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Long Home Poems

Long Home Poems. Below are the most popular long Home by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Home poems by poem length and keyword.

Cymbric Vale
I believed that I was rural … that I lived in country style,
where the city was close handy … that big distance was a mile.
Trains and buses ferried daily; a freeway ran close by …

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Categories: home, holiday,
Form: Rhyme

My Uncanny Sighs of Distress and the Tears of Tribulation
I’m in distress
I can’t express
How I feel deep down inside
This feeling is a terrible tide
How do I impress
Everyone here in excess?
I’m just here to simply abide
By God’s Law, I don’t subside

My tears are diamonds in...

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Categories: home, angst, courage, emotions, encouraging, endurance,
Form: Rhyme
Some Pro's and Con's of Being Connected To Virtual Reality
Some pro's and con's of being connected to virtual reality

Dune not be bashful, grumpy, leery
or any other contemporary dwarf man
regarding countless less well known dwarves
(that never got a chance
to play a bit part) such as...

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Categories: home, 11th grade, 12th grade, 1st grade, adventure,
Form: Rhyme
April's Babbling Foolishness
(Created using the bAbBlE sentence generator, various text excerpts, and a minuscule bit of human editing.) 

And she smells good without keeping all ...

Beef, sitting lonely on that lies floating on the tufted floor. "Surely,"...

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© Tom Arnone  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: home, art, computer, crazy, food, funny, horror, humor,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Echoes of a Shady Past
An icy chill descends on 13 Beaver Veil Cottage as sisters Ester and Ellie walk gingerly up the steps on this wet and windy night.
This once charming pied-a-terre was now in a final phase denouement.

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Categories: home, art, birth, character, courage, dark, imagery, imagination,
Form: Prose

Premium Member The Amistad Mutiny
The Amistad Mutiny

Slavery, a dirty word no matter how it’s pronounced:
Abducted and herded to the slave fortress of Lomboko1 for trade.
To be tossed in chains below deck on the Portuguese ship Tecora,2
Sailing the Atlantic Middle...

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Categories: home, africa, america, history, racism, slavery, world,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Echoes Of A Shady Past Part Two
n icy chill descends on 13 Beaver Veil Cottage as sisters Ester and Ellie walk gingerly up the steps on this wet and windy night.
This once charming pied-a-terre was now in a final phase denouement.

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Categories: home, character, dark, death, emotions, gothic, imagery, imagination,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Hitchhiker From Another World 4
“Come on, let's get introduced to my play mate in a palm.
Linda, these are Joshua’s true other selfs.” 
Lelia emitting a peculiar chuckle.
A comic situation arose where I changed my voice for each of my...

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Categories: home, art, beautiful, beauty, celebration, character, emotions, environment,
Form: Prose
More Pickles Than One
For ten months now I’ve brooded over coming second place
in the pickle section deeming, it no less than a disgrace.
It was written plain and simple, so there can be no excuse,
that the pickles in this...

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Categories: home, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Childhood Dreams Part 1
When I was a child
Everything was magical
Full of mystery and the unknown
I read hundreds of books
The library my haven
My home
Hours upon hours
Night and day
I read and got lost in text
They supplied me with adventures
Secret journeys

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Categories: home, childhood, cinderella, dream, fairy,
Form: Free verse
The Sun's a Liar-Children's Story Short Contest-
The Sun Is a Liar

It’s been quite some time since I've awoke early enough to meet the sun coming over the horizon. As I gazed out the window from my bedroom window seat, the sky...

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Categories: home, childhood,
Form: Prose
Village In the Valley
Village in the Valley left behind, and then it's a fine find
Mountain in the the dark alleys of my mind

You're a flashlight
In the night
You are a friend 
Till the end
Bite the bullet
You're the village...

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Categories: home, deep,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Night Before Christmas Eve
The night Before Christmas Eve
By Franklin Price


The Night Before Christmas
A most famous of  poems
Read  to children aloud
By their parents in homes

To children who gather
'Round the brightly lit tree
To hear Santa is coming
Presents for...

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Categories: home, christmas,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Mad Molly Shaw
This is the story of mad Molly Shaw
She might be mad now but she wasn’t before
she came home to find her man dead on the floor
She lay down her bible and let out a roar...

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Categories: home, western,
Form: Rhyme
I Am My Father's Son
They were gambling in front of the house.
Manservants and pages bustled about
Serving Suitors who just curse and carouse.
Few mix wine with water. I heard one shout,
"Clean down the tables with wet sponges! Rouse
Yourselves! And when...

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Categories: home, adventure, anger, anxiety, bullying, father, history, introspection,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Dragon Stew
On an early morning just before school
My tummy is churning my head hurts too
My feet are cold my forehead is hot
I have a runny nose and a tongue with blue dots

“Mom come quick!” I helplessly...

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Categories: home, 4th grade, 5th grade, adventure, anxiety, bible,
Form: Rhyme
Poetically Pathetic Crow
Just enough to make it just
I want this to be enough to make this
The last song ever, the last note ever
The last romantically, poetically sad excuse for an apology, epilogue
But I've already messed up the...

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Categories: home, lonely, longing, loss, lost, lost love, love,
Form: Free verse
In the Middle of the Night
I woke up in the middle of the night with tears running from my eyes. I woke up in the middle of the night because my spirit cries
It is not the tear that falls when...

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Categories: home, celebration, community, confidence, courage, england, environment, feelings,
Form: Narrative
An Uppercut I Remember
Dad hit me only once, an upper cut to the solar plexus. It nearly lifted me off my feet. I was 17 then and already fairly tall, 6’1.” He was 48 and of medium height,...

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Categories: home, father son,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Rumors
How we arrived at where we are
By Franklin Price

By now you've heard the rumors
How Covid-19 came to Earth
How it did not come here naturally 
How Wuhan, China gave it birth

Maybe aided by our government
To make...

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Categories: home, america, health, hope, leadership, perspective, recovery from,
Form: Rhyme
Patsy Foley Was Roly-Poly In 1947
It may have been the devil himself who prompted the kids in my schoolyard back in 1947 to chant "Patsy Foley's roly-poly from eating too much ravioli."

At first, no one could remember who started the...

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Categories: home, memory,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Saint Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day

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Categories: home, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Fairer, Indeed

Truly amaze me ... they possess the super-human
strength to birth a child - one of the most painful
and demanding physical and emotional feats of end-
urance known to our species - yet they have the

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Categories: home, appreciation, humanity, love, wisdom, woman, women,
Form: Free verse
Poem Revised Memorial Day May 30th, 2022 At 1500 Hours
Poem revised Memorial Day May 30th, 2022 at 1500 hours

Flagrante delict adulterous sordid behavior 
automatically linkedin with Lothario;
an unscrupulous seducer of women, 
based upon a character 
in The Impertinent Curious Man, 
a story within a...

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Categories: home, absence, abuse, adventure, anger, black african american,
Form: Rhyme
Son Say Goodnight To Grandpa
“Son”...”say goodnight to grandpa”

Spurred by mother dearest 
as well as other politesse
drummed into her second born
fobbing blandishments as incentive
tumbled off fingers of prodigal son
tripped wordsmith to splutter forth
forthwith the following lines.

Back in the day 

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Categories: home, 12th grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, absence,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Shattered Sighs