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Honolulu Poems - Poems about Honolulu

Honolulu Poems - Examples of all types of poems about honolulu to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for honolulu.

Premium Member Too Handsome In Honolulu
Dear Blabby There is a matter I must get off my chest. I am due to marry in the fall, but now have cold feet. My fiancé is a lot brainier than I am....Read the rest...
Categories: honolulu, humor,
Form: Free verse
Pot Luck
The shade of a monkeypot tree Is as cool as the shade can be But monkeypod pox Can chill city blocks So please keep your distance from me! n.b. FIVE cases of monkeypod pox reported in Honolulu, where...Read the rest...
Categories: honolulu, health,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Honolulu
It's Honolulu, located on Oahu It's there just for you. ...Read the rest...
Categories: honolulu, travel,
Form: Senryu

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Pothole State Park
Honolulu's Pothole State Park Is a scary place after dark With potholes so deep Anything could creep From octopus to Great White Shark!...Read the rest...
Categories: honolulu, political, travel,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Honolulu Fire - New
fresh scent of his shirt, pressed to my nose — Honolulu fire frangipani and hibiscus passion (too hot for the millennials) fine-wine aged, luxuriant tastes. Oh, Babe! 3/13/2019 What I Love Contest Sponsor- Maureen McGreavy...Read the rest...
Categories: honolulu, age, passion, romantic love,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Homeless In Honolulu
This is a tropical paradise where many tourists meet. However, you will still see homeless people living in the street. These folks struggle to receive a handout. Each day is living with some considerable doubt. Survival means putting up...Read the rest...
Categories: honolulu, places, poverty,
Form: Light Verse
Honolulu Lawyer
There was once a lawyer from Honolulu Who always suffered from flu He never stood before the judge If he was offered a fudge And a ticket to the land of the zulu...Read the rest...
Categories: honolulu, people
Form: Limerick

Book: Reflection on the Important Things