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Allegedly Poems - Poems about Allegedly

Allegedly Poems - Examples of all types of poems about allegedly to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for allegedly.
Sunday February 2nd, 2025 Groundhog Day
...Sunday February 2nd, 2025 Groundhog Day Location: Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. First held on February 2, 1887 prognosticating how many more weeks of winter weather without a shado......Read the rest...
Categories: allegedly, adventure, animal, anniversary, birth,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Martyred for Freedom
...Masha Amini was an Iranian woman who was kept captive in jail for clamoring for Women’s Rights. Later she died in police custody under suspicious circumstances. Her death led to widespread civil ......Read the rest...
Categories: allegedly, abuse, betrayal, leadership, woman,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member LAWLESS LAW'S
...Laws of Motion First law: An object at rest will stay there wondering how it got there while the object in motion will wander wondering how do I get there. Second Law: Force will often cause ......Read the rest...
Categories: allegedly, fun, humor,
Form: Prose

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Hat Stand
...Hat Stand I call my oak hat stand who I don’t hang hats on Mr Admiral Confused and also Not Able to Think With Clarity. The east corner of my bedroom was where my old hat stand alleged......Read the rest...
Categories: allegedly, humor,
Form: Free verse
...{"MY dance in the downpour was cut short, though, even for a second I felt my worries glide off from the tips of my fingers as the precipitation stuck against the flesh of my skin. My heart palpitate......Read the rest...
Categories: allegedly, absence, abuse, addiction, anger,
Form: Free verse

My Wife on the naval base And, in the bathroom Under the toilet was ... Your Cherry magazine I was a child No wonder why I do not trust you around MY WIFE You were married to my mother You were "allegedly" a pastor You were not You were a pervert No wonder why I do not trust you around MY WIFE You robbed the church and ran off Leaving me to take care of my mother I did the work to cl......Read the rest...
Categories: allegedly, anger, angst, cancer, character,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member persnickety aunts provide provocative audience
...persnickety aunts probably authored private annuals providing all plebes and prospects a polite answer allowing provocative avid public a peek at potential artistic playgrounds amid positive attit......Read the rest...
Categories: allegedly, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Alliteration
...DELUSION Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion But at first glance, any deeper meaning is not easy to see I assume such a saying should never lead to any confusion What ......Read the rest...
Categories: allegedly, introspection, wisdom,
Form: Terza Rima
Premium Member Weirdest War Ever
... In Gaza, Israel fights a weird war It’s not so much about eliminating an enemy as it is about preventing the enemy from killing the civilians it’s allegedly protecting ......Read the rest...
Categories: allegedly, surreal, war,
Form: Free verse
Leaving a book incompletely read tantamount to being sacrilegious
...Preface: On February 4, 1861, the seven states that had seceded by this point convened and created the Confederate States of America under the leadership of Jefferson Davis. Just under two m......Read the rest...
Categories: allegedly, absence, america, anxiety, baptism,
Form: Free verse
Groundhog day 2024 or Forty one days since 2023 Winter Solstice
...Groundhog day 2024 or Forty one days since 2023 Winter Solstice Rather than be a day late and dollar short, I opted to post poem acknowledging the second of February, where eponymous ground......Read the rest...
Categories: allegedly, adventure, america, animal, celebration,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Embrace Mystery
... Written: January 20, 2024 ___________________________________________ Sibylline stammer upswells I'd explore my innermost self My precious blue earplugs, which I drop......Read the rest...
Categories: allegedly, analogy, appreciation, childhood, heart,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Shrink to Patient
... Sir, the fact that you’re unsure of who you are, or why, and you think the world’s not far from ending, and your wife, allegedly, is having an affair with a teenager, and you’re in d......Read the rest...
Categories: allegedly, dark, humor,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Tiffany Brocade Taffeta
... Written: November 09, 2023 ________________________________________ An allegedly assured affix distracted by wistfulness to assess arousal of anguish, wherewith......Read the rest...
Categories: allegedly, analogy, betrayal, emotions, heartbreak,
Form: Free verse
Trade Winds
...Last call for alcohol, embargo on the cargo headed for Fargo? Bootlegging articles of? "ConfederationNow", Boot logger, droned Ov......Read the rest...
Categories: allegedly, america,
Form: Rhyme

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry