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Long Crack the whip Poems

Long Crack the whip Poems. Below are the most popular long Crack the whip by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Crack the whip poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member A Hero Is Dishonored
Alas, a US Marine saved a baby in Afghanistan.
The USA, as a way to say thank you, puts him 
under investigation?

Yes, a true hero, made the horrid mistake?
Of being honored at a Trump rally, ...

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Categories: crack the whip, america, anger,
Form: Rhyme

The Great Deception
For so long I thought I knew your heart
Your mind, soul, and every part
My life felt safe in your gentle arms
Free from worry and any harm
So certain I was that you were the one
A love...

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© Troy Lamb  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: crack the whip, anger, betrayal, change, girlfriend, pain, sorrow,
Form: Rhyme
The Solution They Won'T See
They ask how this could come about?
How could a young man just snap,
this did not happen way back,
enough to make a good soul doubt.

They wonder why has it changed,
what’s different now than before,
what turns a...

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Categories: crack the whip, culture, father, father son, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme
Plastic Fantastic
Man, it just doesn’t pay to try and live in the day. Crazy full up, crisper, sharpest with an undepleted uranium core, burning burning burning, knowing it’s all shit and nobody pays attention, “quiet desperation,”...

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Categories: crack the whip, depression, memory,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Mind Pollution
Mind pollution
The manipulation and control of the masses 
Is a world government agenda and constitution
Throughout time.

Newer technology and the information computer revolution
Are powerful weapons to spread evil deeds and even more pollution
The slave masters crack...

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© Peter Dome  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: crack the whip, angst, corruption, discrimination, war,
Form: Free verse

Goodbye Halloween
Goodbye Halloween it's Christmas time to tout.
We'll all be getting presents then.
We won't go door to door or dress up anymore.
Here Santa comes at Christmas when...

Midnight strokes of Christmas Eve.
Our stockings by the fire.
Wax candles...

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Categories: crack the whip, christmas,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Would You Hire Me: a Resume
I am applying for the consultant position
of Office Manager for which I will audition.
I am undeniably qualified to deal with nitwits
and idiots I will immediately classify as 'twits.'

My solution to deal with those people is...

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© Lin Lane  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: crack the whip, business,
Form: Rhyme
Those Were My Great Days
Those Were My Great Days

Old people like me have become historic
Ending up in shock and also euphoric
Thinking about things that once had been
Which I will never hear or see again.

Kitty in the Corner we used...

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© James Horn  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: crack the whip, encouraging, imagination, inspirational,
Form: Couplet
On the Wrong Side

You got a bad ending attraction
to winsome things
Pretty possessive faces,
which crack the whip
and pull the chain

Each mourning 
is a close shave beginning
Rough insomnia dreams,
so razor thin ... risk dangerous

You’ve been sleepwalking				Chorus:
on the wrong side
Letting your...

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Categories: crack the whip, angst, hurt, pain, song,
Form: Lyric
I am just a simple whisper
Trust me to not make a whimper
I am just a forgotten liar
Just me to burn in the fire
Lie awake to pass the time 
Tell a lie to punish mine

Show me

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© Seth Cross  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: crack the whip, angst, confusion, introspection, lifeme, love, me, sin,
Form: Free verse
Do We Hate
Do you believe in 
 The Power of the mind?
   Do you seek the truth?
 Or are you blind?

   Can you rely on 
 The Force with-in?
   Can you...

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Categories: crack the whip, life,
Form: Rhyme
We the Poets, United By Our Clashing Wits
Thinking big
Starting small 
Crash the system 
Drop the ball

Crack the whip
Spill the Beans
Defy your God
A sight obscene 

As angels die
All just a shot in the dark

Shoot and miss
Control your fists
Consumes the air

Ride among
The ones who’ve...

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© Jake Brown  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: crack the whip, people
Form: I do not know?
Brother, do you blame because I am no longer small
And do no jump when you crack the whip
Or because you dare not rise to make a call
To me because of your moral slip?

Brother, do you...

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Categories: crack the whip, brotherfire, fire, me,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Live Life Large
Live inspired, heart on fire, aim ever-higher
   Conceive immensely, strive intensely, pursue in a frenzy

Don't kick back, never go slack --- instead, attack!
   Don't lie low, or take things slow ---...

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Categories: crack the whip, life, philosophy,
Form: Couplet
Grandiose Ideas
In the middle of the night
When I can’t get back to sleep
All these grandiose ideas
In my wired brain do creep.

I will clean out all my closets.
I will rearrange each drawer.
I will freshen up the furniture

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Categories: crack the whip, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme
In Its Grip
She was irresistible
Lust had me in its grip.
Tempered though somewhat,
When she produced the whip.

"What is this I said,
What is this game you're playing."
"You'll know soon enough, said she
For you are for a flaying."

I couldn't make...

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© Gary Smith  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: crack the whip, humorous, sexy,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things