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Hugger Poems - Poems about Hugger

Hugger Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hugger to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hugger.
Premium Member my mother was not a hugger
a hug seems to always be welcome if the recipient is a child older people may be more hesitant, but they might warm up my mother was not a hugger; but I began hugging her when I...Read the rest...
Categories: hugger, mother,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Bear with a Banjo Tree Hugger
Bear with a banjo tree hugger Beneath the Banyan tree Barely beeps his bitterbugger Beyond barley’s bruised knee....Read the rest...
Categories: hugger, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Alliteration

Premium Member The Tree Hugger and the Lost Paradise
"The Tree Hugger and the Lost Paradise" They called her the tree hugger, her forest was full of trees that watched silently, they had no mouth to speak, rustling their leaves like fingers writing strange stories coded for decoding a mystery on...Read the rest...
Categories: hugger, dark, light, muse, mystery,
Form: Narrative

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Tree Hugger
If you’re going to hug trees you had best wear a shirt having really long arms knuckles dragged in dirt surely won’t do much harm If you’re going to hug trees then you’d best not mind bugs ‘cuz sooner or later they will...Read the rest...
Categories: hugger, love, silly, tree,
Form: Monchielle Stanza
Premium Member tree hugger
once a tree hugger from warren awakened from too much snorin setting out on a lark to the nearest state park he sent all the birds a soarin. ...Read the rest...
Categories: hugger, bird, funny, giggle, humor,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Bunny Hugger
Bunny  Hugger Life lover Death mugger Hope giver Low sugar Water chugger Love lugger Tree hugger Silly bugger Fun frolicker Food fantasiser Friend finder Hug holder Soft shouldered Money shrugger Deep diver Divine dealer Rift healer Hate hater Kindness creator Destiny developer Imperfect Father figure Occasional tent rigger Peace pursuer Joy juggler Plate wobbler Poetry writer Destiny...Read the rest...
Categories: hugger, beautiful, giggle, god, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Tree Hugger
Yes, I am a tree hugger And I do so love the trees. Trees give us negative ions; Oxygen to breathe. Lovely wooden sentinels; Our siblings are the trees. Though they have no legs to walk They move within the breeze. The trees...Read the rest...
Categories: hugger, appreciation, earth, earth day,
Form: Sonnet
Tree Hugger
I'm getting sick of tree huggers always hugging trees this kinda dumb seems pretty stupid to me i said trees aren't meant to be hugged dude he just turned and said screw you and then he said you're just...Read the rest...
Categories: hugger, abortion, bridal shower,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Tree Hugger
I’ll never understand people who destroy trees. Those stationary counterparts to humans, have so many stories and wisdom to share. Like the lines on faces; each limb speaks volumes, about its personality. Each curl, a journey; with each twist,...Read the rest...
Categories: hugger, nature, poems, poetry, tree,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Hugger
He woke and he got down on the creaking knees He didn't know if God listened but tried His grandson was in a coma and God was asleep But he said the prayer but was afraid...Read the rest...
Categories: hugger, devotion, forgiveness, loss, god,
Form: Narrative
Ramblings of a Confused Tree Hugger Part 14
the snow piled up quickly another day of waking to work I think I'll clean my house when I get home I've cleaned it 5 times already I don't know why nobody ever comes over after awhile you just say ...Read the rest...
Categories: hugger, animals
Form: Dramatic Verse
Ramblings of a Confused Tree Hugger Part 13
hey how you doing I know I know I was gonna call ahh just busy at the lab ya things are cool what it SUCKs I hate the snow I can't wait for spring morel mushrooms and oysters Noo I haven't seen him for...Read the rest...
Categories: hugger, animals
Form: Dramatic Verse
Ramblings of a Confused Tree Hugger Part 12
when I got to work today the lock was frozen I struggle,Finally I got the door unlocked then It dawned on me I haven't seen anyone or talked to anyone for two weeks now wait maybe 3? let me...Read the rest...
Categories: hugger, animals
Form: Dramatic Verse
Ramblings of a Confused Tree Hugger Part 7
I got up early to look for you the wind was blowing as it usually does in the morning by the clearing I thought I found your tracks but the snow quickly covered them when you walk through winter woods there is...Read the rest...
Categories: hugger, animals
Form: Dramatic Verse
Ramblings of a Confused Tree Hugger Part 11
I walked to work to day it was snowing hard I walked the road this time hoping to find you I was thinking your carcass would be laying there on the side of the road vulture food food for the worms...Read the rest...
Categories: hugger, animals
Form: Dramatic Verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry