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Sperm Poems - Poems about Sperm

Sperm Poems - Examples of all types of poems about sperm to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for sperm.
Sperm Whales
Sperm Whales From this Tuesday until I die sperm whales will no longer secrete the waxy stuff used in producing make-up. That’s why all the make-up wearers are no longer talking to sperm whales. ...Read the rest...
Categories: sperm, humor,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member sperm whales
What happens when someone falls out of love? Is there a single, frozen in amber, sanctimonious moment when you decide you’re too good for whomever - the falling-out moment - where imperfections are revealed like a magic trick? “Huh,”...Read the rest...
Categories: sperm, break up, humor, love,
Form: Free verse

A 55 gallon barrel Full of pulverized Oyster shells Mixed with wood ash And sawdust And porklard 55 gallons of Pulverized oyster Shells.mixed With basalt. Alkalinity Alkalinity Mind the Bushels bouiz Mind the Bushels!...Read the rest...
Categories: sperm, environment, future, ozymandias,
Form: Ballade

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

My Mother's Favorite Child
His black sheep Dark skinned, a chubby with brown eyes Hair so fluffy, as he wished it was blonde. Ugly to his eyes, even more pigchunky That even blows off my confidence I tried acting bubbly but her pain crushed...Read the rest...
Categories: sperm, age, anxiety, art, child
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Eugenics Benefits
Insatiable - Quest For Perfection historically From The Republic of Plato's Socrates Offspring with high intelligence, comradery Athletic, science minded, co operative Tailor made 8 cell diagnosis selects finest Anxious embryo developer keen to accelerate Pleasurable reflection held in...Read the rest...
Categories: sperm, baby, betrayal, corruption, dad,
Form: Rhyme

Dear Sperm Donor
Dear father I mean sperm donor I really can’t believe you’re washing your hands of me as if 14 and a half years wasn’t enough time without me by the way I'm 16 now for...Read the rest...
Categories: sperm, anger, dad, depression, love,
Form: I do not know?
The Little Sperm That Could Not Swim
Right off the bat he was ejected It was either sink or swim All the other sperms were in a cell One little sperm out of 1.5 billion Only a one time shot he had He tried to climb the...Read the rest...
Categories: sperm, birth,
Form: Free verse
Doing a Sperm Count
Doing A Sperm Count There was this old man at the family clinic, he was handed a container.... His doctor wanted to check on his sperm count number.... He was to return the next day after having done...Read the rest...
Categories: sperm, allegory, cheer up, confusion,
Form: Free verse
Alice Was a Lovely Little Sperm
Categories: sperm, fun,
Form: Limerick
Sperm Motility
nature's way of saying I love what you do with your tongue mom used to lick her hanky to clean my face I want to kill her aided by my only allies the hobo armies of doom resulted in a...Read the rest...
Categories: sperm, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
Suitor Sperm
suitor sperm stops tired ...Read the rest...
Categories: sperm, lost,
Form: Haiku
Active Macho Sperm
Active macho sperm told the passive egg I am turned on darling eggie are you on the rag? Eggie smiled and tumbled Sperm's bollocks are bumbled Eve pinched Adam's bum, " your dizzy balls sag"....Read the rest...
Categories: sperm, nonsense,
Form: Limerick
Elegy For the Sperm Donor
you said I could not cook it was an accusation a condemnation a comparison with your mother and other women of whom you approved. I did not meet the standard I was not womanly I failed all forms set by you, your family, the island never...Read the rest...
Categories: sperm, abuse, anger, bereavement, death,
Form: Elegy
Sperm Donar
How can you not love someone so innocent that we conceived? How can you sit there and reject your seed? She didn't ask to be here So why does she have to suffer by keep watching you disappear It...Read the rest...
Categories: sperm, father, love, time, drug,
Form: I do not know?
Sperm Donor
Thinking back To the past I always knew it wouldn’t last You were nothing more than a dumb ass With no class Just a clown Who wanted to sling his dick around All over town You used to keep me down What...Read the rest...
Categories: sperm, forgiveness, daughter, me, daughter,
Form: I do not know?

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry