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Disturbing Poems - Poems about Disturbing

Disturbing Poems - Examples of all types of poems about disturbing to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for disturbing.
Premium Member This is Happy Land, The World's Playground
"Welcome to the playground" 'Ring around the roses. Ring around the roses. Ring around the roses. Ring around the roses.' Jack the ripper, he slept with a whore, and became deadly ill While his soulmate Jill became...Read the rest...
Categories: disturbing, birthday, conflict, culture, dark,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Disturbing Evil emerged
My terror began decades ago as I’d witnessed the plotting plans of taking a building down meetings conversations of how dynamite hand grenades including golf balls with draino finally dust pans to pour gasoline underneath...Read the rest...
Categories: disturbing, allah,
Form: Naat

The one-foot game
Bad people don't hide very well, they can't keep themselves from coming out to say hello. Eventually, they are caught. So, they make plans, let's call it a game. The 1-foot game. What is the 1-foot...Read the rest...
Categories: disturbing, angst,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Doorway Six - Disturbing Scifi
“F”, we’ll call him Felipe Felipe found a doorway he didn’t mean to he wasn’t looking for it and at first he wasn’t aware he’d gone through it but something was off shades of familiarity were centred off-centre ripples among ripples enticingly chiselled casting...Read the rest...
Categories: disturbing, life, missing, mystery, people,
Form: Narrative
DISTURBING Last night at the witching hour, I was woken from a dream By the sound of ghostly howling And a shrill primaeval scream. I opened one eye cautiously And there above my bed, A saw an apparition That filled me full of...Read the rest...
Categories: disturbing, sound,
Form: Rhyme

Disturb Me
I've got a heart that is racing I've got bones that are aching I've got a voice that is shaking. If you dare to call me your friend be prepared when you see my disturbances. Can you explain to...Read the rest...
Categories: disturbing, judgement, mental health, society,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member 'disturbing the Peace'
'A Disturbing Piece' Arrested, two bearded Jews, for 'disturbing the peace' with the news to those in an Israeli soccer dome Today is the Sabbath ~ Shabbat...Read the rest...
Categories: disturbing, irony, jewish, peace,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Disturbing the Peace
calm serene, smooth resting, reposing, relaxing breeze, waters; tornado, monsoon storming, stirring, agitating anxious, troubled turbulent written July 9, 2021...Read the rest...
Categories: disturbing, nature, storm, weather, wind,
Form: Diamante
She Is Still Disturbing Me
She is still disturbing me..... More than 5 years now and still I can see her face, her expressions, looks, her habits, her moves and could listen her voice clearly. Really don't know How? My dreams are not...Read the rest...
Categories: disturbing, 12th grade, cute love,
Form: ABC
He is disturbing when I use him When I see the hoe at my doorsteps I squeeze his morals in one word, "tyrant" My feet he eats greedily in gardens The energy stored he sips away How many innocent creatures...Read the rest...
Categories: disturbing, abuse, metaphor,
Form: Personification
Premium Member Disturbing and Perturbing Me
A passionate painter I’ll be Until you annoy bother me Actually so disturbing And now I do say with some glee Poetry writing is for me. Only slightly bit perturbing....Read the rest...
Categories: disturbing, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Tail-rhyme
Disturbing Career
This is a career politician The one who tells you, fluently what he knows not, promises what he can’t give, gives hope on the already. believing in shadowy ideology Its disturbing career in Africa...Read the rest...
Categories: disturbing, africa, political, satire,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Disturbing the Pen
DISTURBING THE PEN what creeps in? insanity of sorts, leaking in, instead of out. it dribbles out, like drool or frothing foam. it comes from the inner sanctum, barely a stream, scissors snip away at contentions, invention of hate. bitterness and cacophony invades. you toss and turn, laughing. like a crazy fool, do not turn over and...Read the rest...
Categories: disturbing, writing,
Form: Free verse
Perturbing and Disturbing
Perturbing and Disturbing Pleasant people will never be perturbing; Are always pleasing and not disturbing; Looked around, And I found, Unpleasant presence should be curbing. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: disturbing, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Disturbing Don Trump
Disturbing Don Trump To do some things we were reluctant Especially ones we found to be repugnant Between liking and disliking had a hinge Should I fully accept or take revenge. We took a chance and chose to compare And after...Read the rest...
Categories: disturbing, hilarious, humorous,
Form: Couplet

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry