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Poems by Kilalo Mwashighadi

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Below are poems written by Kenya poet Kilalo Mwashighadi. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Kilalo Mwashighadi.

Read Poems by Kilalo Mwashighadi

Best Kilalo Mwashighadi Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
09/06/2023 Creator 179 Haiku
06/02/2023 Arrow In My Quiver 355 Free verse
07/30/2022 Letter To Kenyan Voter 551 Free verse
09/05/2020 Prayer For Resilience 243 Free verse
08/16/2020 Mid Day Kiss 243 Free verse
10/01/2019 In Memoriam Great Uncle Patrick 706 Elegy
07/30/2019 Our Smile 308 Free verse
03/15/2019 Let Dawn Linger 333 Verse
10/25/2018 Broken Shell 422 Tanka
10/09/2018 Rain 408 Haiku
09/25/2018 On Missing a Wink 256 I do not know?
03/23/2018 Letter of Liberation To Kenya 404 Free verse
10/23/2017 Because You Live In a Beautiful Country 567 Verse
08/22/2017 I Chide You, Kirinyaga 467 Verse
08/07/2017 End the Blame 498 Verse
07/28/2017 Be Grateful 495 Verse
05/16/2017 Catharsis 410 Acrostic
05/15/2017 Portrait of a Caveman 531 Verse
09/28/2016 Bees 775 Free verse
09/20/2016 I Can'T Give Your Life a Meaning If Mine Is Meaningless 535 Lyric
09/06/2016 Plastic Democracy 655 Senryu
08/02/2016 Epitaph For Julia Wangama 759 Epitaph
07/15/2016 That Mountain 871 Free verse
06/29/2016 Down 485 Verse
05/05/2016 Forbidden 438 Monoku
02/16/2016 Letter To Kenyan Electorate 1764 Haiku
02/12/2016 Entwined 696 Verse
11/17/2015 Dot In Your Eye 523 Verse
10/30/2015 For the Birds I 832 Verse
09/09/2015 Outside My Window 885 Verse
08/20/2015 My Heart In Your Hut 541 Lyric
07/25/2015 Coming To Nairobi 765 Haiku
07/25/2015 The Cry of An Unattended Addict 555 Rhyme
07/13/2015 In Support of a Kenyan Teacher 4238 Sestina
06/05/2015 To Julianne 884 Lay

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry