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Impeachment Poems - Poems about Impeachment

Impeachment Poems - Examples of all types of poems about impeachment to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for impeachment.
What you are not receiving
...The legacy media is censoring the facts regarding the criminality of the Biden family. I understand why some are not aware of these facts, indisputable facts, backed by physical evidence, and first h......Read the rest...
Categories: impeachment, truth,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Gallows at the Capitol
...(This dark poem was written on the anniversary and in memory of the events of January 6, 2021.) Gallows at the Capitol By Mark D. Stucky “Hang Mike Pence” was......Read the rest...
Categories: impeachment, america, anger, history, patriotic,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Data Delivered to Your Inbox
...Black lives matter. Me too. Not my president. Give peace a chance. Luck runs out. I like immigrants. Power must be challenged by power. Equal and opposite reactions. God is the answer. Love ......Read the rest...
Categories: impeachment, city, death, history, peace,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Art of the Devilish Deal
...The Art of the Devilish Deal By Mark D. Stucky Did Trump sell his soul to the devil in 2016? As his part of the deal, could he lie, preen, cheat, and tweet? Could he dis......Read the rest...
Categories: impeachment, bible, humorous, parody, political,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Denialist's
...2 Timothy 4:3-4:4 For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. So, they will turn th......Read the rest...
Categories: impeachment, culture,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Where Lives Happeaceness
...Where lives aliveness, healthy wholeness, organically fluid integrity? Despite trauma unwanted present irreparable loss separation divorce apartheid excommunication impeachment shunning ......Read the rest...
Categories: impeachment, analogy, beauty, health, metaphor,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Trial To Triumph
...trial adversarial, impeachment undergoing, participating, pending arraignment, prosecution, glory, conquest conquering, culminating, d......Read the rest...
Categories: impeachment, creation, poetry, words,
Form: Diamante
Premium Member Farmer Fred Talks Politics Vol Iii
...Oakland County MI Democrats Republicans 20. 1,258,474 20. 434,148 56.24% 325,971 42.22% 16. 1,251,027 ......Read the rest...
Categories: impeachment, political,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Farmer Fred Talks Politics Vol I
...Farmer Fred was out in his field making inspection When I snuck up on him without detection I stated my greetings with great voice inflection Which caused Fred to jump in the opposite direction T......Read the rest...
Categories: impeachment, political,
Form: Narrative
Urgent Message To Send Mephistophelian Madman Back To Stone Age
...Though I wrote no book attention summoned to look at following--->>> Urgent message – to send Mephistophelian madman back to stone age predicated upon past and present, I gauge will offer ......Read the rest...
Categories: impeachment, abuse, america, bullying, conflict,
Form: Rhyme
Less Drought By Words
...The hoi polloi were inquisitive of pelting Forage famine and began to shrivelling Drought blanket and upon the entire bush The thatches restored ramshackle to meagre And starvation startling the ......Read the rest...
Categories: impeachment, absence, allah,
Form: Free verse
...Why am I for the impeachment of Biden, Harris and Pelosi? Reason number one Donald Trump was right our last presidential election was rigged in favor of Biden/Harris. For example in the State of Geo......Read the rest...
Categories: impeachment, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Beware America's Democracy
...When the erstwhile Tweeter-in-Chief vents It is "Freedom of Speech," a First Amendment Right When Democratic Party will "fight" tyrant-efforts Defense rests on moral equivalence, yet last night A......Read the rest...
Categories: impeachment, america, betrayal, christian, community,
Form: Epigram
Devine Comedy
...The divine comedy The comedy we make, I think of the US senate democrat speakers condemn speech in a theatrical way one of them broke into tears because his daughter I will not go to Washin......Read the rest...
Categories: impeachment, anger, anti bullying, anxiety,
Form: Blank verse
Watching the Australian Open
...You can keep your Super Bowl Or golf shows on TV. Watching tennis is more wonderful, The perfect sport for me. In Australia, the games are played With quite a meager crowd. Still, at least a ......Read the rest...
Categories: impeachment, sports,
Form: Rhyme

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