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Ignoring Poems - Poems about Ignoring

Ignoring Poems - Examples of all types of poems about ignoring to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for ignoring.
Premium Member I'm Not Ignoring You
Hi poets, I've not been ignoring you I've been battling the naughty germ, the flu Writing this just to say Feeling better today I'll catch up on comments. Merci beaucoup!...Read the rest...
Categories: ignoring, how i feel,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Ignoring
In that Judaean desert all alone For forty days and nights Jesus did roam He fasted on every day of the stay Ignoring all temptation sent his way. Though Satan tried in every way he could His efforts failed, as...Read the rest...
Categories: ignoring, absence, character, conflict, courage,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Ignoring Schism
The schism is forgotten on this day. Our insanity is hurried by the sun's sway. We stroll on the rocks without a coast. Clouds hurriedly come into view impost. When it rains, it soaks up onto the sidewalk. Passion is...Read the rest...
Categories: ignoring, analogy, appreciation,
Form: Couplet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

A Rant
What would I want to say, If I could rant today? Don't waste your time, okay! No hard feelings, my way, No need to be dramatic, Whinging is pathetic, Sniveling I ignore, my way, Ain't misbehaving, anyway, Don't snivel about chicks. Off...Read the rest...
Categories: ignoring, angst, appreciation, boy, conflict,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I Am Not Ignoring You
All alone in the middle of a crowd and I like it Because no one here can control the way I feel I just tune them out - and go about — living life - which...Read the rest...
Categories: ignoring, absence, introspection, social,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Ignoring Is Bliss
I shall not be moved to respond When hurts are hurled about, ‘Tis best not to waste my time Or even raging, in anger shout, For I shall hold my tongue, you see And think of lovely things. Best not to...Read the rest...
Categories: ignoring, anger, feelings, words,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Ignoring Many Facts
Many politicians vociferously lie Many politicians either hide or omit the truth Many times, I sit down quietly in a booth Enjoying a glass of chocolate mousse And drinking orange juice Serenely to listen and analyze many lawmakers’ words I laugh...Read the rest...
Categories: ignoring, emotions, imagination, leadership, nonsense,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I Heard
I heard a tiny whisper The word was very vague I ignored the tiny whisper Then it left my mind today. I heard more words resound It stated I must listen I ignored the words completely And like the mist it eventually...Read the rest...
Categories: ignoring, absence, birth, courage, death,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Ignoring a Poet
When we ignore a poet, it does not harm them. It simply means, we don’t value them, as sons of HaShem. (God) But HaShem, sees the purposeful harm you do cause. A poet writes, and you like a...Read the rest...
Categories: ignoring, absence, poets, sorrow,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Ignoring People On a Poetry Site
I thought I had maybe clicked to ignore six or seven poets on another site. Being open minded, and flexible, I was horrified to see I actually had blocked fourteen people who had irritated me at...Read the rest...
Categories: ignoring, poetry, self, writing,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Upper Class Clowns and Socialist Just Want To Have Fun While Ignoring the Blood All Around Them
Upper class clowns and socialists always whining from their crystal palaces. Fine dining ...greasy lipped pimps Lecturing the working man, on global warming, who just topped off their private ride with ozone poking jet fuel piss- Upper class clowns and...Read the rest...
Categories: ignoring, passion, psychological,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Are They Ignoring Me Or Do They Hate Me
Are they ignoring me or do they hate me? I ask my husband and he jumps on the band wagon. Is it you or is it me? We ask each other. Our imaginations take flight. Taking us to a...Read the rest...
Categories: ignoring, imagination,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member An Ill Fated Foursome
AN ILL FATED FOURSOME There was once a giraffe called Flashy, Had a girlfriend whose name was Sassy In addition, had a mistress called Trashy And the girlfriend, a lover called Splashy They romped and played all of the day, Not...Read the rest...
Categories: ignoring, animal, loneliness,
Form: Rhyme
Lost Feelings
Why would you waste my time My effort poured on you I give you all my energy, But you dont follow through You stop sending me messages, leaving me without a clue How am I supposed to know That your feelings...Read the rest...
Categories: ignoring, black love, break up,
Form: Free verse
Ignoring Grief
It's like wearing thick gloves and then touching the ice- you know it's c o l d but you can't quite feel the slippery smooth surface and the texture of the soggy wool that separ- ...Read the rest...
Categories: ignoring, death, death of a
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry