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Long Inquisitiveness Poems

Long Inquisitiveness Poems. Below are the most popular long Inquisitiveness by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Inquisitiveness poems by poem length and keyword.

Mine Courtship and Marriage With Deadly Obsession
Mine courtship and marriage with deadly obsession...

As September daze will soon arrive
recollections from a 
psychologically checkered  past
loom large recalling  
tragic storied days of mein kampf.

Circa early nineteen seventies:
As a mere slip of a...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 7th
Form: Free verse

A Bookish Bound Man Obsessed For Knowledge Crafts Long Poem
This hunger artist cannot read 
volumes of printed material fast enough 
to satiate an immense appetite 
and unquenchable thirst 
to acquire learning from 
the millenniums gushing fount of 
cumulative chance revelations, 
(or deliberate intent to...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, 11th grade, 12th grade, addiction, adventure, books,
Form: Free verse
The Finis Sing Touches Touche
The finis sing touches touché

Knead dull brows knitted; 
belief system I cogitate 
gearing thee ordinary bipedal hominid 
acquiesces to deck the halls 
of the mountain (dew) king with boughs 
of sister golden haired 
sprinkling angel...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, 12th grade, allusion, appreciation, blessing, creation, encouraging,
Form: Rhyme
March 8th International Women's Day the World Over
March 8th - International Women's Day The World Over

Down to the wire, before this
calendrical occasion doth expire,
though arbitrary twenty four hour
time set aside for guide
ding hand of the supposed/purported
fairer gender, yet human race, yet hide

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Categories: inquisitiveness, appreciation, beauty, daughter, hero, husband, inspirational, tribute,
Form: Elegy
Mine Courtship With Deadly Obsessions
Mine courtship with deadly obsession(s)
still indelibly scored within 
windmills of my mind
this July 22nd, 2020.

Imagine yours truly post pubescence
(no matter ye never met me)
all that life in front of me
argh... precious time squandered
abustle with rattle...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, 6th grade, 7th grade, age, grave, grief,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The Ringing Sea
 Was privileged to have sedentary on the seashore in seraphic poetic submersion;
 the ringing sounds from the distant horizon made me entirely lost in  speculation;
 when the sounds of waves from far nimbly...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, appreciation, beach, blue, character, dedication, deep, devotion,
Form: Personification
The One I Love the One Who Love Me
It is a Sunday morning.

The day before was still,

yet eventful and surprising:

sacredness met in holy places

and inspired persons.

Petrified trees and slave traders’ bedrooms;

cattle grazing and the ancient one sleeping.

The quiet sounds of lit boats by...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, beautiful, beauty, environment, love,
Form: Lyric
Rosh Hashshana 2023
Rosh Hashshana 2023

Began at sunset 
on Friday, Sept. 15, 
and ends at sunset 
on Sunday, Sept. 17.

No matter yours truly an atheist, 
I consider myself 
fascinated with my Semitic ancestry
(maybe unwittingly genealogically 
linkedin with unsuspecting...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 7th
Form: Free verse
October Seventeenth Ninety Sixty One
October seventeenth ninety sixty one ...

Born sixty one years ago,
the follow poem from your bro
transmitted courtesy flagship
named Jacques-Yves Cousteau
constituting countless ones and zeroes
instantaneously traversing cyberspace
as packeted, framed dataflow
binary digits bit of information
to acknowledge when
thee transitioned...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, absence, adventure, anniversary, birthday, endurance, family, hello,
Form: Rhyme
The Castle Plan
A young tourist went into an old castle for site seen, 
he became fascinated by the antique structure, the Gothic sculptures and the beautiful  renaissance paintings hanging on the stone walls, artistically.

Some people moved...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, time,
Form: Rhyme
Rosh Hashshana 2022
No matter yours truly an atheist, 
I consider myself fascinated with my ancestry
x cited regarding: upcoming
Jewish holiday fast approaching 
by the bewitching hour which doth hold key
to Chamber Of Secrets to – me
analogous being Sorcerer's...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, 11th grade, 12th grade, america, blessing, celebration,
Form: Free verse
I Seek the Uncensored Inside Scoop
Akin to a journalist (hoofing
NOT huffing on the beat)
heedful, mindful, and pain fully aware, bleat
me, asper caveats help me set sights
tacking within parameters of lawfulness,

when questing without sparking browbeat
upon my person, or worse...proceeding toward
said abstract...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, addiction, adventure, anger, care, environment, journey, meaningful,
Form: Free verse
English Onomatopoeic Words Tick Tock Does Punctuate
English onomatopoeic words tick tock does punctuate...
audiological "second" associated with ordinary soundlessness

Second of time not decided arbitrarily, but...

Under International System of Units,
the second currently defined as
duration of 9,192,631,770 periods
of radiation corresponding to transition

between two hyperfine

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Categories: inquisitiveness, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 9th
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Circa October 7th 2020 Papa Passed Away
Professed paean pronounced
and adroitly produced
upon spirit of deceased
named Boyce Brandon Harris.

First year anniversary since
cremains distributed across four winds
his soul remains alive within me.

Impressed upon mine consciousness
birthdate announcing home birth
April 9th 1929, my father
gasped his first...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, absence, death, eulogy, father son, hurt, loss,
Form: Free verse
Common Thread First Strand Za
alternate long worded title – the grudge holder from one generation to the next for all intents and purposes remains the same, and thus interestingly enough, they can easily be a pinch hitter for man,...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, 12th grade, 9th grade, birth, fate, image,
Form: Free verse
Planting Seeds of Life - Growing Self Awareness
Planting seeds of life - growing self awareness...
(Subtitled: kudos beloved Amelie Beth)

Dilly gents gal lore spellbinding
metaphorically exhuming, ferreting, gleaning...
insightful handy dandy blues clues
unearthing treasure trove motherlode,
(and father lode) eye opening discover re:
visa vis our family...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, dad,
Form: Free verse
Small Medium At Large Units
Small, Medium At Large Units...

Define paradigm since time 
immemorial does find
me defied, electrified, and generated
fascination within my mind,
despite spacious essence invisible to blind
people, or even those blessed to find
pointed laser insight more pertinent

when a visible...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, 12th grade, fate, father, heaven, imagination, mystery,
Form: Free verse
Theory of Us
The theory of us, the collective
 Amid this climate as thus, suggestive

The passion, the fire, our intuitive desire
Becoming more, undoubtedly, known assure
Glimpses of your inner shared as your soul
The desired thirst for life as more

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Categories: inquisitiveness, humanity, philosophy, truth,
Form: Elegiac Lyric
I Imagine Relief While Feeling Comfortably Numb
I imagine relief while feeling comfortably numb...
anesthetized courtesy central air 

analogous to gulping down
a tall glass of ice cold water, 
which equals ultimate thirst quencher,
especially for those 
experiencing onset dehydration,
the following poetic opinion/editorial  

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Categories: inquisitiveness, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, addiction,
Form: Free verse
Sinister Side of Social Media Platforms
Though discriminatory asper discerning
legitimate information TIME
Magazine considered
a reliable trustworthy,
and valuable source to this rhyme
stir, who perused cover story, sans

January 28th, 2019 issue as prime
material to concoct
more serious than amusing
poem mindful not to spoil mealtime
sharing insightful...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, abuse, betrayal, confusion, dark, fate, freedom, psychological,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Mistakenly Me-- Losing My Freedom
mistakenly me...
 I was walking down the street minding my own business
 It was near dusk it was getting dark walking across the line onto the sidewalk
 I was by chance inquiring in my inquisitiveness...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, abuse, adventure, conflict, engagement,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Sandra, why have the memories of you lingered so long in my thoughts?  Was it because of 
departure without closer, dreams unfulfilled or passions that still heat the nucleus of my 
being?  ...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, thank youworld, feelings, time,
Form: I do not know?
Disseminated Information
Disseminated information...
(perhaps theme broached before, yes)?
(alternate title:The hunger for knowledge)

Whither hearing, vis (ideally,
liberal commentators I adore),
asper "NON FAKE") news,
more than weather, latest sports score
or reading, (yes of course

out loud applying index finger de rigueur
of right...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, addiction, america, desire, first love, identity, joy,
Form: Political Verse
Happy Would Be the Day
Happy would be the day
When each person will be literate
Developed will be the nation
For improvement, why should we wait?

Happy would be the day 
When women will actually have equal rights
Healthy would be each family
If today...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, philosophyday,
Form: Pantoum
Ice Cold Water Equals Ultimate Thirst Quencher
Ice Cold Water Equals Ultimate Thirst Quencher...

Especially experiencing onset dehydration,
this opinion shared by former consumer,
he quaffed truckloads sugary and sports drinks
found mine once sculpted baby boomer body
undergoing gender reorientation, particularly
nondescript breasts incrementally found

busting (rivaling playboy...

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Categories: inquisitiveness, absence, allusion, courage, mirror, missing, success, water,
Form: Free verse

Book: Shattered Sighs