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Poems by Paul E. Lake

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Below are poems written by Canada poet Paul E. Lake. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Paul E. Lake.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
05/05/2020 Fragile Beauty 144 Free verse
05/02/2020 I Am Here 133 Free verse
05/02/2020 Wake Up 158 Free verse
05/01/2020 Fearless 364 Free verse
04/27/2020 Distance 178 Free verse
04/26/2020 Spring 135 Free verse
01/31/2020 Choice 172 ABC
01/31/2020 I Am 212 ABC
01/29/2020 Forever 319 ABC
01/15/2020 Dance With Me For Life 188 ABC
01/10/2020 Insignificant 215 ABC
01/05/2020 Lonely 290 ABC
12/28/2019 Just Us 337 ABC
05/19/2019 Point Center 190 ABC
05/19/2019 Cold Rain 211 ABC
05/19/2019 Illusions 282 ABC
04/30/2019 You 275 ABC
04/30/2019 Poverty 432 ABC
04/17/2019 Perfect Love 273 ABC
04/04/2019 The Night 273 ABC
04/04/2019 Highest Self 264 ABC
04/04/2019 The Walls 183 ABC
04/04/2019 Genesis 227 ABC
04/04/2019 Formless 363 ABC
04/02/2019 In Love 269 ABC
04/01/2019 Purpose 253 Free verse
04/01/2019 Different 194 ABC
04/01/2019 These Eyes 326 ABC
04/01/2019 The Beginning 212 ABC
04/01/2019 Oneness 278 ABC
04/01/2019 Life 237 ABC
04/01/2019 Life Now 230 ABC
04/01/2019 Zero 220 ABC
04/01/2019 Emptiness 311 ABC
04/01/2019 Perfect 397 ABC
03/29/2019 Beauty 279 ABC
03/29/2019 Deja Vu 308 ABC
03/29/2019 Suchness 211 ABC
03/29/2019 Why Worry 231 ABC
03/29/2019 Higher Self 253 ABC
03/29/2019 Imagine 336 ABC
03/29/2019 Doubt 219 ABC
03/29/2019 Be You 259 ABC



Quote Left Our life is like a book with blank pages, We write our own story. Let no one write on your pages. Understanding, love, and be kind always. Paul Lake Quote Right
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Quote Left On one's path to wisdom and higher levels of consciousness, one should learn to ignore indoctrinated thinking and flow with natural law of the universe. Let not the sword of war divide us into pieces, the east, west, north, and south are man's illusions ... Life just is, step by step move forward, become fearless. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Paul E. Lake

Quote Left Your story must be written by you, don't allow others to write your story. Show your ability and strength in the moment. Your life your story Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Paul E. Lake

Quote Left Sometimes we are out of step and we just stumble through life, and sometimes we don't have a choice. And, sometimes we make a choice and spend a lifetime trying to convince ourselves it was the right choice, knowing is the difference between those choices is all that matters. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Paul E. Lake

Quote Left Deep Meditation; the ideas invoked in me are grand. Our world is in a continuous state of passing. Everything perishes. Only the universe remains, only time endures. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Paul E. Lake

Quote Left I am a part of everything, God needs me to express himself. Without me, without us God just is. Quote Right
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Quote Left Our lives are but a peephole onto the vastness of time. This soul, this infinite love is all we have. Quote Right
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Quote Left 2020 Let's move away from the habit of turning to others as our guide. Give intuition a chance, listen. Paul Lake Quote Right
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Quote Left The darkness can be lonely, It is when I close my eyes ... I know, there is no distance between us. ?? Paul Lake Quote Right
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Quote Left Mindfulness is a mighty force that will shatter and free us from the shackled and bounded centers of illusion. Paul Lake Quote Right
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Quote Left Beauty is not in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is that which beholds the eye, the heart, and soul. Paul Lake Quote Right
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Quote Left In one's life, in all life; we all are born in the circle of life. This is truth. In our climb to the top of the circle of life rather we climb to the right or left it matters not, for in the end we will all meet at the top. What matters is we show kindness, love, compassion and deep understanding toward each other; and most importantly respect each others path in getting there. Much love ?? Paul Lake Quote Right
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Quote Left True beauty comes from being connected to something bigger than our little selves. Paul Lake Quote Right
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Quote Left All we have is this moment ... Share the moment. Paul Quote Right
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Quote Left On the path of seeking truth One must eliminate all walls in the mind. Paul Lake Quote Right
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Quote Left Creating words for the sake of creating words is a waste of time ... Truth is not wordy. Paul Lake Quote Right
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Quote Left If you want the world to become beautiful ... First you have to fix yourself. paul Quote Right
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Quote Left I spent earlier hours doing yoga and meditation ... What an amazing world we live in. Paul Lake Quote Right
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Quote Left Do not let the outside world determine who you are; You decide that from within. Paul Lake Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Paul E. Lake

Quote Left By turning inward you can know and understand life. Paul Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Paul E. Lake

Quote Left Trust is always a leap in faith in something outside ourselves. Paul Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Paul E. Lake

Quote Left Long-distance relationships ... When love is real it will find away. Quote Right
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Quote Left An open mind is capable of anything. Paul Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Paul E. Lake

Quote Left A broken heart must remain open to mend. Paul Quote Right
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Quote Left Being open and honest disarms our enemies. Paul Lake Quote Right
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Quote Left In the silence of our despair, Smile The universe informs us ... learn to listen. Paul Quote Right
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Quote Left To be strong and enjoy the wholeness of life: One must accept truth Of our physical world and metaphysical world. Paul Quote Right
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Quote Left Let's not break our lives into pieces ... Live in the moment. Paul Quote Right
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Quote Left Relationships; do not divide your attention to many. Focus all your attention on love. Love the one your with. Paul Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Paul E. Lake

Quote Left Thoughtless selfish decisions Can lead to a lifetime of suffering. Paul Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Paul E. Lake


Short Stories

Relative Reality science fiction,
Capitolism moral,
The Circle of Life moral,
Dream of Dreams inspirational, mystery,
Hunger love, moral, mystery,
Wisdom inspirational, moral, mystery,
Creation love, mystery, romantic,
Free Thinking Mind inspirational, moral, mystery,
Depression, Dark Times love, scary,
See, Feel, Love love, romantic,
Science love, mystery, science fiction,
I Love Apples love, moral,
Open the Mind inspirational, mystery,
Confusion love, moral, mystery,
Be Kind love, middle school, moral,
Deep Understanding for teens, love, moral, young adult,
Wishes moral, mystery,
Different inspirational, love, mystery,
Possibilities inspirational, mystery,
Reality inspirational, love, moral, mystery,
Peace inspirational, moral,

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