1500 Hours
Poem revised Memorial Day May 30th, 2022 at 1500 hours

Flagrante delict adulterous sordid behavior 
automatically linkedin with Lothario;
an unscrupulous seducer of women, 
based upon a character 
in The Impertinent Curious Man, 
a story within a...

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Categories: romantic, absence, abuse, adventure, anger, black african american,
Form: Rhyme

Two Lovers V - Convenience Store
She looked at him concerned
"Oh my God, we forgot the buns!"
A barbeque happening
Guests arriving
Coals flaming
Food prepared
But nothing to put burgers on
For their housewarming

Hasty instructions and some cash
From his Lover and her roomies
Then he starts to...

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© Nad Simon  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: first love, happy, relationship, romance, romantic love,
Form: Free verse
Sappho Translations
Sappho fragment #155
translation by Michael R. Burch 

A short revealing frock?
It's just my luck
your lips were made to mock!


Sappho fragment #156
translation by Michael R. Burch 

She keeps her scents
in a dressing-case.
And her sense?
In some undiscoverable...

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Categories: romantic, girl, girlfriend, love, lust, sensual, woman, women,
Form: Epigram
The First Valentine Poem, Circa 1415
The First Valentine Poem

Charles d’Orleans (1394-1465) has been credited with writing the first Valentine poem for his wife in 1415. Charles wrote the first Valentine poem in the first year of his captivity while being...

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Categories: heart, love, passion, romance, romantic, romantic love,
Form: Rhyme
by Michael R. Burch

Toss this poem aside
to the filigreed and the wild tide
of sunset.

Strike my name,
and still it is all the same.
The onset

of night is in the despairing skies;
each hut shuts its bright bewildered eyes.

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Categories: romantic, extended metaphor, fantasy, happiness, hope, hyperbole, i
Form: Pastoral

Rejection Slips 2
Rejection Slips 2

The Shape of Mourning
by Michael R. Burch
The shape of mourning
is an oiled creel
shining with unuse,
the bolt of cold steel
on a locker
shielding memory,

the monthly penance
of flowers,
the annual wake,
the face in the...

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Categories: romantic, beauty, death, desire, life, longing, love, nature,
Form: Free verse
Roses and Lilacs
by Michael R. Burch

The rose of love's bright promise
lies torn by her own thorn;
her scent was sweet
but at her feet
the pallid aphids mourn.

The lilac of devotion
has felt the winter hoar
and shed her dress;
she shivers—nude, forlorn.


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Categories: romantic, desire, longing, love, nature, romance, rose, roses
Form: Verse
by Michael R. Burch

When I am lain to rest
and my soul is no longer intact, 
but dissolving, like a sunset
diminishing to the west...

and when at last
before His throne my past
is put to test
and the demons...

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Categories: romantic, death, dream, funeral, grave, judgement, sleep, sunset,
Form: Verse
Juvenilia: Early Poems V
Juvenilia: Early Poems V

by Michael R. Burch

Poetry, I found you
where at last they chained and bound you;
with devices all around you
to torture and confound you,
I found you—shivering, bare.

They had shorn your raven hair
and taken both...

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Categories: romantic, poems, poets, teen, teenage, write, writing, youth,
Form: Rhyme
Peace Prayer
These are peace poems, prayer poems, hymns and lullabies I have written for family, friends and the world over the years ...

Peace Prayer
by Michael R. Burch

for Jim Dunlap

Be calm.
Be still.
Be silent, content.

Be one with the...

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Categories: romantic, beauty, blessing, love, nature, peace, prayer, time,
Form: Free verse
Poems About Poems Iv
Poems about Poems IV

The Toast
by Michael R. Burch

For longings warmed by tepid suns
(brief lusts that animated clay),
for passions wilted at the bud
and skies grown desolate and gray,
for stars that fell from tinseled heights
and mountains bleak...

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Categories: romantic, allegory, allusion, appreciation, art, poems, poetry, poets,
Form: Rhyme

The villanelle is a poetic form based on repetition, with a double refrain. 

Villanelle: The Divide
by Michael R. Burch

The sea was not salt the first tide...
was man born to sorrow that first day, 
with the...

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Categories: moon, repetition, romance, romantic, romantic love, sea,
Form: Villanelle
by Michael R. Burch 
Yesterday the wind whispered my name
while the blazing locks
of her rampant mane
lay heavy on mine.
And yesterday
I saw the way
the wind caressed tall pines
in forests laced by glinting streams
and thick with...

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Categories: romantic, anxiety, break up, change, confusion, sleep, time,
Form: Verse
Medieval Poems Iv
Medieval Poems IV

by Thomas Campion
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Booksellers laud authors for novel editions
as pimps praise their whores for exotic positions.

Brut (circa 1100 AD, written by Layamon, an excerpt)
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R....

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Categories: angel, mother, romance, romantic, rose, roses are
Form: Rhyme
No Mark
No Mark
by Michael R. Burch

A wave implodes, 
impaled upon
impassive rocks...

this evening
the thunder of the sea
is a wild music filling my ear...

you are leaving
and the ungrieving
winds demur...

telling me
that nothing returns
as it was before...

here where you have...

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Categories: romantic, break up, change, divorce, extended metaphor, farewell,
Form: Verse
The State of the Art
The State of the Art (I)
by Michael R. Burch

Has rhyme lost all its reason
and rhythm, renascence?
Are sonnets out of season
and poems but poor pretense?

Are poets lacking fire,
their words too trite and forced?
What happened to desire?

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Categories: art, muse, poems, poetry, poets, romantic, writing,
Form: Verse
The Moon As a Metaphor For Your Mouth
The Moon as a Metaphor for Your Mouth
by Michael R. Burch

When I was closest to love, it did not seem
real at all, but a thing of such tenuous sweetness
it might dissolve in my mouth
like a...

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Categories: candy, love, metaphor, moon, romantic love, sweet,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Chapter 48 -- Damian Delilah Mallory and Damian Junior
Year 2031 would soon come
To a close. Everyone will be
A little wiser. 
Damian Junior wanted a 
Girlfriend and he was soon to
Be 13. Amadeus and
Desharah will both turn 10.
The oldest kids had a desire to

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Categories: romantic, beautiful, birth, black love, business, cute, emotions,
Form: Alliteration
Pablo Neruda Translations
I love you only because I love you
by Pablo Neruda
loose translation by Michael R. Burch

I love you only because I love you;
I am torn between loving and not loving you,
Between apathy and desire.
My heart vacillates...

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Categories: love, romance, romantic, romantic love, spanish, women,
Form: Sonnet
My Love My All
World's Longest Love Poem (second edition)

Title: My love my all

Edited by Izunna Okafor

Editor's Note:

Out of their ardency, eighteen poets and poetry lovers identified with the need to give the 2020 Valentine celebration a poetic taste...

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Categories: romantic, love,
Form: Free verse
An Affective Disorder, the Doctor Said
No, Freddie can’t say he mourned when his father died and his father’s third wife found Freddie's number and gave him a call to give him the news. His father had been responsible, worked hard,...

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Categories: romantic, anxiety, mental illness, , 8th grade, ,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Chapter 98 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: Teenager Invaders Misbehavior
Late evening March 2045

The Teenagers were adventurous 
They were venturing.  DJ and 
Damali Trech were both 18 years 
Old. The Copy Cat Club was the
Place to  be for teens.  It mostly 

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Categories: romantic, confidence, courage, emotions, father daughter, father son,
Form: Alliteration
Arthurian Poems
At Tintagel
by Michael R. Burch

That night, 
at Tintagel, 
there was darkness such as man had never seen...
darkness and treachery, 
and the unholy thundering of the sea...

In his arms, 
who is to say how much she...

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Categories: england, romance, romantic, true love, violence, visionary,
Form: Verse
Modern Sonnets I

I prefer the original definition of the sonnet as a “little song” of indeterminate form and length. These modern sonnets vary from more-or-less traditional to free verse.

Maker, Fakir, Curer
by Michael R. Burch

A poem...

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Categories: art, freedom, romantic, romantic love, song, write,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member The Sleeper and the Supernaturalist
"The Sleeper and The Supernaturalist"

The Sleeper
shone as she walked 
through the Woods

shining alive 
like nothing
natural could

in the moonlight 

the innocent
red-caped roses stared
the trees whispered,

"beware, beware"

barefoot softly 
the Supernaturalist 
transfigures instead

from under shine 
she bares...

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Categories: romantic, muse, mystery,
Form: Narrative

Book: Shattered Sighs