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Healthcare Poems - Poems about Healthcare

Healthcare Poems - Examples of all types of poems about healthcare to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for healthcare.
Premium Member Are We Safer Now
Joy in mourning opens this new eye day. Am I OK? Healthy? Compromised yet survive able air inhaling "Death, tonight, or some tomorrow, my life's inevitable closed, no longer curious, final answer." Warm, wet exhaling, "My moisture, too, dying to reopen yet another deep breath resurrecting dawn." Is my heart still beating safe...Read the rest...
Categories: healthcare, dark, death, health, integrity,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member The Necromancer’s Tears
He weeps, assigned to mourn for others who Had none to mourn them, none to say goodbye, Those whose harm medicine can’t undo, Whose bodies he takes apart each passing night. He scrubs, a cleansing ritual, to keep Away the...Read the rest...
Categories: healthcare, health,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member And Life Begins Again in 10
Its only 4-2 and with nothing else to do I pen you a poem from my new temporary home I am in Grants Pass Oregon for 5 days a week And it's the temp home of which I speak I put...Read the rest...
Categories: healthcare, adventure, cancer,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

I Stuffed Their Mouths With Gold
Convalesced amongst peaks and valleys, Verdant and undulating over Afon Ebwy, I paid my way through the colliery With but a baker's dozen of years behind me. Seduced by the hanging-left red scare, I rejected ancient teachings and scripture For...Read the rest...
Categories: healthcare, care, health, memory, political,
Form: Free verse
Try, Try, Try
At night we're all alone in the black nothingness Of our slowly crawling mind We travel back to things done incorrectly or left behind. Once more, the feelings, ignore... To the racing thoughts , a blind eye... "Another day,...Read the rest...
Categories: healthcare, anger, angst, anxiety, devotion,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Let
Let politicians claim virtue, and abandon honest men. Let the poor inherit promises, and be comfortable servants. Let the famous enjoy advantage, and carry no favors in heaven. Let physicians prescribe hope, and a worthy price be paid. Let education forge solutions, and notorious...Read the rest...
Categories: healthcare, imagination, integrity, life, philosophy,
Form: Free verse
Web Based Emr
MediFusion offers free Web Based EMR software to assist healthcare professionals in converting existing forms, managing client notes, sending personalized reminder messages, and accepting credit card payments. Appointment scheduling, initial assessments, multi-provider practices, treatment plans,...Read the rest...
Categories: healthcare, career,
Form: Bio
Premium Member Concerning Healthcare
Concerning Healthcare Written: by Miracle Man September 17, 2021 People in power usually want to dictate, and expert minds change almost weekly. If on some subject which they can’t relate, they begin pushing their agendas discretely. But healthcare should be my...Read the rest...
Categories: healthcare, health, life,
Form: Rhyme
My healthcare plan is changing - We’re being reassured That doctors will, if we are sick, Still try to get us cured. They’re trying to convince us This plan will be so great We have no cause for worry Nor a need...Read the rest...
Categories: healthcare, health,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Learning Healthcare Systems
My educational system has a diseducating problem. How to engage young minds, like young ideas, easily distracted, and potentially miseducated, by vicarious and often trivial entertainments. Superficial disengagements too much the reverse of social capital investment in re-educating research fully engaged in cooperative design Therapeutic redevelopment plans by and...Read the rest...
Categories: healthcare, anger, bullying, caregiving, education,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Healthcare Civics
A natural/spiritual, multicultural, bicameral dialogue develops a healthy cognitive/affective individual, So too, development of a metaphysical system, is, through diverse seasons, creative and re-creative and pre-creative and un-creative and not un-creative in-between synthesis Of physical facts and metaphysically felt ideas out of which a new contagious healthy robust resonant resilient paradigm Emerges merges re-emerges pre-merges un-merges not un-merges democratically organic holistically...Read the rest...
Categories: healthcare, appreciation, environment, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Organic Healthcare Operations
Sogyal Rinpoche, and all the Rinpoche family before him, prescribes therapeutic merit of contemplating my Master's face. For ecotherapists the Master of Regenerative Intent is also Mother Earth's face, climate, multicultural health in ecological/theological harmony. EcoTherapists, like ancient saints and sacred scriptures, teachers and teachings, oral tradition Tellers and...Read the rest...
Categories: healthcare, caregiving, earth, health, light,
Form: Prose Poetry
No Account People
A pandemic common occurrence: Losing one's job and health insurance! The hospital count* Continues to mount Morticians wonder who is the dunce? * People without an income nor health insurance die at home or in the street, not in hospitals!...Read the rest...
Categories: healthcare, death, health,
Form: Limerick
100,000 and Counting
American healthcare is a joke Government play on too many folk Those who can't pay Die everyday Whilst Trump switches from Lysol to Coke...Read the rest...
Categories: healthcare, health,
Form: Limerick
The Endless Night: a Healthcare Workers Experience With Covid
In the middle of this Endless Night I wake up to wonder, "am I still Alive?" Even though I got better, Im so Dead inside Overnight they count 5 more Of my Dear friends that Died As I...Read the rest...
Categories: healthcare, anger, death, death of
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry