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Poems by Seth Diamond

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Below are poems written by United States poet Seth Diamond. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Seth Diamond.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
04/20/2020 Plague of Madness 731 Rhyme
12/25/2019 Helen of Christmas 1120 Rhyme
09/30/2019 That That 1530 Rhyme
07/02/2019 A Maiden, Crone and Goddess 2300 Rhyme
04/11/2019 Bougainvillea 1279 Free verse
04/11/2019 Amphetamine 596 Rhyme
01/24/2017 Empty Spaces 1441 Free verse
01/18/2017 The Witch's Lot 849 Rhyme
11/19/2016 The Waiting Game 1182 Rhyme
10/29/2016 Halloween 1258 Rhyme
10/24/2016 The Worst Poison 818 Rhyme
09/06/2016 Insult From Love 1100 Rhyme
09/02/2016 The King and the Cripple 927 Rhyme
08/28/2016 How To Change the World 1181 Rhyme
08/27/2016 Wives 905 Rhyme
08/26/2016 Writer's Block 1113 Rhyme
08/24/2016 Knowing a Trap 859 Rhyme
08/24/2016 The Call of Distress 866 Free verse
08/21/2016 Your Spirit His Grace 674 Rhyme
08/19/2016 Loose Change With Frayed Ends 672 Rhyme
08/01/2016 Regretting Cake 1575 Rhyme
07/27/2016 Loneliness 1229 Rhyme
07/20/2016 At the Footbridge 742 Rhyme
07/19/2016 She Is Two Saints 774 Rhyme
07/16/2016 The Misnomer Loss 1106 Rhyme
06/26/2016 Evil Is Everywhere 1037 Rhyme
06/17/2016 Inspirational Cavalry Speech 1115 Rhyme
05/25/2016 Surprise Attack 1068 Rhyme
05/22/2016 Love Letter To Marion 765 Rhyme
05/20/2016 What Scares Me 691 Rhyme
05/14/2016 Love Scene 843 Rhyme
05/12/2016 Marion's Narration 719 Rhyme
04/30/2016 Finding Your Way 1512 Free verse
04/29/2016 Halloween Girlfriend 604 Rhyme
04/29/2016 She Assassin 982 Rhyme
04/28/2016 A Tyrant's Respondent 1239 Rhyme
04/28/2016 She the Goddess 1045 Free verse
04/28/2016 What Rainbows Are 914 Free verse
04/28/2016 My Reform School 676 Free verse
04/27/2016 Falling Asleep Dog Tired 639 Rhyme
04/27/2016 Questions 949 Free verse
04/27/2016 The Poet 857 Free verse
04/27/2016 The Countess Close 2281 Rhyme



Quote Left On even the worst of days a poet can blame it on censorship. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left Any Irishman is half a Scot. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left Hope is giving up. It gives you a way out of your life's challenges and a gives you a false sense of security. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left A poem must be new, but yet old in principles. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left It's not only politics that makes strange bedfellows. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left There's more than one way to skin a cat they say, but they are probably all gross. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left I'm so rich I'm going to buy Saturn from Zeus. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left I wouldn't mind being played like a fiddle if the song sounds good. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left People will just not accept that blacks, Hispanics and women unexpectedly turned out in large enough numbers to hand Trump the decisive win. All people can do is stick to the rhetoric of the campaign. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left What's a man without a snarl; a woman without a pout? Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left The bar association is mainly a lobbying group, and since most politicians are members it's pretty easy to get laws passed that benefit lawyers. The result is an overly litigious legal system that destroys lives instead of creating harmony. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left The unprecedented vitriol of the latest election causes people to behaving in a baffled manner. Just as light is trapped in a baffle, election campaigning is trapped in the minds of the public against all common sense. November 13, 2016 Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left Europeans have no way to relate to American politics. They don't understand that there is no labor party. They don't understand voting third party is shunned. But they still know more about American politics than Americans. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left I am an avid stoicism advocate but it is hard to not want air when you're drowning. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left REGARDING THE ELECTION OF PRESIDENT TRUMP: Have faith that the founding fathers created a government of checks and balances to make sure no one could threaten the nation. Our forefathers also enshrined our fundamental rights in a Bill of Rights to ensure every minority and individual would be safe from abuse by powers of the government. Finally, please recall the little good done by our politicians, and that reason exists to believe Trump can be better. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left If you think feminism is beneficial to women then you ought to consider objectively the men's perspective. I've materially helped hundreds of thousands of women coast to coast and no feminist every helped. They are shallow useless complainers. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left Regarding Trumps presidential victory: You should reserve your passions for eminent dangers. We've been wound up for over a year due to this odd election cycle. We have to unwind especially to not let ourselves to be misled by our own passions. - Written the day after the Donald Trump victory Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left Resistance is an end in itself, for it better prepares us to do it again. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left Truth is like poetry. And most people fucking hate poetry. - overheard at a Washington D.C. Bar Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left There is a lack of empathy in our nation and the third and second world. Empathy is the deficit that caused war among our species. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left When I was a boy we would pick cicada shells off trees and put them on girls clothing, to which they would scream shrill and be upset. Now I wonder, what mechanism was that affecting the girl, for as a boy I know we would just look at it curiously and flick it off. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left Understanding physics and personality are alike in that applicators of the science need to understand how temporary and limited truth can ever be. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left Life goes fast and the world goes fast and I'm just trying to keep up. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left Has an agent of chaos ever written a constitution? Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left As long as I win it is not a game. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left friendship must dare to risk or its not friendship. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left If I had a simulation computer program with AI capable of reproducing our universe in all detail, then I would make a program to simulate Earth societies on the premise of empathy. If society becomes successfully adequate at empathy there would be no war, no famine, no mean parents, and no meanness to each other. Would some people choose to explore cruelty, even if only to explore empathy. Or worse, because they like it and cruelty is part of the human condition. That is a simulation I want. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left Learning the law is like learning chess. Fundamentally, you have to observe the repetition of positions until you master the topic so much you can improvise your own personal markings on the structure of the way things work. It takes a long time to get there, and if you can't contribute something original there is always the piano as a profession. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left There is a blessed side, and a cursed side to a buffet. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond

Quote Left Writing is a yin-yang thing. You have to wait for something worthwhile for the craft. Wait till you have something to work on, even if others call it procrastination. Then rewrite it. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Seth Diamond


Book: Shattered Sighs