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Escondido Poems - Poems about Escondido

Escondido Poems - Examples of all types of poems about escondido to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for escondido.

Quisiera ser
...Quisiera ser la chispa del primer encuentro, Cuando mi mundo cambió con tu mirada, El nervio en mi voz, el momento perfecto, Cuando te pedí que fueras mi amada. Quisiera ser el susurro del viento en......Read the rest...
Categories: escondido, boyfriend, cute love, dedication,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Eric Clapton Inspiration
...Eric Clapton (born March 30, 1945, in Ripley, Surrey, England) British guitarist who influenced rock. Later became a famous singer-songwriter. Clapton was born to a teen mom and a Cana......Read the rest...
Categories: escondido, analogy, appreciation, celebrity, history,
Form: Bio

Premium Member A Swindler In Toledo
...A swindler who frequents Toledo has Fools Are Born To Be Canned as his credo Scamming the mob by mistake he made a hasty break He now fences had soap in Escondido 2/7/22......Read the rest...
Categories: escondido, humorous,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Como Nunca
...Como nunca Hoje e sempre, na vida ou nos negócios trabalhe como se você não use dinheiro. Ame, como você nunca se tivesse ferido. Dance como se ninguém estivesse olhando. Dê - DOE.......Read the rest...
Categories: escondido, business,
Form: Free verse
Como Nunca
...Como nunca Na vida ou nos negócios trabalhe como você não use dinheiro. Ame, como você nunca se tivesse ferido. Dance como se ninguém estivesse olhando. Dê - DOE. Faça.......Read the rest...
Categories: escondido, business,
Form: Free verse

El Castillo De Dulcinea
...Cierro los ojos y los abro otra vez Ahí, ahí esta mi Castillo. Como en los cuentos de hadas, Quiero ser Julieta pero me siento como Dulcinea. Las cimas de las montañas están tan lejos, El paisaj......Read the rest...
Categories: escondido, conflict, for him, heartbroken,
Form: I do not know?
Nacht - Night - Noche
...Nacht Im Schweigen verborgen, die Nacht in Einsamkeit. Ein fernes Licht wandert langsam, verliert sich im Meer der Sterne wie ein Sankorn am Strand. Wiederkehrende Träume ziehen ins Endlos......Read the rest...
Categories: escondido, nostalgia,
Form: Free verse
That Blasted Halloween Lady Beetle
...that japanese ladybug, that harlequin ladybird, that asian lady beetle, that harmonia axyridis, invading, infesting, multiplying & spreading all over the inside of one’s domain (a lo largo de las gri......Read the rest...
Categories: escondido, life,
Form: Free verse
Am Grab Eines Freundes/ At the Tomb of a Friend/ En La Tumba De Un Amigo
...Im stillen Kornfeld dort, wo sie verborgen lag, des Schnitters Sense, da liegt jetzt sein Grab. Und nur der Wind verweht das letzte Wort, das niemand mehr vernehmen mag. Bezwinge deine Seele......Read the rest...
Categories: escondido, hope
Form: Rhyme
Jungvögel (German)/Young Birds (English)/Joven Pájaros (Spanish)
...Aus dem Nest im Baum Hungriger Ruf der Jungvögel Versteckt im Geäst Ruf aus der Einsamkeit vom Wald Der alte Hirsch auf der Lichtung --------------------------------------- From the n......Read the rest...
Categories: escondido, animals
Form: Tanka
Macchu Picchu (German/English/Spanish)
...Du Einsame, in den Bergen getrotzt, versteckt in den Wolken getragen vom Geist des Inka, hochgepriesen, wie von Geisterhand überragst du das zerklüftete Tal des Urubamba. Stein auf Stein, ......Read the rest...
Categories: escondido, history
Form: Prose Poetry

Book: Reflection on the Important Things