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Long Cremating Poems

Long Cremating Poems. Below are the most popular long Cremating by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Cremating poems by poem length and keyword.

The Square Root of Beirut
The Square Root of Beiruit 
Ten men bending while theyre pretending to be near the ending
A capitalist nightmare glares like rotten fruit
The squate root of Beiruit
No it isn’t fair, so they’ll start to loot
The soldiers are...

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Categories: cremating, introspection, life,
Form: Rhyme

Upbeat, the Islander: Upbeat Comes To Terms
I'm a simple guy,
I like video games, music and succeeding without trying,
So when a man comes up to me and tell me he can save my life,
Who am I to turn down a free book...

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Categories: cremating, bible, hope, jesus, journey, life, religion, youth,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Creative Comformigthy
Opposing standards is one of Tim’s favourite past times

Not for the sake of difference but to cherish critique

to brush away his take on ignorance searching for his truth

Internalized self-evident and for the sake of future...

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Categories: cremating, creation,
Form: Free verse
United State of Denial
El Presidente don’t Tennessee 
nothing bad coming,
tho’ the global orbitals
saw viral things very differently

Happy talk tongue taters
do eerily 
Idaho ear mash liquor please

Delaware drunk on denial,
so Iowa unaware
that the body litmus test
is gonna crimson cost...

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Categories: cremating, america, death, leadership, sick,
Form: Elegy
Hymns of Salvation 1
Hymns of salvation

That  my own  body 
is my greatest enemy
was unknown to me.
O Lord, I  was reveling  in its pleasures.

The ones that
do not listen to Your tales,
never  speak...

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Categories: cremating, birth, me, philosophy, religion,
Form: Suzette Prime

Premium Member Love blooms in four seasons

In my past existence,
circumstance sowed my roots
deep into woods of foreign soil,
slowly I ascended spreading my wings,
yearning to be evergreen,
blossoming in summer with glossy verdant leaves -
I became the soul of the earth.

Yet, I never...

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© Silent One  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: cremating, analogy, emotions, extended metaphor, love,
Form: Free verse
Humanity Must Hustle Mach Schnell
Humanity must hustle mach schnell -

At warp speed to stave off
further global catastrophe
courtesy portentous tragedy
loosed within Australia
think Pandora's box

harbinger spelling dystopia
across webbed wide world
avast holocaust cremating
irrevocable and irreversible
innocent species, now urgency
of humankind to reckon

eyes crisis...

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Categories: cremating, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, heartbroken,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Secret Cries
My secret cries are my pains I hide, hidden from the world to see. 
Hidden so intense my soul became debility of weakness. 
My heart hinders to collapse and deflates.
Completely of decay, secretly lessen for...

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Categories: cremating, death, depression, life, sad, sympathy, heart, heart,
Form: Light Verse
Burned Twice
Formaldehyde pride
preserved inside a dead body
of morality compromise
Living a lie
is a ceremonial breathing exercise
Of all the bridges you burned,
cremation was the last choice wrong turn
Afraid to be buried below 
with the worms,
Your remains stayed above...

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Categories: cremating, fire, sin, spiritual, wisdom,
Form: Free verse
My Life In Verbs

Nothing, Something Treading, Swimming, Navigating,  Vibrating, Penetrating, Dividing, Multiplying, Forming, Shaping, Moving, Kicking, Exiting, Crying, Breathing, Seeing, Sleeping, Being.

Suckling, Creeping, Crawling, Walking, Talking, Running, Growing, Playing, Adjusting, Adapting,...

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Categories: cremating, analogy, death, introspection, life, muse, philosophy, words,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member If it wasn't for poetry
With the sudden loss of my dear wife,
In distant home land, I could not save her of heart attack,
With funeral pyres cremating her on banks of holy river,
Heart cried for weeks, family in shock for...

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© Jay Narain  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: cremating, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Love's Funeral
** Love's Funeral **

Oh ! Please ! Don't disturb me now
I'm at a funeral
Cremating my feelings for you
Burying them deep inside my heart
At the same place 
Where once we exchanged
Our vows
In the same black dress

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Categories: cremating, absence, betrayal, emotions, funeral, heartbroken, lost love,
Form: Free verse
The Elasticity of Love
The Elasticity of Love. 

Truth. Lies,

teeming mindscapes,
arrhythmic heartscapes,
wildly cacophonous soulscapes,

all the while as truth slips through the cracks, 
on time's wrinkled face. 

How easy it is to sew the heart up,
extinguishing the embers crackling...

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Categories: cremating, dedication, depression, dream, grief, hope, life, lonely,
Form: I do not know?
Reserata Carcerem Ix
it pays being a fostered fool
than to be to injustice cool
felon fight for fame's worth a take
but bruised blitzkrieg by act is made

if meagre mediocrity coaches you on love
that masticated mind prunes moan's gut
stir eerie...

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Categories: cremating, philosophy, wisdom,
Form: Sonnet
Wet Curls
Wet curls
Begging a wish
To touch them.
But for the mist,
White wool over eyes.

We saw
The haze went up the gorge,
Stroking the pines of Mawkdok,
And desperate
To hold your hand, I
Kept the commandment.
What shall I do in heaven now

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Categories: cremating, absence, age, anger, art, august, autumn, black
Form: ABC
Mawu Amongst Stars
As a perfect scar, is the morning star,
illumed as Hemera asleep and dreamy
upon the breasts of Nyx, cold and homey,
staring, so stoic in gaze, perfect scar.

Of settings and fanta-scenes of my soul
she reminds. Of wild...

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Categories: cremating, beauty, magic, memory,
Form: Sonnet
Kleptomaniac Key
there was a kaleidoscopic key
nocturnal nature smothered spree
moaning metal glazed with scarred incisors
dripping dark dangles, felon fright's fervor

meagre mystery bewitched it:
callous connections drooled, fostered fills
hoisted head, punctured padlock was
tampered tuning heaves nosy gnaw

a book is...

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Categories: cremating, life,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Crush
This one’s for you
And your aqua blue way of
Nonchalantly masquerading
Where angels fear to tread

Or perhaps

This one’s about you
And your aqua blue way of
Confronting shadows and
Binding up demons.

Or perhaps

This one’s about me
And my burnt orange way...

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Categories: cremating, life, blue, blue,
Form: Free verse
tomorrow she died
today she lived
yesterday she cried
the breeze opened her eyes
and she tried to size up herself

Like ones self
cremating in the wind
it was the end

small and short no where to resort
she carefully apologized 
where is...

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Categories: cremating, death,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Shattered Sighs