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Homework Poems | Examples of Homework Poetry

Homework Poems - Examples of all types of homework poetry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous poem examples for homework.
It’s my graduation, What an awesome day, What can I say, Up a few steps, Then capped, Then down a few, Between me and you, All of 90 seconds No more, No fuss, no trumpet, No encore, I studied, I slaved, I cried, I worked through The night, For 4...Read the rest...
Categories: homework,
Form: Free verse

Rush Hour
I run to my next class with industrious speed, I have to make it before the bell Damn it, my car broke down the day before the deadline, what the hell I leap my body through the...Read the rest...
Categories: anxiety, funny, homework, humor,
Form: Limerick
How box and cupboard Amazing mousetrap entails A mind bewildered....Read the rest...
Categories: animal, creation, engagement, homework,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Crime and victim day and night
The name Scot denoting a man, combined with terra. Translated; Scotland.! a masculine descriptive will it be Banned.? By the idiocracy; with a non-descriptive..? Dystopian' most bland..The most disconnect could be Planned? To remove the (hate word) we know...Read the rest...
Categories: education, endurance, homework,
Form: Rhyme
My Dog Ate My Homework
I'm going to tell you a story, I swear its 100% true.. About what happened to my homework, and why it was overdue. You see my dog ate my homework, oh no! oh gosh! I stare at it...Read the rest...
Categories: childhood, dog, fun, homework,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Homework Blues
Homework building up under pressure to get done homework blues sets in...Read the rest...
Categories: homework,
Form: Senryu
Morning On the Grassland of Wollongong Cbd
Swallows fly and swallow flies While grasshoppers hide in grass hiders...Read the rest...
Categories: homework, bird, care, environment, flying,
Form: Haiku
From Whence Your Help Arrives 17
He awoke to the sound of the women working to prepare breakfast.He was so hungry he felt nausea welling up.Do you think I could have some more of that broth he asked.Not only was he...Read the rest...
Categories: homework,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member House
(H)olds memories, is a safe place, and could be an (O)asis on earth when it’s filled with much love, (U)nderstanding , and respect for one another (S)o one can go out and spread love and joy to...Read the rest...
Categories: homework,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member W Orld E Quivocal F Atuitous; Defeating'
My heart has been torn..My mind assulted; Yet the dust it Is settling, red dirt; black earth; almost grey bulldust.' I am In my dreaming.' Deep yet alert.' I'm singing in tune, to the Creak of existence's ancient...Read the rest...
Categories: homework, conflict, courage, devotion, heart,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Perils of Perfectionism
I skipped my knitting group two weeks ago alas, I had zero progress to show............. But I explained (it did fascinate her) knowing I'm a big procrastinator ;-)...Read the rest...
Categories: anxiety, confidence, friendship, homework,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Near Fall
Reading some homework The day seems like artwork Has the sky ever been so blue Three guys toss a frisbee perilously near me shirtless boys silhouetted in turquoise We’ve got our shades on We pretend not to watch em’ But we know they’re...Read the rest...
Categories: holiday, homework, humor, school,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Quiet
A place where peace and quiet always reign Where footsteps are hushed and voices so low It is perhaps the very last domain Bastion of silence where knowledge will grow. Library full of scholarly treatise Students are quiet the campus...Read the rest...
Categories: graduate, homework, silence,
Form: Sonnet
Friday is yesterday I am living in saturday Waiting for my sunday....Read the rest...
Categories: homework, art, books, fantasy, holiday,
Form: Free verse
squeezing of hard poop merciless pressure increase until the ears squeak...Read the rest...
Categories: emotions, homework, horror, hyperbole,
Form: Senryu

Specific Types of Homework Poems

Definition | What is Homework in Poetry?

Book: Shattered Sighs