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Abominable Poems - Poems about Abominable

Abominable Poems - Examples of all types of poems about abominable to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for abominable.

Premium Member Abominable generation
Oh how loathsome are this generation.?? Who call Evil good and good as evil.' Who revel in perversions Causing hatred and all kinds of war' sowing dischord And envy here I name you..Davos-ites and parasites You smear bread of...Read the rest...
Categories: abominable, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Search For the Abominable Stogey
Whatever happened to the five-cent cigar Hah! Found one! Right next to the plastic pink flamingo ~ underneath my wet bar...Read the rest...
Categories: abominable, giggle, nostalgia,
Form: Light Verse

Premium Member Abominable Snowman Aka Bigfoot Yeti Sasquatch
The Abominable Snowman May try to melt into obscurity, Yeti remains a glittering star On the ecological ladder, After a very, very long climb. Yes indeed: Bigfoot is a leg-end In its own time!...Read the rest...
Categories: abominable, cute, fun, funny, humanity,
Form: Rhyme
Morning Star
The devil is in hearts of the many too afraid to be themselves That are first to face the tune of day's clock With wickedness thrained their dereliction can't stop They're prudently persistent about the way...Read the rest...
Categories: abominable, abuse, addiction, bible, dark,
Form: Rhyme
Oh, Corona the Abominable Demon
Oh Corona thou art the heartless, most...Read the rest...
Categories: abominable, destiny,
Form: Blank verse

Abominable Snowman
That iceberg epidermal cold wasn’t skin mythical Mean vanilla bean uttering was hardwood cord, like a pirate plank board Arctic words, cryo breath abominable — Crystalline cruel viper vapor violently falling like blizzard snow Sub-zero white noise, so cottonmouth cold-blooded, is middle...Read the rest...
Categories: abominable, allusion, imagery, symbolism, word
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Abominable
Abominable They seek him in places where often it snows To track down the footprints that show where he goes His liking for trees, of which pines are preferred Means snow falling from them makes all photos blurred This makes...Read the rest...
Categories: abominable, myth, mythology,
Form: Rhyme
Abominable Alliance
Thru horrendous acts of lore within the aperture of the Earth’s core Lays Evil of a wrathful whore to which you find stimulating and abhor Within frozen fear, you do attest as you suckle on the beastly...Read the rest...
Categories: abominable, dark, evil, halloween,
Form: Rhyme
Abominable Spring
After the long, nuclear winter blizzard, came the abominable spring Permafrost thaw of a frozen solstice ... irradiated human cattle grazing on the solyent green Radiation contamination was a growing hazard; mutating, red-blooded bluebirds fed on decayed, crocus flesh...Read the rest...
Categories: abominable, allusion, dark, horror, imagery,
Form: Free verse
An Accursed Abominable Deadly Epidemic
(alternately titled random axe of violence) I calculated an average of ~10.16.... deaths per year of mass school shootings since Columbine, a morbid benchmark where, iGen / Gen Z 1995 - 2012 bore significant hit, now students require...Read the rest...
Categories: abominable, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
The Abominable Love
Their hearts longed for each other’s touch An abominable love Bound by the shackles of marriage Limited to the region of Imagination Like desperate sperms seeking to be born, Their souls searched for a world where their love would be...Read the rest...
Categories: abominable, birth,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member The Abominable Snowman
THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN it started out white but the late snow was weeks old. results were a fright – those red pepper lips, corn teeth, tomato ketchup eyes, the tire-track forehead, the oil and grit in his cheeks – my roadside snowman. and those...Read the rest...
Categories: abominable, seasons,
Form: Tanka
an abominable monster an adorable man and a good little whore with a bible in hand came strolling along in tune to song until Winter said …. a birthday went wrong " yo merry! " and the tramp don’t know your dirty skirt drips from the...Read the rest...
Categories: abominable, passion, peace, people, me,
Form: Free verse
The Abominable Snowman and the Yeti
The Abominable Snowman and The Yeti Geezus ! what was that ! I saw something outside my cave And there the footprints leading away Across the white waste lands of snow They look kinda big For it to be me walking...Read the rest...
Categories: abominable, animalsgod, god, me, ,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things