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Agra Poems - Poems about Agra

Agra Poems - Examples of all types of poems about agra to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for agra.

Premium Member The Pepperman Thought 01192023
Categories: agra, conflict, future, humanity, imagery,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Bulletproof Outback
... Numb to sun's torture, scathed terrain Syphons cynic's air, ribs poised Statuesque breath stoic barren refrain Skeletal inertia, rhythm devoid Famine implore......Read the rest...
Categories: agra, allusion, animal, anxiety, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Santa No More
...On this auspicious birth day of Jesus of Nazareth, A genus of my country - claiming - saviors of their faith, Took to the streets, burning the effigy of Santa Claus, Taking pride as though they ha......Read the rest...
Categories: agra, hate,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Vi Agra
...Her last name was Agra, I saw on the bar My nerves told me, I wouldn’t get very far But then I did spy Her first name was Vi I worried no more as we walked to my car A na......Read the rest...
Categories: agra, fun, humor, humorous, men,
Form: Limerick
First Poetry Soup Convention
...Facing the monument of eternal love Let all soupers meet at Taj Mahal lawn Situated in city Agra of beautiful country India On the eve of world poetry day Ope......Read the rest...
Categories: agra, poems, poetry, poets,
Form: Free verse

Memories - Lol
...Happy me! Dressed up in new pink sheath dress, embellished with white sparkles. Excited to flaunt it to lasses and lads. Quickly walked out swaying my tress. Inspecting eyes stared at me in a......Read the rest...
Categories: agra, 10th grade, adventure, cheer
Form: Verse
Holi For School Assembly In Alliteration
...Holi, a hearty enthusiastic festival in horizon Colours curdling, water washing every moron; Out of us evil ever going and playing on Land of character cherished by coloured lawn. What a scene to......Read the rest...
Categories: agra, color,
Form: Monorhyme
Quaint Treasure Trove
...An ivory castle of delightful dreams that holds on the memories of lost love. A token of remembrance, a golden requiem that is built on the wings of a mournin......Read the rest...
Categories: agra, lost love,
Form: Quintain (English)
Logo Streets
...Logo streets  Tarek Hassan I saw in Kathmandu in Nepal Hand-crafted paintings of the city, aesthetic artistry She did like him forgot Suddenly the door sound memory. I went to the In......Read the rest...
Categories: agra, art, bangla, beach, beautiful,
Form: ABC
Every Wave Has a Picture
...Every wave has a picture Sadek Every wave has a picture Endless wave endless picture Bring from the long life The known and unknown The seen and unseen pictures - Bring with the......Read the rest...
Categories: agra, art, beautiful, black african
Form: Classicism
You Must Go Back
...Do not go back he said and for what. To a childhood time many moons ago in Ireland In a field of cocks of hay and a very hot summer day Being stung by two bees on the palm of my hand as I pressed ag......Read the rest...
Categories: agra, family, funeral,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Akbar, the Great 1542 - 1605
...Can a man – all alone - foist a god upon his fellows Even if it’s only himself And they his subjects G.. is Akbar! Does the muezzin from the minaret of Qoutoub-Minar look up or down to the illitera......Read the rest...
Categories: agra, adventure, , atheist,
Form: Free verse
Pleasures of Moving On Moon
...Pleasures of Moving on Moon You have always charmed us by your beauty, O Moon, Sometimes fascinating Heer and Ranjha*, and sometimes, Mesmerizing Romeo and Juliet. Sometimes you have spread......Read the rest...
Categories: agra, life, love, mystery, beauty,
Form: Ode
Premium Member Epitome of Love and Romance-Win
...Shahjahan built the Taj Mahal, a mausoleum Situated on the bank of the River Yamuna, In memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz With whom he fell in love at first sight Espying her in a fair, enraptured by......Read the rest...
Categories: agra, love, nostalgia, wife,
Form: Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things