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Acrostic Winter Poems

These Acrostic Winter poems are examples of Winter poems about Acrostic. These are the best examples of Winter Acrostic poems written by international poets.

Trick Or Treat
The darkness of All Hallow's Eve
Ring out this night of soulful bells
In-between worlds of dark and light
Celtic, priestly, celebrations
Kindred spirits fear mournful ghosts

Old church cemetery,...

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Categories: winter, 10th grade, celebration, dark,

The Life Acrostic
Lasting in summer's gleam, my childhood's delight.
In autumn's hug, I seek insight.
Fulfilling longing dreams, spring blooms lively.
Entering into winter, life bids me goodnight.

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© Gisli Nair  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: winter, autumn, childhood, life, seasons,

Premium Member February-Shadow Acrostic
Frozen drifts of snow will soon melt upon the high bluff
Ending Winter's hold, in time for warmer days of reprieve
Blooming will be a tulip, sprouted...

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© Lin Lane  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: winter,

J is for joy, the feeling of a new year
A is for adventure, the promise of the unknown
N is for nature, the beauty of winter

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Categories: winter, beauty, imagery, january, nature,

frozen in place - DAVE
rather brazen
occassionally broken
empath vibes…
nostalgic at night

imaginative, isolative, unpredictable
neglected in the cold for life

peace, come…come shine…
laced in loneliness, left behind
acknowledging the feeling of all alone
crimson remorse...

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Categories: winter, angst, hope, how i

Premium Member Winter
When all begin their meditation
In the cold and chill of night
No one knows better than Nature
The regrowth of strength and might
Even the frigid Fall winds

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Categories: winter, celebration, environment, nature, night,

Premium Member Frost
Freezing conditions, the ground’s now icy white,
Roads may be slippery, so take care on that hill.
Oh look, Jack Frost came to visit us last night,

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Categories: winter,

Premium Member Autumnal
All blazing hues throwing ochery golden gowns
Under azure blues with fluffy cotton wool clouds
Temperatures in dip feeling two seasons in meld
Undulations shape shift teasing ones...

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Categories: winter, autumn, beauty, color, earth,

Premium Member Mind Sets
Scarcely had dawn lit the town… 
Nighties hugged tight around…
Onlookers at an overnight transformation…
Winter wonderland’s aspiration!

People light the fire and consider…
Let others go outside and...

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Categories: winter, appreciation, people, snow, weather,

Premium Member Winter Blues
Winter’s calming twilight
Instills a sense of awe,
Nestling together in the quiet,
Trying to tease the fire to draw.
Ever in the solemn night
Reminiscing of the thaw.

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Categories: winter, blue, environment, fire, nature,



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Categories: winter, 10th grade, longing, love,

Premium Member Beautiful
(B)right sunshine paints the snow
(E)nlightening visions come alive
(A) winter day brings striking beauty
(U)nveiling the light in my soul
(T)rees bring delicate shadows
(I)nviting me to walk with...

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Categories: beautiful, day, winter,


Sing along the snow
Kindly with my skis
Ice in the roads
Icing on the roads is whiter
Not a single is colored
Gone are the days of summers...

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Categories: winter, rainbow, summer, sun, travel,

Premium Member Ski Freedom
Snowy week ahead and I shall ski,

Kissing clouds, where lifts deposit me to vaulted heights.

Ice-capped peaks, snow drifts, and speckled trees,

I consume nature's eye candy,...

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Categories: winter, america, blessing, courage, endurance,

Premium Member Skiing
S  kiing in this snowy week on icy stretches that endlessly sprawl,
K  eeping legs on the skis securely firm and standing tall,
I ...

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Categories: adventure, cheer up, winter,

Book: Shattered Sighs