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Assignment Poems - Poems about Assignment

Assignment Poems - Examples of all types of poems about assignment to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for assignment.
Five Years after the Last Flagging Assignment
The dryer hums, and my clothes are drying. It rained earlier, but now the sun is peering through clouds. As I awaken, the morning is still. I sit at a table in the front room and it creaks. When sifting through my...Read the rest...
Categories: assignment, age, home, memory, metaphor,
Form: Free verse
Your Assignment Great Expectations
I saw a movie today it was old and black and white Looking for a memory that never left my sight An old woman quite insane but less than fear and fright A subject in a story called Classic from another...Read the rest...
Categories: assignment, 12th grade, betrayal, discrimination,
Form: Rhyme

The Assignment
Kenya is a really poor country and you can easily buy any police person to kill someone..When some strong officials were threatening a senior journalist then there were some people Who were suggesting him to...Read the rest...
Categories: assignment, africa, betrayal, body, dance,
Form: Tazkira
Satan You Can Take Back Your Assignment, It Did Not Work
Satan, you can take back your assignments Tried to destroy me in all types of ways Using others to minimize me from day to day It did not work. Tried to kill me, In an accident It did not...Read the rest...
Categories: assignment, destiny, evil, faith, forgiveness,
Form: Free verse
Online Assignment Help
ASSIGNMENT HELP FOR STUDENTS IN AUSTRALIA We provide assignment help in different countries. is an established name in Australia and has already provided assignment assistance to hundreds of students residing in Australia. Our primary focus...Read the rest...
Categories: assignment, education,
Form: Free verse

Understood the Assignment
The Assignment The Assignment I understood Whether it was bad or good The Assignment was to do What I was instructed to do What happens if you don't have a clue How do you lean not towards...Read the rest...
Categories: assignment, art,
Form: Free verse
Covert Assignment
Spy game continues Disguise deceit cheat Expose leak tweet Do did done Under the sheet. Note. Everyone deserves defense....Read the rest...
Categories: assignment, betrayal, games, giving, gospel,
Form: Rhyme
Assignment Calendar
ASSIGNMENT CALENDAR by JOHN M. ARRIBAS JR I Know Not Where My Future Assignment Lies My Journey on Earth, a Welcome Surprise My next Venture Could Possibly Be An Endless Journey Throughout the Galaxy Or Maybe a Simple Plume of Smoke From...Read the rest...
Categories: assignment, allusion, destiny, fate, muse,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Exam Scare
helped to complete tons of assignments so he doesn't fail in the exam. ...Read the rest...
Categories: assignment, i love you, love,
Form: Monoku
Our ''Call of the Wild''
We know about wolves and dogs and their instincts. And we're all somehow genetically linked. What's the human's call? Something we don't think about at all... We want to be noticed or seen. Without knowing this, this is our routine....Read the rest...
Categories: assignment, animal,
Form: Couplet
The Circle of Life
Life is like a circle, It has no end, You can see it in the flowers, You can smell it in the breeze, You can feel it in your backside when you get a brain freeze, So, what is life...Read the rest...
Categories: assignment, art, death, deep, fate,
Form: Rhyme
I spent my day shopping for rubies Far East posting covert listing Mr Patwari’s emporium Assistants ever so obliging Hexagonal set quaintly bulbous does cheapen the overall effect Disappointedly I turn aside Mr Patwari, whose tone inflect Secretly, soft whispers in...Read the rest...
Categories: assignment, adventure,
Form: Rhyme
On Assignment
skirted, wind blown from afar I was not to be late for the affair bells struck midnight and there were two left in in the square twelve strokes to signal we...Read the rest...
Categories: assignment, art, smart,
Form: Burlesque
Premium Member Faerie Queen Assignment For Me
She was an ordinary forest until she wasn’t. I did not see her most magical tree until I was deep inside her oaks This glistening twinkly dazzling bright-lighted tree was next to the water I crept up quietly...Read the rest...
Categories: assignment, 4th grade, 5th grade,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member My Assignment -Based On Poem the Lesson By Maya Angelou
My assignment drill, exercise, practice… I live-Is to live this life, life that I live; I die-To be a sinner first straight out of the womb; I live-To repent one day before my doom; I die-My skin shall dry...Read the rest...
Categories: assignment, analogy, appreciation, birth, endurance,
Form: Free verse

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