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Talia Poems - Poems about Talia

Talia Poems - Examples of all types of poems about talia to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for talia.

Premium Member Little Talia and her Toys
... Little Talia, so cute and sweet, Was so absorbed in her pursuit. She built a tower, high and straight, With colored blocks to her great delight. She sat surrounded by toys in an ......Read the rest...
Categories: talia, appreciation, fun, joy, kid,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A competent therapist and confidant
...Get help with thought patterns all new From the social worker guru Talia Green's expertise Helps seekers find peace And implodes thinking that's cuckoo......Read the rest...
Categories: talia, caregiving, community, universe, wisdom,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Super Confident Talia
...Talia is super confident like a spider. She wears herself inside out and backwards Trying to be unique But everyone copies her They mimic because of her sheer awesomeness She might become a de......Read the rest...
Categories: talia, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Happy Birthday, Talia
...Today is Talia Shire's birthday and she's turned seventy-four. She starred in the Rocky and Godfather movies and more. Talia Coppola was her original name. It's not surprising that she found fame.......Read the rest...
Categories: talia, birthday, celebrity, film,
Form: Rhyme
Roger Moore
...The sadness that we are feeling is too painful to ignore. People are very sad because of the death of Roger Moore. He starred as James Bond seven times from 1973 to 1985. All of his fans are mourn......Read the rest...
Categories: talia, celebrity, farewell, goodbye,
Form: Rhyme

A Child Lost
...Our child oh so dear Our love you have now and forever Though we never got to hold you near Forget you we shall never We miss you and always shall You are our baby girl Taken by a w......Read the rest...
Categories: talia, missing you,
Form: Blank verse
Kudos To Barack Obama
...yea tis history - that end gin shelled a mesh by mit Romney wailin such below figurative belt mortar attack subterfuge and constant railin per accusations hurled at barack Obama presidential campaig......Read the rest...
Categories: talia, black african american, courage,
Form: Elegy
So Easy a Caveman Can Do It
...Those people at Geico think that we cavemen are fools. We don't appreciate their condescending commercials. When I saw those commercials, I was shocked. They think I'm stupid just because I sleep ......Read the rest...
Categories: talia, funny, people, people, people,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things