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Long R buckminster fuller Poems

Long R buckminster fuller Poems. Below are the most popular long R buckminster fuller by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long R buckminster fuller poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Professor Glory's Active Hope
The title of this talk today,
"Win-Win Politics of New Feminist Economics"
suggests questions,
more than emasculating 
definitively deductive

Would you imagine
a minority-identified Buddhist,
more likely as a feminist
or culturally comfortable
with political and economic Left-brain domination,
monopolistic competing toward total self-consuming

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, creation, culture, deep, environment, feelings, love, political,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Who's Crazy Now
I have an outside RightBrain dominant thalamus
to watch and listen to,
to feel confluent and resonant with,
to love,
as parent with child,
yet this is more of a mutual-mentoring of
notsad-notsad sustainable bliss
within our normally limited nutritional sensory environment.


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Categories: r buckminster fuller, body, dream, health, humor, identity, psychological, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Open To Evolutionaries
Dear Andrew Cohen,

I am riveted by “Evolutionary Enlightenment: A New Path to Spiritual Awakening.”  Your theme that enlightenment need not be limited to elitist and eisegetical experiences, memory, but invites us to become co-travelers...

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, culture, health, humor, perspective, philosophy, political, wisdom,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Noneastern Family Politics
I began reading Jane Anna Gordon's "Creolizing Political Theory"
from the back toward the front,
as usual,
because if I appreciate where this narrative journey will end,
then I probably will find we start off with similar questions 

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, culture, health, power, , literature, , western,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Bucky and Julian
Buckminster Fuller and Julian Jaynes 
recently reviewed their cultural and scientific influence 
on health and well-being, 
ecological and economic positive outcomes, 
during the current CoOperativist NonDual Transitional Era.

 I wish I had spent more time...

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, health, humor, math, philosophy, political, psychological, science,
Form: Prose Poetry

Premium Member Better Climate Questions
It has been said
There is no bad question
asked with cooperative integrity.

While those asked with competing disintegrity,
are not really questions at all.

That said,
conceded as asked and answered,
Some questions remain
more ecologically and economically,
politically and personally,
publicly and intimately,

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, earth, games, gender, health, integrity, nature, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Watching Isms
There is a world of difference
between schism and jism,
but they both end up the same.

Just as patriarchal Roman Catholicism
overpowers living and breathing Christianity,
so too does Capitalism
overpower cooperative capital co-investment,
so too does autocratic rationalism
overpower syncretic enculturing...

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, culture, earth day, health, philosophy, psychological, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Variations On a Cultural Theme
It was sometime back in the 70's,
my later 20's,
I woke up one morning to realize
EgoSelf as an often dissonant nest 
of natural systemic TaoEarth,
a mindbody bicameral treehouse
in some way that felt socially
and economically
and perhaps even...

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, beauty, earth day, light, paradise, political, psychological,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Why Multicultural Education Matters
The Twelfth Principle

Cooperatively adopt
and responsively adapt
for creolizing acclimation,
best climate and landscape health practices.

The U.S. today
reweaves two points of national nurturing departure,
both taught in schools
and history books
and multicultural sciences
and scents
and sounds.

LeftBrain dominance,
here in post-millennial enculturing lands,

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, caregiving, forgiveness, health, history, native american, patriotic,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Cloud of Knowing
I believe it was Buckminster Fuller
who first posited
a prime appositional,
like Yang and Yin,
but his was:
Energy is to physical nature
as Information is to metaphysically languaged systems.

if we were to add the Yin and Yang
of this positivist-regenerative...

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, health, humor, language, leadership, love, mental illness,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Why
"Universe to each must be
All that is, including me.
Environment in turn must be
All that is, excepting me."
       Buckminster Fuller

Evolving Universe to each must become
All integrity that is, including me.

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, earth, health, language, math, political, psychological, science,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Arabian Days and Nights
I guess the candidates and polity saying "no"
to Earth's human refugees
during this their Thanksgiving time,
did not finish their Darwin biographies.

While endosymbiotic evolution,
indigenous to any one species,
can devolve to survival of the fittest,
this is most likely...

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, allah, beauty, islamic, love, peace, political, thanksgiving,
Form: Concrete
Premium Member Our Home Right and Wrong
Earth's Rights
and Lefts
and to
a Healthy Climate;
and please not so much climatic pathologies
for Her
and all her EarthTribal RNA/DNA encrypted species,
extended families,
if you could imagine for a minute
this vast co-in-sedately breathing organic network
hoping together for Earth's Present...

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, culture, earth, humanity, humor, philosophy, political, religion,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member My Avatar Son
I have a son,
in whom I am well pleased,
with more than his share of heart
and mindbody intelligence,
to comprehend vastness of Earth's evolving history
and future demise,
to comprehend full emptiness of universes within
and without
co-arising nondual lonely/solitude
double-binary universes


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Categories: r buckminster fuller, father son, happiness, health, identity, integrity, political,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Uniting Easter's Earth Days
Let's imagine that you are, 
like Buckminster Fuller, 
karmically absorbed with Unitarian genes,
were there such a thing,
which of course there are not,
but perhaps something like an evolving Unitarian Universalist post-millennial teleology.
Basically, some shared sense of...

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, earth, earth day, easter, math, philosophy, religion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Healthy Learning Climates
It appears that Feyerabend presents a more accurate normative gestalt
for RightBrain epistemology,
how RightBrain solves chaotic puzzles,
while Popper is better for LeftBrain deduction,
diastolic evolving unfolding
of syllogistic logic.
Together evolving toward a dipolar truth
of balancing flexibiity
trending toward regenerative...

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, earth, health, psychological, science,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member World Wide Wisdom Web
like the World Wide Web, 
derives from decomposing endosymbiotic (internal) cooperative-dominant evolution 
of biosystems as Beloved EcoSystems,
but Enlightenment, 
diastatic nondual consciousness, 
survives only co-arising exegetical discernment
of ectosymbiotically regenerative
embryonic revolutions,
starting with Zeroism,
as eco-centric co-gravitational Positive...

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, beauty, math, philosophy, political, power, science,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The One Otherzone
Permaculture Design,
like any health restoring process,
begins with listening to each ZeroZone client
speak about deeply held goals and underlying values
they would like to share with their OneZone property(s).

Integral Permaculture Design
is no double-binary exception
in its ZeroZone internal...

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, earth, environment, health, peace, political, power, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member The Civil Polyculture Party
"Before the party begins,"
said the Permaculturist to her pupils,
Yang on the Left,
Yin twins on Right,
processing nondually,
"a brief reminder.
of how to enter a room with appropriate balance."

"This Party Door to life is not hinged for the...

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, fear, life, love, philosophy, political, psychological,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member The Annual Budget Survey
"What most nourishes
and yet also entices
your active love,
your curiosity invested in achieving highest priority outcomes?
What are your outcome priorities?
Talk about the top of your deep-loving bucket list,
your plans for yourself and your loved ones
during this...

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, deep, earth, education, family, health, political,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Resonant Rails
The direct sensing of information may sometimes be deceptive and illusory due to such factors as coincidence, congruence, or the time-and-angle distortions of perspective. For instance, the parallel railroad tracks seem (mistakenly) to converge at...

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, heart, nature, perspective, psychological, science, time, universe,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Political Democracy of Economic Health
What are your values and disvalues of and for power?

What are the political powers and weaknesses,
of economic value?
What is not for sale?
What is available, but only without commodification,
without any form of quantitative price paid in...

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, destiny, health, philosophy, political, poverty, power, psychological,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Earth Round
There once was a messiah with crown
so heavy it caused him to frown
when he gave it away
some folks say to this day
it grew lighter while revolving around.

There once were most men with dementia
so heavy it...

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, adventure, birth, blessing, humor, passion, peace, political,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Racing With the Sun
Identifying as a Taoist-Christian hybrid,
a polypath feasting on root systems
of East meets West
Right greets Left
Yin embraces Yang
does not make me a good Christian
or a healthy Taoist.

However, these permaculturing designs
on polyculturing 
polypathic neuro-sensory healthy outcomes
do seem...

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, dance, health, humor, myth, race, religion, science,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Communion Sound Bites
Spiritual Communion is about Agape,
about Sacred CoEmpathy
about Yin’s Love,
which is Erotic Yang fertility Love of deeply dense nutrition,
but disembodied,
implicate (David Bohm)
concave rather than convex (Buckminster Fuller).

So YangLove is to Bodies
as YinLove is to BiCameral Left/Right...

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Categories: r buckminster fuller, earth, health, humor, love, nature, spiritual,
Form: Prose Poetry

Book: Shattered Sighs