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Hardiest Poems - Poems about Hardiest

Hardiest Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hardiest to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hardiest.

Premium Member Painted
...Painted desert skies blanket the shifting sands. Hiding secret surprise in the quiet badlands. Hardiest creatures known walk the hot, scorching earth living under a stone proving their robus......Read the rest...
Categories: hardiest, color,
Form: Rhyme

Daily At the Mercy of Anticipatory Anxiety, Hence
...Daily at the mercy of anticipatory anxiety, hence... illogical and irrational obsessive compulsive exhausting rituals linkedin with cognitive dissonance (essentially unfounded worry birthed co......Read the rest...
Categories: hardiest, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
At the Mercy of Interminable Anticipatory Anxiety, Hence
...At the mercy of interminable anticipatory anxiety, hence... viz hitted courtesy debilitating one after another panic attack analogous being bombarded with flak worse fate then death or being ......Read the rest...
Categories: hardiest, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Why Spoiled Misses Princess
...Why spoiled misses princess... never wishes to awaken from pleasant snooze Appellation (with trailing switchback and/or additional colorful turns of phrases) emphasizing assigned nom de plume ......Read the rest...
Categories: hardiest, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
At the Mercy of Anticipatory Anxiety, Hence
...At the mercy of anticipatory anxiety, hence... viz hitted courtesy debilitating panic attacks Upon waiting for vehicular repair today November 19th, 2019 at: CJ'S TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES (......Read the rest...
Categories: hardiest, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme

The Shipping Forecast
...In homage to the waters around the UK and all those who sail them... Late at night and early dawn Like clockwork - every day are heard Those dulcet tones “set fair” to warn With poetic, most ......Read the rest...
Categories: hardiest, high school, jealousy, nature,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Winter's White Duvet
...Winter wears a gown of crystal and lace woven with ice and snow; and life shelters in place when Her frigid winds start to blow. She blankets all in a white du......Read the rest...
Categories: hardiest, 10th grade, beautiful, imagery,
Form: Rhyme
Powerful Shower
...It's difficult for anything to grow in completely dry ground hard earth crusted over gritty like sandpaper abrasive yet crumbling at mere touch unable to hold together or support weight ......Read the rest...
Categories: hardiest, growth, life, metaphor, people,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Loud Laughing Star
...There once was a loud laughing star Whose laugh was hardiest of har-hars, She was asked to be quiet Which she thought was a riot, So they made her into a headlight for cars.......Read the rest...
Categories: hardiest, 2nd grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Limerick
Creepy Girl
...she is a blatant caricature in loud technicolor her presence shouts sexual innuendo alluring with dark undertones her past shadows her every word like clouds passing over a weak sun she is the......Read the rest...
Categories: hardiest, angst, crazy, gothic,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Stay Afloat
... After Cain murdered Abel, and moved to the east, evil and violence continued and never ceased. The devil lives in the hearts of all men. I must tear everything down and start again. There i......Read the rest...
Categories: hardiest, bible,
Form: Rhyme
...Early in the spring the variable winds and rains fall heavy on grass meadows, Adding a spring in the turf, waking the mosses on stone walls and stone paths Purple stems of woodspurge hang in the wet ......Read the rest...
Categories: hardiest, nature, old, spring, old,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Space, a Tribute To Wagon John
... Featured Poem On Poetry Soup W/O 12/10/2018 I'm just a person not a tree to be climbed, Or trampoline to jump on when so inclined. A Frisbee I'm not, to be tossed in the wind, Or ......Read the rest...
Categories: hardiest, allegory, inspirational, me, nature,
Form: Lyric
To Be Loved
...Broken glass and shattered dreams Living a loveless life It cuts deep into the soul like a sharpened knife Blood flows from the wounds of living alone, wounds that only grow deeper and fester wi......Read the rest...
Categories: hardiest, life, lost love, love,
Form: Lyric

Book: Shattered Sighs