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Lemon Poems - Poems about Lemon

Lemon Poems - Examples of all types of poems about lemon to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for lemon.
Premium Member The Lemon Tree
It was a big backyard, big enough to hold the imagination of a boy - trees to climb, sheds to explore, a large lawn to swing a bat or kick a ball and in a quiet corner, a sanctuary for...Read the rest...
Categories: lemon, childhood, nostalgia, religion, teenage,
Form: Free verse
Phenomenon or mere lemon 3
He thinks he’s a phenomenon, An orange, when he’s mere lemon. The more he gets the squeeze, The more proves an ass he’s, A kind that higher goes, The more tends to expose Like a monkey on tree Whose rear we...Read the rest...
Categories: lemon, america, humor, political,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Cranberry Confessions
If I can be honest I must cranberry confess I really don’t want it No longer need your sex I don’t mean you Are invaluable to me Just mean I don’t want All that huffing and puffing I giggle...Read the rest...
Categories: lemon, art, emotions, how i
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Wicked Whispers
licking lemon lips painting phrases pretending windy words won’t whip ...Read the rest...
Categories: lemon, anti bullying, art, evil,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member lemon-shine
The bright sunrise made the snow-covered Alp mountain-tips, an hour-away-by-car, glow like they were topped with lemon ice-cream. Was this evidence of magic? Peter (my bf) and I are low atop the five story Hotel de...Read the rest...
Categories: lemon, boyfriend, paris, student, summer,
Form: Free verse

SMILE WITH A LEMON A’PEEL When Life Gives You Lemons... As life sometimes will No matter what you feel... Turn that sour pucker into a "Jesus Smile" Smile with a lemon a'peel! (Appeal) ...Read the rest...
Categories: lemon, cheer up, emotions, life,
Form: Other
Premium Member Bitter Lemon Woman
Bitter Lemon Woman In sarcastic egos, you’ve cornered the market. A self-important peasant, a show off bourgeoisie Without compassion, a bitter lemon woman. A twisted tongue, a controlling snake A liar, a betrayer and a tortured soul A pathetic vein of...Read the rest...
Categories: lemon, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sublime
Redolent spring air aromatic breath of life sublime lemon grove...Read the rest...
Categories: lemon, life, spring,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Tambourine Tears
Tambourine tears fall with such grace They actually make music on my face A festival of salt on blackened skin Pickled smile teasing the audience again Bitterness is an acquired fruit After fasting, it is at least something…to eat A means...Read the rest...
Categories: lemon, angst, appreciation, courage,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member if I had a lemon clock
Sugar was misnamed for she was perpetually unhappy. If I had a pony, I could cheer up. She got a pony and was more dour now. If I had a fire truck, I would smile from sunup to...Read the rest...
Categories: lemon, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member fifty miles
thrust up from desert floor like a snow cone icy mountain dripping winter's lace ... Mt Lemon only fifty miles from this maze I'm threading through cracker box houses snaking sidewalks parks playgrounds groomed gravel desert trees ...barking dogs most pleasant 78 degrees I've felt...Read the rest...
Categories: lemon, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Memory of Lemon Juice, Gaza 2024
The Memory of Lemon Juice, Gaza 2024 The scent of leaves we placed between our clothes no moths would dare to eat but these we left behind the fruit we sliced, summer ripe  packed in salt and sealed preserved for later use among...Read the rest...
Categories: lemon, city, food, humanity, war,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member October Pumpkin in Lemon Town
Faerie queen was debating about her metamorphous now She wanted to be a butterfly, but could not figure out how Just relax and let nature do what she does said an elf. So she did, and ended up...Read the rest...
Categories: lemon, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Rhyme
The Lemon Yellow Lightbulb
You left at the first flicker of dawn as the pioneering rays of Sun diluted the chaotic dark of night and the morass of words exchanged. I would have, if not for my dead legs followed, at least crawled but you...Read the rest...
Categories: lemon, break up, love hurts,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Lemon Coriander Soup
I have an in-born low immunity against cold, so, when my nose ran lose and mucus rolled, my mother used to make for me everyday lemon coriander soup I liked, I would say. Using mother’s recipe I now cook...Read the rest...
Categories: lemon, food,
Form: Rhyme

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