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Brooklyn Poems - Poems about Brooklyn

Brooklyn Poems - Examples of all types of poems about brooklyn to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for brooklyn.
Premium Member Pave the Adirondacks
They told me, "Leave Brooklyn, find the green," "Head upstate, change the scene," Nature's arms open wide, So I took that long Amtrak ride. I knew there were bobcats, I knew there was...Read the rest...
Categories: brooklyn, nature,
Form: Lyric
My Brooklyn
There may have been neighborhoods with green lawns, playgrounds, and ballfields a short walk from houses with enough bedrooms for everyone. Houses that stood apart from one another, so owners could park cars in garages set towards the back and then...Read the rest...
Categories: brooklyn, childhood,
Form: Free verse

She Bleeds For Brooklyn the rest...
Categories: brooklyn, imagery,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Brooklyn Salt beef with onion sandwiches. Goat cheese made near the wailing wall The waiter is a scientist. Intelligent eyes behind thick-lensed glasses do not dare to leave a tip. The burden of my ancestors weighed heavy on my mind. The chicken soup was excellent I...Read the rest...
Categories: brooklyn, allah, america, chanukah,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member The Upper Room At Green and Grand In Brooklyn
A single blue bird perched above the rest Not all birds of a feather flocked together; Each mount with reverence brought comfort much closer, Time's passages once feared, held a single test. The test of a life time suited...Read the rest...
Categories: brooklyn, abuse, addiction, change, inspiration,
Form: Bio

Brooklyn, New York is my hometown, There's always something going down. So many different places, Religions, and races, Walking so fast you'll only get a glimpse of their faces. A huge melting pot located in the County of Kings, Where...Read the rest...
Categories: brooklyn, appreciation, childhood, city, happiness,
Form: Rhyme
She Bleeds For Brooklyn
She lives with low rent day dreams on no name backstreets. Dirty sidewalks made from quicksand concrete, There's no yellow brick road. In this...Read the rest...
Categories: brooklyn, addiction, depression,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Brooklyn Cyclone Number Nine
Brooklyn Cyclone number nine Is not ready to decline Clipity clop it climbs Into the blue sky where the sun shines Until it turns orange while enjoying evening wine There is magic in the air...Read the rest...
Categories: brooklyn, america, baseball, city, sports,
Form: Rhyme
A Mango Tree In Brooklyn
A Mango Tree In Brooklyn A mango is not only a fruit it’s an island An image of memories, it organic taste This represents the first bite to the last: Tracing back to its originality, Tropical warmth, which...Read the rest...
Categories: brooklyn, adventure, anxiety, appreciation, autumn,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Evening In Brooklyn
The former home of the Brooklyn Dodgers lives on! Some of my loved ones still live there Brooklyn has some things going for it Such as the great Brooklyn Museum and the Botanical Gardens Coney Island is...Read the rest...
Categories: brooklyn, appreciation, urban,
Form: Verse
Clothesline View of Brooklyn
Window viewing a wall knows no world other than brick square against nothing; laundry blows in the yellow tinged wind. Flaps mimic birds flying. Bras trapped by wooden pins, splintering. Grey points piercing smoldering dust and fiber on its way to the...Read the rest...
Categories: brooklyn, city,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Pulaski Street
tired, chain driven trucks  coal pouring into basements  ice up five long flights...Read the rest...
Categories: brooklyn, america,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Brooklyn Bound
White ... frost-clad cabled vaults - join thoughts to sky ... my city slumbers 'neath its cloak of snow. ~ 2nd Place ~ in the "Make It Five" Poetry Contest, Joseph May, Judge & Sponsor. ( Syllables = 1, 2,...Read the rest...
Categories: brooklyn, appreciation, city, imagery, metaphor,
Form: Tetractys
Brooklyn Noreaster
White Winter Comes with snow— Traffic’s banished, As wind plays the Bridge like a theremin. September 23, 2019...Read the rest...
Categories: brooklyn, snow, weather, winter,
Form: Tetractys
Premium Member Brooklyn Bridge In Winter
It's snowing on the bridge this winter day with a pathway of awe inspiring drifts __________________________ September 20, 2019 Poetry/Tetractys/Brooklyn Bridge in Winter Copyright Protected, ID 19-1182-583-02 All Rights Reserved. Written under Pseudonym. Written for the contest, Make it Five sponsor, Joseph May, Inspiration image...Read the rest...
Categories: brooklyn, winter,
Form: Tetractys

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry