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Water Buffalo Poems - Poems about Water Buffalo

Water Buffalo Poems - Examples of all types of poems about water buffalo to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for water buffalo.
Life Is Simple
...If you need me You will find me In the mountain Riding my water buffalo Flowing the land For the planting season If you don't see me there Go, search me in the web I'll be there writing T......Read the rest...
Categories: water buffalo, life, simple, uplifting, work,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member A Giraffe, An Okapi and a Wildebeest
...A giraffe, an Okapi and a blue wildebeest Walked into a bar hoping to have an horde ‘ore feast A bongo, an Asian water buffalo came in too. I’ve decided to sneak out. How about you?......Read the rest...
Categories: water buffalo, animal, fun,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member So
...Found a grey hair yesterday, it mighta come from the zebra. People – tryin’ to protect us –keep getting’ closer. One of ‘em shot Demitri when he got too close to them as they were trying to get cl......Read the rest...
Categories: water buffalo, life,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Two Chimps and a Jeep
...What is that roaring, throwing dust in the air like sta......Read the rest...
Categories: water buffalo, allusion, animal, car, humorous,
Form: Free verse
Longing For Absolution
...He spent the night seeking the smoke of the lucky for the things once known: the warm bed, the place to shower, the cup of hot coffee and the things unknown. He wandered deeper into the city wher......Read the rest...
Categories: water buffalo, longing,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Birds of a Feather
...BIRDS OF A FEATHER We The poets, and songsters, with pure hearts; Revolutionaries, whom have lived and died for truth will sit among us there. Birds of a feather flock together; Red ants ......Read the rest...
Categories: water buffalo, child abuse, deep, heaven,
Form: Prose Poetry
Anna Marie
...A beauty that keeps him admiring cannot resist the view Magnificence that continue blooming as cool as morning dew Picture perfect that is unfading as long as he is in love with you For Anna Marie......Read the rest...
Categories: water buffalo, beauty, imagination, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Karma
...sad eyes from deep within cold sockets He lay there in silence, concealed for the moment No movement now for about an hour and he had consumed five cigarettes handily. Geez he thought, enou......Read the rest...
Categories: water buffalo, life,
Form: Prose
The Escape From Finland
...The Escape When Rudolph the red nosed reindeer wanted to Be normal and join the flock on earth, Santa got depressed Sat by many of Finland’s lakes contemplating his life He too was tired of fl......Read the rest...
Categories: water buffalo, beach, conflict, confusion,
Form: Blank verse
Returning To Nature
...I had forgotten the spells that nature can cast But today I saw ducks floating on water carp and catfish below the surface and migratory birds by the hundreds flying over my hea......Read the rest...
Categories: water buffalo, environment, nature,
Form: Blank verse
When Sparks Fly
...Life cracks me up Throwing bricks at my face Dodging them through the paths of the wilderness Where the water buffalo roam Strangers make accusations or peek into business Where eyes will be destroy......Read the rest...
Categories: water buffalo, adventure,
Form: Free verse
Easter Reading
...Easter Reading In Lima – Peru- a hippo was pulling the tram car with its best friend a water buffalo. They had ended up here, far from Africa, after the great flood ebbed and had been blessed wit......Read the rest...
Categories: water buffalo, adventure, animal, humorous, people,
Form: Blank verse
...BALIKBAYAN Six months away to travel Home to a nostalgic place Where, once more, I'd be able to capture The free things: Mountains, pristine rivers, rice fields, fresh air, etc My relatives......Read the rest...
Categories: water buffalo, lifechildhood, childhood,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member My Zoo From a To Z
...Alligators, Aardvarks; Arctic fox and hare. Also Armadillos and Asses will be there! Bobcats, Beavers, Boars; One Blue whale will do! Bovines and a Booby (maybe 2)! Caribou & Camels; *Cavies & ......Read the rest...
Categories: water buffalo,
Form: Abecedarian
Premium Member The Last of the Ponycorns
...The baby ponycorn took a long drink from the Still water of the pond. The Enchanted forest kept her safe and sound Though the reflection in the water gave her Chills that nearly woke the unico......Read the rest...
Categories: water buffalo, fantasy, naturebaby, water, baby,
Form: Narrative

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