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Ben Poems - Poems about Ben

Ben Poems - Examples of all types of poems about ben to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for ben.
Premium Member Come-Again Ben
The werewolf hunter came to town to help the people fight The moon was getting larger and would soon be full and bright Those vicious hairy beasts would savage townsfolk all night long But now they’ll find they’re...Read the rest...
Categories: ben, humorous,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member THE BEN!
Phonetically that’s what my name means in Japanese, I’ve been told. My name has a synonym. My name is in the Bible. Maybe one day, folks will say, ...Read the rest...
Categories: ben, crazy, me, muse,
Form: Bio

Premium Member Ben Franklin’s Proposal
They wanted the eagle as national bird. Franklin opted for the turkey, plentiful in his day, an easy shot and an easy meal. He had a point, of course. The eagle was a predator, however; a killer, a...Read the rest...
Categories: ben, symbolism,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member My friend Ben
Today, we gather not to mourn the passing of our dear friend Ben, but to celebrate a life that brought us immeasurable joy and love. In the words of an old adage, "As is a tale,...Read the rest...
Categories: ben, death of a friend,
Form: Elegy
Premium Member Ben Franklins Turkey
They wanted the eagle as national bird. He opted for the turkey, plentiful in his day and an easy meal. He had a point, of course. The eagle was a predator, however; a killer, a flesh-eater, a warrior. Yet it was...Read the rest...
Categories: ben, thanksgiving,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Relief - Ben Nicholson 1934
The dimensions revealed Covered over in white A hint of the layers Hazed with redirected light Some spaces to occupy Deliberately kept empty Some say I gave nothing Others see I've given plenty The beauty of silence Presented by this Stand still, close your...Read the rest...
Categories: ben, art,
Form: Ekphrasis
Premium Member At the Third Stroke
"At the Third Stroke. It will be four, four, and 40 seconds, precisely." "At the Third Stroke. It will be four, four, and 55 seconds, precisely." Old timers like me can remember when time was voiced on the telephone when...Read the rest...
Categories: ben, grandfather, time,
Form: Free verse
The Australian
Ben is Australian, a BBQ king, Burning and scorching meat is just his thing. He came from Aus some years ago, and met his own lovely English rose. He still has an accent, but has learnt to call...Read the rest...
Categories: ben, beach, best friend,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Hiku Ekphrasis Ben-Day
in half tones patterns of dots so densely packed...Read the rest...
Categories: ben, art,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Our Beloved Ben
Ben,our springer,brown & white Was our teen-daughter's delight; Bred by the famous Shand-Kydd Causing us to part with fifty quid. He soon grew,chewing lino & chairs Forever racing up our stairs; We'd no idea what he would become This stress-filled harum-scarum. A sporting...Read the rest...
Categories: ben, dog, pets,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Rightly Vexed
We know that the English are rightly vexed Queen Mary we bought; London Bridge annexed Big Ben's up for bidding So's the Thames, we aren't kidding Then London and Leeds and Stonehenge are next 11/23/22...Read the rest...
Categories: ben, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Judge Ben Mcwhorter
Here lie the remains of Judge Ben McWhorter He held court in Bourbon Street’s Latin Quarter When his wife discovered his debauched ways, She took appropriate steps to end to his days. Written July 5, 2022...Read the rest...
Categories: ben, humorous,
Form: Epitaph
Premium Member Until the Darkness Returns
Until the Darkness Returns David J Walker This is taking forever Said the wall clock as if annoyed by time Stop watching the time clock The stopwatch shouted ironically Unable to control itself Big Ben is the natural God...Read the rest...
Categories: ben, allegory,
Form: Rhyme
Ben Matlock-He Was the Best
Ben Matlock-He Was The Best Ben Matlock Attorney at Law Atlanta, Georgia, That’s where he was, y’all, He was one of a kind, Answers he would find, A hit series on CBS, His show reruns on Hallmark And MeTV, He never lost a case, His colleagues...Read the rest...
Categories: ben, humorous, murder, mystery, smart,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Please Pray Baby Ben Is On His Way Updated He's Here
Baby Ben is on his way ...Read the rest...
Categories: ben, birth,
Form: Rhyme

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