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Best Monorhyme Poems

Below are the all-time best Monorhyme poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of monorhyme poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Oh, Weeping Willow
                Oh, weeping willow - friend to me

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Categories: friendship, tree,
Form: Monorhyme

On Mountain Nine
Running beauty rippled in crystal white
No whisper in the air, just a wondrous sight
My eyes ascend in awe to a far light
Small and empty observing...

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Categories: beauty, creation, feelings, heaven,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Humanity Keeps Bleeding
“Only the dead have seen the end of war.”

Politicians keep lying
Hate keeps breeding
Jets keep firing
Babies keep dying
Mothers keep crying
Homes keep tumbling
Hope keeps crumbling
Time keeps ticking

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© Silent One  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: humanity, introspection, war,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member I Am a Poem Popper
I am a poem popper

Poetry is the drug for me
A perpetual habit
Shared with select company

I am a poem popper

I have been since the age of...

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Categories: me, poetry, poets,
Form: Monorhyme
The Older I Get
I once heard the whisper of falling snow,
saw a spark in the eye of a coal-black crow,
felt the power and awe of a swift river's...

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Categories: allegory, angst, health
Form: Monorhyme

Premium Member View From the Prism of 'Ism'
socialism  communism  fascism   despotism
  buddhism  catholicism  hinduism  zoroastrianism  
territorialism  colonialism   imperialism  ...

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Categories: satire, society, truth, word
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Let's Rhyme
As night grows short, yet moon and stars are still aglow,
some sleep with dreams which to the world they’ll never show,
and others sleep with dreams...

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Categories: poets,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Cosmic Dreams
Be it evidence consequence or coincidence
Every night as I succumb to somnolence

Heavenly smoke rings of frankincense
Rise upwards with sweet opulence

Dulcet dreams inevitably commence
Without fanfare hype...

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Categories: dream, fantasy, night, sleep,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Lets Rhyme
As embers burn warmly at our campsite,
fireflies propel, floating like citrus in flight.
Crickets chirp in shadows of nature's delight,
composing sounds against a backdrop of quiet.


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© Silent One  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: appreciation, inspiration, nature,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member The Elephant and the Ant
There once was a little mighty ant
Who was extravagant and arrogant 
Known to be exorbitantly militant 
She was so combatant and petulant
They nicknamed her My...

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Categories: allegory, animal, change, cute,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Be Free, My Brothers
Penned like cattle, as if chattel,
     cages rattle, sounds of brattle,

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Categories: africa, america, black african
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Una and the Lion
This world of trouble soon will pass
For there beyond the crystal glass
A lamb and lion tread the grass
Beside a lass, beside a lass

This cord of...

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Categories: animal, girl, happiness, innocence,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member One Autumn Night
Beneath a moonlit black velvet sky
Where scarlet leaves from the Maple fly
On November’s  wind and breathless sighs
And a lone coyote’s distant cry
You and me...

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Categories: autumn, love,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Malimar
Inhaling, hushed, from hashed cigars
    my mind implodes in Malimar
        where Naiads bathe in caviar...

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Categories: fantasy,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member On Our Friendship For Jan Allison
You were eyes for the man I was - blind 
And always without strain you were kind 
Love from the heart with no edit of mind 
What a...

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Categories: friendship, love,
Form: Monorhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things