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Long Cats meow Poems

Long Cats meow Poems. Below are the most popular long Cats meow by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Cats meow poems by poem length and keyword.

Garden Guests
A post from the past.....just trying to put down all the ones I have written but deleted when I left the site for a while......this is almost too long, but I couldn't find which animal...

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Categories: cats meow, animal, earth, education, kids, garden, insect,
Form: Rhyme

Good Ol'E Hard Garlic Salimi and Dried Prune Religion
"Dearly beloved, "We are gathered here today to witness,
The wickedness of these times."
"Blessed", fortunately, its ending soon."
To radio stations phone-it.
"Wait!, No!, Next month.
"Taking the kiddies fishing."
"Perhaps we should postpone it."
"Reminds me, of an ole story.

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Categories: cats meow, anxiety, forgiveness,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Snapping out of it
I've just painted my nails
So have to sit still
There's a breeze coming in and it grazed me
Woke me up and sent me to sleep simultaneously 
I was thinking how I'm enjoying reclining right now (I've...

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Categories: cats meow, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Picky child I was
before & still am as
I’m writing this
picky, petite poem –

I am different
now…I’ve changed for
the better, though
it was a challenging
Clever and cheery
teenager I am in the
present and past,
getting used to
foods I once didn’t

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Categories: cats meow, adventure, africa, animal, appreciation, beauty, child, uplifting,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Delighting In Bible Stories
Highlighting the Lord God’s omnipotence
Bible stories expose His miracles
along His mercy’s faithful persistence
smiting torturous hatred’s tentacles.

Greatly enthralled by biblical events
my special child yearns for their retelling
animatedly done, no one prevents
his call for these chronicles propelling:


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Categories: cats meow, bible, blessing, child, christian, god, jesus, spiritual,
Form: Narrative

The Haunted House
It was located close to my house.
They said that it was an abandoned place
but I didn't see it the same way.
It started to act when 
the darkness beat the light.

Repeatedly I heard eerie noises;
Sometimes someone...

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Categories: cats meow, evil, horror, sensual,
Form: Narrative
Cat Purrs To Haiku
You never feed me.
Perhaps I'll sleep on your face.
That will show you.

You must scratch me there!
Yes, above my tail! Behold,
elevator butt.

I need a new toy.
Tail of black dog keeps good time.
Pounce! good dog! good dog!


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Categories: cats meow, artme, me, sleep,
Form: I do not know?
Prolonging Pain
prolonging pain 
ongoing insane
subverting hurting
ain't working
dodging the day
gets me no pay
prices up wages flat
elect a democrat
who does better than
what's done by republican
spending more
on making war

apolitical is political
just gonna be inhospitable
give me drug to raise me...

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Categories: cats meow, anger, ireland,
Form: Free verse
One Stranger Than the Other
Creeping in the night
Moonlight like stars shine
Grim reapers fly,
Cats meow to the sight
Ashley said "G you gotta go to z"
Z met M, so we all do
Like natives and modern man,
Is it money?
Is it greed?
Is it...

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Categories: cats meow, deep, irony,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Cowgirl Hat Song On Cd
She has a cowgirl hat and a set of spurs,
And sometimes she's as gentle as a cat that purrs,
Imagine that....she's my way with words,
And her and I together'd tame a buffalo herd,

Yea! she's the cats...

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Categories: cats meow, cowboy-western, love, song-lyricdance, dance, drink,
Form: Lyric
The Cats Meow
What now brown cow is there some sort of contention going on here?
I only wanted to indulge in some small form of nourishment here;
And you can at times provide such a tasty morsel,
I am after...

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Categories: cats meow, analogy, funny, humorous,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member White feathers
God sends pets without wings so no one will suspect they are angels ..."- Unkown

Our invisible God,
difficult to undescribe Him,
Nobody saw Him,
but He lives in our pets.
Our dogs bark,
we don't know what they say,

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Categories: cats meow, allusion, angel, birth, blessing, confidence, god, universe,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Portrait of Spot

mr. Picasso
we have a strange cat named spot.
spot is mainly white
save for this splotch on his nose, 
pure black and triangular

now some cats meow
but spot cries like a baby
you’ll want to paint spot.

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Categories: cats meow, animal,
Form: Tanka
Strange Just Got Stranger
Cows moo
Cats meow,
Dogs bark like woof-woof
And humans talk:
Talk forever and ever.

Times so twisted these days:
The arm goes round and round!
Like the circles in the sky-
And they collide like men 
Disputing in war times,
Moving out when...

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Categories: cats meow, i am, identity, imagery, imagination, life, religion,
Form: Rhyme
Heavenly Angels Going Home
When the thunder roar with
A loud angry force

The lightning flash with a keen
Mighty whip

And a violent sweep races over

The land..


The wind sit still

The dogs moan and howl...

And the cats meow with a

Roughness of displeasure

The lightning...

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Categories: cats meow, inspirational, love,
Form: Free verse
Angels Wings In the Clouds
As the light clouds sail across the moon on this dark night
I can picture angel’s wings created by the wind
Hearing them singing God’s hymns through this light wind
Gazing upon the stars and hearing how Great...

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© Bobby May  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: cats meow, angel,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Love Me, Love My Cats
Come in, come in, but
Step on no pets.
My cats are rulers of the roost,
And this is as good as it gets

A nut for a jar of tuna,
Is my big Tommy cat.
He refuses to eat salmon,

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Categories: cats meow, pets, cat,
Form: Rhyme
She Is the Cat's Meow
She is the Cats Meow

As She walks down the street
Smiles at the people she meets
With a slink in her walk 
As Pretty as a Spring Day

Has a Dress that fits Her curves
And a Purple Hat...

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Categories: cats meow, beautiful, longing,
Form: Quatrain
When To Start and Stop Written Poetry
Creativity is positively a must in your mind
A wind chime brings tones of rhyme
Clinging one tone at a time touching your ears
A cats meow or a cow can give you the depth you need

A bird’s...

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© Bobby May  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: cats meow, time,
Form: Free verse
Silent, the Castle Doors

Stillness held the flower, in distant gazes spilling from their palms...

A cats meow, resounding atop timeless rafters; peering at the stage

About a sixteenth century romance; dramatica, close the castle door

Hush the crowd betwixt breath they...

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Categories: cats meow, love, passion, romance,
Form: Free verse
This Is It
yup im a drunk
and i don't think much of it
I drink and i vomit
I curse and I yell
I don't go by societies rules
and ill be damned if you tell me what to do
this life is...

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Categories: cats meow, today,
Form: I do not know?
Silent, the Castle Doors

Stillness held the flower, in distant gazes spilling from their palms....

A cats meow, resounding atop timeless rafters; peering at the stage

About a sixteenth century romance; dramatica, close the castle door

Hush the crowd betwixt breath they...

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Categories: cats meow, hope, life, love,
Form: I do not know?
Old School Flirting
Old School Flirting that actually worked

Pardon my french but you swivel my chisel and you look as happy as a clam, I am head over heel’s let’s just say, be still my heart. Your my...

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© Bobby May  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: cats meow, education, old, school,
Form: Free verse
Cat Without a Hat
If I were a cat
I would sit in your lap
And need you all day long
For a cat is just that
But does not belong in a hat

A cats meow could mean anything
I want this or I...

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© Bobby May  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: cats meow, cat,
Form: Free verse
I Am Not Somebody
I Am Not Somebody 
Holding up they head they drift write bye. 
No water droplets from the rain 
could evere slide in there. 
They look at everyone else to be nobody there. 
Have they ever...

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Categories: cats meow, confusion, education, funny, mystery,
Form: Free verse

Book: Shattered Sighs