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Abet Poems - Poems about Abet

Abet Poems - Examples of all types of poems about abet to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for abet.
Premium Member A Plea to the Lord
...*“As o`ver the stormy sea of human Life We sail, until our anchor`d spirits rest in the far haven of Eternity.” Robert Montgomery.” ************************************************************** ......Read the rest...
Categories: abet, faith, god, inspirational, life,
Form: Kyrielle
si tu t'appelles melancolie - oui tu t'appelles melancolie - oui if your name is melancholy, the scant tidbits I know of French. perfect cold day to down a cup of hot chocolate, java or joe in tandem with an intelligent con......Read the rest...
Categories: abet, adventure, angel, appreciation, creation,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Santa Limerick and Santa Jokes For The Holidays
...Santa, weighed four hundred lbs at his yearly check up. "The Kids bribe me Dr, with Burgers, fries and ketchup." Dr said, " That's a lame excuse, your eating habits, you abused!" "Doc, the reind......Read the rest...
Categories: abet, christmas, humor, silly,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

I Breathe Lies
...Betwixt our deceptive connection Lies told, to always end in I’ll never have a profound perspective As my skepticism results in your grin When our paths crossed Like two sailboats in a panoram......Read the rest...
Categories: abet, abuse, anxiety, dark, how
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Exploring the Depth
... Written: May 09, 2024 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Acquiring a partner soul entails a careful dive, In calm depths, their true nature comes alive. Only th......Read the rest...
Categories: abet, analogy, friendship,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Gun Addicts Despair
...Gun addicts sad and looking glum No lives were lost to guns today - No tallies to add to their sums, No reaper swaths with live......Read the rest...
Categories: abet, america, death, destiny, holiday,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Old Men Dream
...Old men promulgate warlike dreams; Alas, young men are sacrificed to abet their schemes.......Read the rest...
Categories: abet, how i feel,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Ultimate Metaphysical Base
...Written: November 04, 2023, For Jaymee Thomas Contest _________________________________________ Reflecting on this rip-roaring round adventure, Gazing into the dept......Read the rest...
Categories: abet, analogy, appreciation, creation, metaphor,
Form: Rhyme
Si Vis Pacem
...You see them loot on city streets, attack people and leave them beat, take what they want with no regard, it’s ‘easier’ than working hard. We see them take a human life, with no regard for peopl......Read the rest...
Categories: abet, evil, humanity, philosophy, political,
Form: Rhyme
Salt Eyes
...He sits hunched in his room, regular twilights, tries to erase the precarious voices telling him to leave, “Leave, my boy. This world is cruel.” So, he assents as there is no one to be bereaved. ......Read the rest...
Categories: abet, gender, loneliness, sad,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Yawning Gulf
...I stood on the tip of the top of the cliff and looked down, Though valleys seemed colorful, scenes deep down were grey and brown; A few freshwater streams were springing from filmy fountains, Lo, ......Read the rest...
Categories: abet, people, society,
Form: Rhyme
My Epitaph Writ Large
...My epitaph writ large... courtesy third person singular. Mise en scène pour décès pardon his feeble attempt at French, a unilingual English language quibbling, and scribbling mensch strongly ......Read the rest...
Categories: abet, absence, adventure, bereavement, blessing,
Form: Rhyme
The War That List Score -Pt2
...With no end in sight and a year has passed. Kremlin won’t admit their forces are gassed. So they keep their foot on the wrong pedal. Exhausting their labor and supply of metal. Playing chic......Read the rest...
Categories: abet, anti bullying, conflict, corruption,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Wind Melody
...Wood's voices are loud, and the wind is weary. It hurts and hurts as the fall leaves turn dreary. On the saffron-robed eastern dark tally swarm. Sheets dropped in a thin line from a ma......Read the rest...
Categories: abet, analogy, autumn, beauty, snow,
Form: Quatrain
Bark of a Rabid Dog
...A chameleon can change his name many times But it won't free him from the guilt of his crimes He hides behind fake names To play malicious games A gutter snipe who'd dance for nickles and......Read the rest...
Categories: abet, perspective,
Form: Limerick

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry