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Long Herons Poems

Long Herons Poems. Below are the most popular long Herons by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Herons poems by poem length and keyword.

Haiku 1
The Original Sin: Rhyming Haiku!
should never rhyme:
it’s a crime!
-Michael R. Burch
The herons stand,
sentry-like, at attention ...
rigid observers of some unknown command.
-Michael R. Burch
the golden leaves turn black underfoot:
-Michael R. Burch
Dry leaf...

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Categories: herons, family, heart, love, mother son, nature, seasons,
Form: Haiku

Zen Death Haiku
Zen Death Haiku

Brittle cicada shell,
little did I know
you were my life!
—Shuho, translation by Michael R. Burch

as it came,
this naked worm.
—Shidoken, translation by Michael R. Burch

As dew glistens
on a lotus leaf,
so too I soon must vanish.

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Categories: herons, age, autumn, bereavement, death, death of a
Form: Haiku
Ancient Haiku
These are translations of some of the oldest Japanese waka, which evolved into tanka, renga and haiku. 

While you decline to cry,
high on the mountainside
a single stalk of plumegrass wilts.
—O no Yasumaro (circa 711), translation...

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Categories: herons, culture, imagery, inspiration, international, metaphor, nature, poetry,
Form: Haiku
Come Down, For Harold Bloom
Come Down
by Michael R. Burch

for Harold Bloom

Come down, O, come down
from your high mountain tower.
How coldly the wind blows,
how late this chill hour ...

and I cannot wait
for a meteor shower
to show you the time
must be...

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Categories: herons, books, culture, discrimination, education, extended metaphor, literature,
Form: Sonnet
What Good Are Our Tears
What Good Are Our Tears?
by Michael R. Burch

What good are our tears?
They will not spare the dying their anguish.
What good is our concern
to a child sick of living, waiting to perish?

What good, the warm benevolence...

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Categories: herons, child, child abuse, children, death, poverty, sick,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Salvage

Salvage the fixating salvation 
unfurling from the wreckage
of a numb world twisted inside
treasure climbs swimming 
the ladder from the deep of all things 
reaching upwards travelling in a new time
of melting morpheme moments overlapping 

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Categories: herons, muse, paradise, poets,
Form: Romanticism
Myth, After Dylan Thomas
Myth, after Dylan Thomas
by Michael R. Burch

Here the recalcitrant wind
sighs with grievance and remorse
over fields of wayward gorse
and thistle-throttled lanes.

And she is the myth of the scythed wheat
hewn and sighing, complete,
waiting, lain in a low...

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Categories: herons, autumn, faith, grief, life, myth, october, september,
Form: Verse
This World of Dew

This world? 
Moonlit dew
flicked from a crane's bill.
—Eihei Dogen Kigen, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

How long
can a dewdrop last? 
—Eihei Dogen Kigen, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Dewdrops beading grass-blades
die before...

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Categories: herons, age, art, autumn, bereavement, death, life, time,
Form: Haiku
Prose Poems
Prose Poems

by Michael R. Burch

Something inescapable is lost?lost like a pale vapor curling up into shafts of moonlight, vanishing in a gust of wind toward an expanse of stars immeasurable and void. Something uncapturable is...

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Categories: herons, animal, child, childhood, children, magic, rose, science,
Form: Prose
Poems About Regret
by Michael R. Burch

a bitter
ache to bear . . .

once starlight
in your hair . . .

a shining there
as brief
as rare.

Regret . . .
a pain
I chose to bear . . .

the torrent
of your hair . ....

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Categories: herons, memory, pain, remember, sad, sorrow, sorry, sympathy,
Form: Rhyme
Love Has a Southern Flavor
Love has a Southern flavor: honeydew,
ripe cantaloupe, the honeysuckle’s spout
we tilt to basking faces to breathe out
the ordinary, and inhale perfume ...

Love’s Dixieland-rambunctious: tangled vines,
wild clematis, the gold-brocaded leaves
that will not keep their order in...

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Categories: herons, desire, longing, love, romance, romantic, romantic love,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Moderna Commedia, Third Canto, Second Part
Italian version. (continued from first part)
Tale è l’orror  che assale la mia mente
Di quanto ho visto e rivissuto prima
Da ridurla al silenzio più opprimente.
Pian piano poi risal verso la cima
Creando ancora immagini e illusioni

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Categories: herons, poems,
Form: Terza Rima
Premium Member On Naming Plants and Animals
A Commentary on

"A Note on the [Patriarchal-Colonizing] Treatment
of Plant Names"
by Robin Wall Kimmerer, p. 385

I too often accept
with nary a LeftBrain dominant thought
that our verbalized labels
for individual EgoPersons

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Categories: herons, earth day, health, humanity, integrity, nature, planet,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Songs For Reparation
When I was a male child
I prayed to an eternally mute dualdark goddess,
Gaia was our name
for each Other's
sacraments to share passion.

And so I heard bird songs
praising each day's anticipated Gaian glory,
everybody playing cooperatively nice,
or at...

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Categories: herons, bird, health, passion, peace, power, prayer,
Form: Political Verse
Bring Brring Telephone Calling
'BRRRING BRRRING' said the telephone

“Oh hello” said the wide viewfinder to the telephone. “How are you today?” The telephone fell silent. Very silent. It had no battery with which to call, speak, shout or do...

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Categories: herons, bangla, baptism, baseball, beach,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Stalked By August Trees
Every time I change directions
lately, and possibly beforely,
Trees stand by to mentor
and nurture,
to feed with branched hands
to bleed when uprooted
from aptic past centuries
of hibernating winter naps.

Trees of original pheromone attraction,
August spawned
like Taurus colonizing crabgrass
embedded in...

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Categories: herons, august, community, food, health, history, river, tree,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Greening Our Neighborhood
like Taoists
and Buddhists
and Hindus, etc.
Consider neighbors
extended and respected family,
ZeroZone Kin,
regardless of zone status
near or far,
regardless of species,
regardless of living
or gone
or not yet arrived.

Dear Neighbors,

I make no proud claims
of embracing a GREEN lifestyle,
making green integrity choices,

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Categories: herons, caregiving, earth, education, environment, health, history, school,
Form: Political Verse
Spring Time Dance
The winter solstice has passed, so the spring dance can begin at last,
and everyone is invited, from every tree as far as the eye can see.
To each and every flourishing flower, the buzzing bees and...

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© Sarah Cope  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: herons, daffodils, dance, earth, easter, fairy, green, nature,
Form: Rhyme
The Morn's Alive With Skylarks Singing
The morn's alive with skylarks singing

o'er the greening meadow and the pliant pasture,

the ocean sighing, gulls aloft on wings of prayer.

A sudden shower would see me running

fancy free between the rain drops,

I cried 'Excelsior!' and...

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Categories: herons, tribute, writing,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Less Than Words Can Tell
Doctor Fell taught at University Park, like stars gather for enlightenment;
And was stern, diligent and upright, like pink cactus bloom environments.

He was dedicated to his striving students, although strict about lessons;
And there were penalties for...

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Categories: herons, anger, change, color, fantasy, nature, student, teacher,
Form: Couplet
A Categorization Is Neither a Cat Clapping Nor a Centimeter of Cubic Cakes
A slipper stained in a knot is appearing to emulate a wanton soup. Wanton soup is grinning a beaming smile. Whirling around. Nine noodles nimbly nick niceties. And the prawn dance begins as they fling...

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Categories: herons, age, america, angel, animal, baseball, basketball,
Form: I do not know?
The Morning Soars With Skylarks Singing Repost
The morning soars with skylarks singing
o'er the greening meadow and the pliant pasture,
the ocean sighing, gulls aloft on wings of prayer.
A sudden shower would see me running
fancy free between the rain drops,
I cried 'Excelsior!' and...

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Categories: herons, writing,
Form: Verse
The Morn's Alive With Skylarks Singing
The morn's alive with skylarks singing
o'er the greening meadow and the pliant pasture,
the ocean sighing, gulls aloft on wings of prayer.
A sudden shower would see me running
fancy free between the rain drops,
I cried 'Excelsior!' and...

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Categories: herons, adventure, write,
Form: Verse
The Morning Rings With Skylarks Singing
...inspired by 'Poem In October' by Dylan Thomas

The morning rings with skylarks singing,
o'er the greening meadow and the pliant pasture,
the ocean sighing, gulls aloft on wings of prayer.
A sudden shower would see me running
fancy free...

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Categories: herons, on writing and words, happy, happy, joy,
Form: Verse
Mornings Shrill With Skylarks Singing
Mornings shrill with skylarks singing 
o'er the greening meadow and the pliant pasture, 
the ocean sighing, gulls aloft on wings of prayer. 
A sudden shower would see me running 
fancy free between the rain drops,...

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Categories: herons, celebration, children, writing,
Form: Prose Poetry

Book: Reflection on the Important Things