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Best Alternately Poems

Below are the all-time best Alternately poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of alternately poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Sherlock Holmes and the Mysterious Case of Appundicitis
A double sonnet in which the great detective and his faithful sidekick, Dr. Watson, alternately deduce the cause of Sherlock’s latest malady…

Part the first
Sherlock could...

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© John Watt  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: alternately, friend,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Aura of Haze
wrapped in summer's
aura of haze
an almost full moon
bursts forth and withdraws
withdraws and springs forth
plays 'peek-a-boo'
with this nyctophiliac...

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Categories: alternately, me, moon, night, sleep,
Form: Imagism
My man is Bluebeard
On this holiday for two
And I don't want to go
To spend every hour asleep or awake 
With him
His voice controlling every action

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Categories: alternately, bullying, dark, marriage, metaphor,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member A Perfect Day To Journey and a Perfect Day To Learn - Part 2
A Perfect Day to Learn 

We took our late lunch in a wooden cabin at the foot of the mountain where exotic foods in sumptuous...

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© Len Gasun  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: alternately, adventure, courage, encouraging,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Witch of Winter
Judging our tensile strength

As she furiously reams 

Nibbling away at our armor

Undeterred by wishes or dreams

Alternately pushing and pulling

Rending our world with her blast

Yanking us...

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© Cona Adams  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: alternately, january,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Soul Stance River - 14
6 miles up river Arikara are encountered,
they are a people of amenable disposition and are agrarians,
they chuckle with sympathy as we inform them of our...

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Categories: alternately, adventure, , cute,
Form: Epic

The Colder the Winter the Warmer the Spring
The colder the winter the warmer the spring,
Where from nature’s palette life’s colors are drawn—
Though mute I must be in my heart still I sing,

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Categories: alternately, allusion, change, fantasy, feelings,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Rwanda's Buried Calvary
A hundred days of tomb-like silence; a hundred days of blind eyes and deaf ears; a hundred days of wooden hearts and cruel minds. This...

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Categories: alternately, history, inspiration, life, race,
Form: Prose Poetry
Glutinous Rice Cake
28 March 2010

Glutinous Rice Cake

Just perfect to prepare on special occasion
Where bonding represents this kind of dessert
A tradition that passed through generation
Cooking this food...

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Categories: alternately, family,
Form: Rhyme
Christmas Without a Christmas Tree
Glittery Christmas
Filled cavity on my mind
Christmas ain't yet come


Sight flickering glare
Alternately trap my eyes
But shines ain't for me


Christmas, dear Christmas
Be the present of my tears

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Categories: alternately, family, sad,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Sprays of Flowers For My Woven Basket
Bathing in the afterglow of sunset,
nature’s inflorescence meadows charm tread.
Sprays of flowers for my woven basket.

Gleam before the blooms fade and all forget.
Lavender, Daffodil, Take...

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© Eve Roper  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: alternately, flower, sunshine,
Form: Villanelle
Premium Member Painting Dragons In One Stroke
“Painting Dragons in One Stroke” 

Beware of angels 
with big guns
falling for you 
they lose their wings
it’s like clipping nails 

they grow back again

the sun...

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Categories: alternately, muse,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Kind Mind Blast
Our topic for this morning
said Professor Glory
to her sleepy class of bicameral scholars,
is "Attraction v. Addiction to Peak Experiences."

Addictions are wanting more than attraction therapeutically...

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Categories: alternately, adventure, birth, change, community,
Form: Narrative
Attributes of Being Average
(alternately titled one me silly more till manufactured 
from go win addle American 
non refundable private parts) 

each set of twenty three chromosomes 
the basic...

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Categories: alternately, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Personification
Cumids - Fluid Cliques, Dynamic Realms
The greenness of their tall but human like bodies spoke for them most times when they talked, when they conversed in their Vegril common language,...

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Categories: alternately, discrimination, emotions, freedom, health,
Form: Haibun

Book: Reflection on the Important Things