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Long Centrism Poems

Long Centrism Poems. Below are the most popular long Centrism by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Centrism poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Transparent Exodus
Imagine we live in an eco-normative story
of competing for wealth-commodities,
cash piled in quantifiable currencies,
collectively blinded to our Win-Win
natural economic,
biological health and well-being 
nurturing value roots.

One day, our PolyCultural Received View
unveils a co-operatively synergetic evolution 

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Categories: centrism, earth, environment, philosophy, political, psychological, spiritual, wisdom,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Sins of Supreme Suppression
Not to play any blame game,
in this our new co-evolutionary capacity
for LeftBrained Language Enculturation
long become YangDominant associated
with 'civilization',
co-arising anthro-centrism,
including Earth's newer history
of revolution by Empirical Elitism.

Processes of empirical empire supremacy,
kill or be killed,
became not really...

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Categories: centrism, earth, health, language, math, religion, science, sin,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Ecocitizens Coarise
EcoMinisters of Earth Rights

EcoLogicians of sustainable tribal might

EcoLegislators of bicameral balancing disposition

What is our highest and best Commons Sense
of currently elected policy-choosers?
Where are our optimal outcomes of Commons Sense?
What does this vast emptiness of positive...

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Categories: centrism, addiction, community, creation, culture, health, political, wisdom,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Hope For Respect
My thought for this day,
although still early,
is respect for hope.

Respect for our interdependence
and respect for our challenging differences,
important, yet hopefully not as powerful
as our interdependent love for healthy life.

I noticed a brown cardboard box
in the...

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Categories: centrism, bible, caregiving, culture, health, hope, integrity, usa,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member We Incarnate What We Digest
Eugenics is about monoculturing supremacist delusions 
of and for AnthroCentric Perfection.
Eumemics is about multiculturing nutritional inclusions
of and for Matriarchal-Iconic EarthTribe's nature-spirit Yintegration.

If we wish to begin facilitating regenerative evolution
and discouraging degenerative terrorists and fundamentalists,
it helps...

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Categories: centrism, culture, destiny, health, life, political, psychological,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Psychology of Political Economics
Shalom, Aloha, Namaste

Identity is rooted in socioeconomic health of mutual trust,
beginning in utero
swimming about in embryonic nutrition,
rather than active distrust
or more passive mistrust of the relatively unknown
yet somehow paranoic alien, Other.

The psychological fuel for polypathic...

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Categories: centrism, beauty, blessing, culture, health, humor, psychological, social,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Empowering Passion
In passionate psychology,
powers of proactive compassion
are generally thought of in personal
and familial
interdependently relational

In political science,
large-scale powers for proactive compassion
resist reactive competition to merely overpower the opposition,
preferring pro-active energy for liberal love
constrains against investments in conserving...

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Categories: centrism, caregiving, education, health, integrity, nature, passion, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Gaia and Fr Time: True Informating Scandal
Gaia’s love first embraces Earth’s tribes
who then embrace Her back
through Gaia’s co-redeemer enculturation gift,
pay-it-forward grace of permacultured history,
karma of EarthTribe’s economy,
mutually-parasitic subsidiarity
embracing universally regenerate Host
in political-through-personal empowering solidarity
of EarthTribe's Eco-Passionate Universal Rights.

She paid the health...

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Categories: centrism, allegory, culture, earth, earth day, love, peace,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Redeeming Genesis
We have an enemy within called the ego
who prevents us from using our mind intelligently.
It hides deep within our heart
and emerges with regularity
to challenge and consume our will.

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Categories: centrism, humor, integrity, love, nature, philosophy, religion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Kind Mind Blast
Our topic for this morning
said Professor Glory
to her sleepy class of bicameral scholars,
is "Attraction v. Addiction to Peak Experiences."

Addictions are wanting more than attraction therapeutically invites.
Addictions suboptimize the Peak outcomes they promise.
Unlike the continuity of...

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Categories: centrism, adventure, birth, change, community, environment, love, peace,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Sublime Terror
Let's say I am an anthropocentric terrorist.

What would we be saying? 
And isn't that redundant somehow?
If terrorists are ethnocentric,
does that not also require you to indulge in anthro-centrism?

I suppose
if you are not an Anthro,
then it's...

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Categories: centrism, earth, earth day, fear, identity, peace, political,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Cooperative Resourcing
I was a highly competitive,
and chronically frustrated,
public and private sector grant writer
before I turned to this prose-poetry research format,
inspired by reading Buckminster Fuller's universal Left Hemisphere
synergetic with, and never dissonant against,
his Right Hemisphere's unitarian-holistic flow

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Categories: centrism, culture, games, health, integrity, money, power, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member View From a Sanctuary
He retired to his sanctuary
on the Eastern shore of the Thames River
three years ago,
an often frustrated permaculture organizer
for building cooperative social health
by creatively communicating climate wealth
growing ZeroZone positive multicultural tao-energy.

This proves reclusively frustrating
in large part...

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Categories: centrism, age, america, change, health, integrity, longing, love,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Healthcare Passions
MultiCultural Teaching and Listening

All major educational challenges,
for both consumers and producers of communication,
call for best outside/inside compassion practices
rooted in cooperative awareness of nutritional flow patterns,
contrasted against toxic stagnation entropy, apathy,
and flowering as WinEgo/WinEco-health values.

For example,

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Categories: centrism, community, education, health, integrity, love, nature, passion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Restoring Sacred Grace
Redistributing Natural Karma

Therapeutic economies of multicultural grace
regeneratively push through
Punitive politics of retribution for monoculturing sin,
degenerative harm,
victimizing fellow Earth residents
of grace
and positive Earth karma.

In Genesis
we can discern three distinct,
though overlapping, oral traditions.

In at least one of...

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Categories: centrism, color, community, earth, health, history, humor, universe,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Meditation As Medication
Polypathic genius,
thought Bucky Fuller, 
grows polycultural Plan A intelligence. 

Paths creolizing cultures co-arise 
composing comprehensive consciousness. 

Plan A sometimes feels alien to Anthro-capitalized values,
like bad economic news, 
because ecological relationships
regenerate diversities of love life 

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Categories: centrism, birth, creation, culture, destiny, identity, inspiration, nature,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Wombmanish Conclusions
I would feel our green way
toward restoring just Earth

Designing integral peace
through Default Mediating Networks
remediating LeftBrain dominant
win/lose thoughts
sniffing toward retribution
before settling into stagnant
smug silence,
substituting for cooperatively 
not quite so supremely,
restoring peace.

My resolution opportunities
are as HUGE as...

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Categories: centrism, caregiving, earth, environment, health, humanity, integrity, nature,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member My Book of Lists
A book of lists
is what I need
to absolve Earth's Tribes
of rampant greed.

Before and after lists,
being and becoming fists,
masculine and feminist mutual mentoring trists
of transliterative transubstantiation.

I would like to hug
a warm and fuzzy theology
with prophetic philosophical...

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Categories: centrism, culture, earth day, history, humor, love, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Regenerating 2020 Hope
I once heard,
Hope is what can positively happen
after listening to all the realistic facts
and then continuing in good faith anyway.

I also heard,
Cynicism about others,
like narcissism about oneself,
is sadly generative,
expansively powerful,

Just as hope about others
and compassion...

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Categories: centrism, faith, health, history, hope, humanity, humor, life,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Undifference
Indifference, if neutral,
is not hostile or inviting.

Indifference of nature,
like indifferent sages,
need not favor warriors detached from winning health
nor degenerative losing trends against healthy wealth,
cast in our 'hollow reed' self-neutral image
of empty potential godliness,
pure omnipresent transparency,

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Categories: centrism, deep, earth, environment, feelings, health, integrity, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Sanctuaries Within Without
Those who win the day
are those who choose love
instead of hate.
     Rev. Dr. William Barber

Those who exclude victim inclusion
disrupt everyday sanctuary
for addicted bully perpetrators,
not unlike ourselves.

Those who dream sanctuary all FullMoon...

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Categories: centrism, black love, caregiving, gender, hate, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Decomposing Love
Can you truly love a rock,
you've never directly seen or touched,
or some other relatively inanimate object,
like a steel wall,
or ego-centrism?

If so, then how is your "love"
different from a whimsical "appreciate you"?

If not, then what is...

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Categories: centrism, anger, destiny, fear, love, peace, psychological,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Pledge Allegiance
A union in ourselves flags wave
Unite in freedom, die in vain
House divided, republican it saids stand 
One nation, under God; only good rules
A stand for liberty as we ourselves
A pledge allegiance, even it had meaning

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Categories: centrism, absence, adventure, character, conflict, dedication, desire, freedom,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Optimizing Flowpower
Cooperative economic and political flow,
common to all regenerative ecosystems,
is largely non-historic Business As HealthyUsual,
while news-worthy events too often reincarnate
competing images of overpowering violent capitalism,
raised up through militarism and racism and sexism,
climate pathologies of run-away ego-centrism,

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Categories: centrism, health, history, humor, love, miracle, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Swagger and Bovarism
Hubris and centrism are forever hook and mitt
A myriad of players does seemingly afflict
Resenting green eyes now focusing in
Rocks tangled with glass and taken square on the chin

Petulant stance, the recreants cry
Transitorily deuced with an...

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Categories: centrism, analogy,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Shattered Sighs