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Startled Poems - Poems about Startled

Startled Poems - Examples of all types of poems about startled to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for startled.
Premium Member startled fox a mere kit
startled fox turns with his fluffy tail down His fur he wears like an amber kingly gown Against the forest wall, he gives so much color Hiding in the thicket is his older brother His teeth have barely come...Read the rest...
Categories: startled, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Flock of Startled Birds
A Flock of Startled Birds He had sat for an hour on a long, low, flat rock, He had checked himself over from bald patch to sock. His leather shoes burnished to a mirror-like shine, Tie ironed flat –...Read the rest...
Categories: startled, depression, memorial, mental health,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Startled By a Voice In Her Garden
Her garden faeries were more delicate than she remembered She delighted in their frolicking playfulness and sense of fun One flew pretty close to her face, almost touching her nose She smiled, loving the attention they were giving...Read the rest...
Categories: startled, garden,
Form: Narrative

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Pavlov got it right I feel, conditional behaviour we never seem to lose This one revisits sometimes for me and dog, but over time it seems to weaken Last year we walked away from our previous life,...Read the rest...
Categories: startled, feelings, history, psychological,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Startled By Sunsets--Haiku
Lanterns, ambered the room, Sunset smiles,late afternoon, Cat, waits for...Read the rest...
Categories: startled, imagery, summer,
Form: Haiku

Startled In the dark I fight for air puzzled at my sight I gaze with fear numbed with my mind slumped to their kind quiver in my being shiver what I have been wrestled from him strangled I slim am petrified I wait stupefied on me he weight he thrust his...Read the rest...
Categories: startled, adventure, blue, body, bullying,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Startled
An acquaintance and former neighbor I haven't seen for eons sneaks up and excitedly grips my shoulders from behind. The sudden jolt of electricity that was his hands! Oh, he got my attention alright! He scared the...Read the rest...
Categories: startled, emotions, fear, humor, remember,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Too Paralyzed To Run
Black silence wakes me up spooky feeling my heart beats eighty miles an hour who and where I am does not register hyper hearing kicking in fast heart fear noise sudden startles me outside door creaks too paralyzed to run I wait for it...Read the rest...
Categories: startled, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Tetractys
Premium Member Startled From Dream
Awake at three. Startled from dream state Why is heart beating so fast?...Read the rest...
Categories: startled, dream,
Form: Questionku
Premium Member Startled By Strangeness
Let me be open to be startled to let the unexpected in, to be surprised, astonished, shocked, wide open to action happening in peripheral view. Let me be open to strangeness by looking for difference and oddity with laser cutter eyes...Read the rest...
Categories: startled, confidence,
Form: Free verse
Were Startled and Cringed
Were Startled and Cringed We had become startled and then cringed, Loser Trump lashed out and was unhinged; We would wonder, About his thunder; His stupid hair looked ugly like it is singed. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: startled, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
The Startled Flight
"J'adore le genre de personne d'avoir une maison pleine de canines! Vouloir glissent sur les nuages en Berlin! Pour les nuages me guidera - vers un nouveau chemin! Les Montagnes et les vol qui ...Read the rest...
Categories: startled, adventure, allusion, art, beautiful,
Form: Epic
Tonight Winter Startled
Tonight winter startled It came unexpectedly Few people walked Below the gleam moon Shivering beneath their fur coat I stood trying to figure A black contorted portrait Drawed from the yellow dim lamp On a cold brown dune Which I stared As...Read the rest...
Categories: startled, bird, culture, dark, night,
Form: Blank verse
Now Like Startled Flowers
The hailstones pounded the window as violently,as if they had minds bent on killing;soldiers in rows and ranks rushing onwards; as each fell another and another took its place. Cold and mathematical they had a simple precise force and...Read the rest...
Categories: startled, butterfly, conflict, flower, nature,
Form: Free verse
Through the fog, I see shadows. Silhouettes of people or spirits. Like the cat that scampers when startled. Without haste I hide behind the sofa....Read the rest...
Categories: startled, funny,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry