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Hanging Poems - Poems about Hanging

Hanging Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hanging to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hanging.
Premium Member Hanging On Butterfly Oddquain
Just sitting there...Read the rest...
Categories: hanging, emotions, feelings, humor,
Form: Other
Premium Member Hanging on for dear life
I held my breath — as Darkness crept — A fragile Thread — of Light — In Shadows deep — where Whispers dwell — I clasped — with all my Might — The Moments...Read the rest...
Categories: hanging, death,
Form: Free verse

A Hanging Fruit
In a lea, he saw a ripe, sagging mango fruitlet Fruitlet, he decided to approach, touch and pick Pick a fruitlet whose man he flouted Flouted owner but he knew he was larceny Larceny of a fruit, ripe or...Read the rest...
Categories: hanging, adventure, evil,
Form: ABC

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Flying leaves hanging on the trees
She sits green on a shy branch, pretty Soft red bill, her only vanity. He comes same, red rump, blue sapphire throat Their short sheepish tails cannot promote. Hanging upside down on a tree branch 'whatcha looking at?', their stare...Read the rest...
Categories: hanging, bird,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Hanging On This Impertinent Illusion
I've no strength left to keep fighting, motivation has worn off like stealth; voices have no happy sounds, faces are sad, nobody laughs... I'm a ghost wandering among the living; I walk past a cemetery, I smell death! Isn't...Read the rest...
Categories: hanging, allusion, anger, anxiety, death,
Form: Lyric

Imagine US Hanging Out on The Moon
We can be beautiful together like one of those vintage scenes your warm eyes and twinkling lights You can be the glowing paper moon in my black sky Cover me in your blanket of tiny golden stars You...Read the rest...
Categories: hanging, love,
Form: Free verse
Glimpse Of Laundry Hanging On Balcony
A scrubbing time's piece From dark cloth and pillow hugs, Well manners bleached on Smudge, gone moments by light that A blotchy face remembers. ...Read the rest...
Categories: hanging, angst, clothes, introspection, light,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Hanging On
I wanna retire but I’m barely hanging on. Lost the fire in my belly but I still log on. Working hard every day, dreaming to be free, But can’t afford it in this economy. Slaving in a sweat shop...Read the rest...
Categories: hanging, change, desire, freedom, friendship,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Hanging Out At Santa Monica Pier
Hanging out at Santa Monica Pier, wining in dixie cups, dancing in the sand. Chants of drink…drink…drink. I took no time to think…think…think. I wake up with a cacophonous surf, unlike the gentle roar of a seashell, and my head pounds,...Read the rest...
Categories: hanging, angst,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member HANGING ON
grey drapes the colour of my realm thick heavy fog pervades over my thoughts that wander to where I do not know i cannot see in bursts of silence i gasp for air a stagnant emptiness is all i find it boils it rages and...Read the rest...
Categories: hanging, dark, hope, silence,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Hanging by a thread
medulla snapped and in that instant our ego was detached from heart the head was floating in space connected to heart by neck hanging thus by a mere thread consciousness rooted in the heart we looked on at the strange...Read the rest...
Categories: hanging, i am, self, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Hanging on His Every Word
Love is hearing him speak A poet doesn’t know it Suspense killing me...Read the rest...
Categories: hanging, appreciation, boyfriend, cute love,
Form: Senryu
Hanging on the rope of lies
I’m hanging on a rope of lies hanging on for dear life. I don’t know what got me today but I gotta let go this rope is cutting me, deep in my hands with small glass...Read the rest...
Categories: hanging, anger, anti bullying, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Hanging Lanterns
Categories: hanging, light,
Form: Shape
Premium Member Hanging Beads
What is so special about these hanging beads…dance partners with the trees… dangling from our porch..swaying in the breeze? Is it the way they frame the view…how they’re pleasing to the eye how they illuminate the clouds or...Read the rest...
Categories: hanging, giving,
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry